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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Everyone's got at least one vote! Yay fairness~
  2. Lucretia watched the first matches, slightly impressed with Arcen's skill. She had seen Ormis fight previously, so she was aware of what he had to offer, but Arcen surprised her. She had dueled with spear-fighters before, and they were tough opponents, yet Arcen took his opponent out fairly easily. He'll be a good opponent, if we end up fighting. She thought as she watched the next match begin. She still had five matches to watch before hers.
  3. Glenn's and feaw's could go for either C or B in my eyes, it's tough because you can look at the Wyrmslayer, for example, which is very elaborate and it's only a C sword, but you look at the Hero Sword which is a B sword and it's not as elaborate. It's a tough call, it's probably based on voter's opinion at any rate.
  4. I'm in. 1) Borneo To this day I will say that the first season of Survivor is my favorite, and also the best. Not only did it spawn the birth of the series, but it also spawned the series' best and most deserving winner. Richard Hatch was the smartest winner, he knew how to manipulate people, and he played the game the best, in my opinion. 2) Outback The second season followed up the first in a very stellar way. Similarly, it proved that nice guys don't always (but sometimes do) finish last. Jerri Manthey also set the tone for the Black Widow/Femme Fatale archetype that would influence so many. 3) Micronesia Everything about this season was amazing. Parvati single-handedly reviving the Black Widow archetype, Amanda's Oscar-worthy performance, Natalie convincing Erik to give her the necklace, this season probably had some of Survivor's smartest (and dumbest) moments. It birthed Parvati as one of the smartest people to have played the game, and set her up for an almost immediate run in HVV. My one concern was that I predicted a "Favorite" would win from the outset, and I was right. I didn't expect the "Fans" to get as far as they did in some cases, but to see three in the top six, I applaud them. 4) All-Stars Call me a sucker but this season holds a special place in my heart, gogo Romber~ Rob and Amber aside this was a good season that was a healthy mix of people from seasons past. The one thing I hated about this was the mentality of voting out past winners, because I think otherwise Richard Hatch would have gone a bit farther. Otherwise I did enjoy this season a lot. 5) Pearl Islands Not too much I have to say about this season, it certainly had a dynamic cast. The "Outcasts" thing was a bit of bullshit, but it did give us more of Burton Roberts, which I did enjoy because he was entertaining. Lillian irritated me a lot, I'm surprised she managed to scrape by with one vote. Not saying Sandra was super-deserving, but she deserved it more. And Johnny Fairplay, in a nutshell, was certainly entertaining and devious. He was very disappointing in Micronesia, I was expecting more. that was a lot 6) Africa Minus Lex's psychopathic rages, this was an interesting season, in my eyes. Not much else to say on the matter. 7) China Ugh, Denise. Ugh, Leslie. Ugh, Jean-Robert. Besides the point, once again this was a fairly interesting season. I'm not a fan of the "final three" but this was by far my favorite season with a final three. 8) Tocantins J.T. <3 Well I did really enjoy when J.T. and Stephen tried to dig each others' graves in the finale, but J.T. was probably one of the best winners. He was strong both physically and mentally, and he really knew how to play all aspects of the game well. 9) Amazon It was a good season in my eyes, not much else to really say on the matter. 10) Vanuatu Oh, Eliza's jury speech. Another "not much to say" season, but it was good. It was in All-Stars' shadow which was tough but it pulled through. 11) Exile Island THE HIDDEN IMMUNITY IDOL, WHY. I will say this now, so I don't have to say it again I probably will anyway when I hit Samoa/HVV. I. HATE. THE. HIDDEN. IMMUNITY. IDOL. HATE HATE HATED IT. And I hated how everyone I hated always seemed to get it. That being said this was the first season with the "official" HII, and it was one of the best ones save for the three I mentioned above. 12) Guatemala Before HVV, Jeff Probst ranked his favorites and put this one near the bottom, with the likes of Fiji and Thailand. I don't really understand why. It wasn't the best by far, but there were many many seasons that were worse. There were some very annoying people on the cast, but I liked the idea of bringing Stephenie and Bobby Jon back, and they did it right. Of course, I doubt that Stephenie's actions in this season made Jeffy boy class her as a "hero" but I digress. 13) Paulau Hell, I felt bad for Ulong. I really did. They were a hot mess from start to finish, and they went through hell and back. Of course, the whole "hey Jonathan and Wanda you two didn't get picked so you're getting voted off now kthxbye" was dumb as hell. Oh, well. 14) Cook Island Putting the whole "race seperation" thing aside, this wasn't a horrible season. The early offs were irritating but everyone beyond that certainly wasn't a horrible person. minus jonathan This season is only low because of the final three and how Yul just annoyed me all day long. 15) Gabon SUGAR. GC. GILLIAN. KEN. CRYSTAL. SUSIE. UGHHHHHHHHH. 16) Marquesas Despite introducing Boston Rob this season was forgettable and a half. 17) Samoa RUSSELL HANTZ GO DIE IN A HOLE AND NEVER COME BACK EVER. 18) Thailand The only things I enjoyed about this season were the opening and voting musics, Helen's jury speech, and "bye-bye Denver Diva". 19) Heroes vs. Villians This season was WRONG, WRONG, AND WRONG. For all of the WRONG reasons. Only Parvati really made this season worthwile. Everyone else just failed. 20) Fiji Let's throw the world's worst personalities into a setting where some will have everything and others will have nothing! Then let's throw in people who call thesmelves "Rocky", "Dreamz", and "Boo" and make it hectic! Yeah! Great television, no? Not ranking the most recent two because I didn't see enough of them.
  5. This one's tough. A lot of good entries. I went with Glenn's but AK is a close second.
  6. No, I'm well aware. I've seen that episode a few times. Now when I think of that episode, though, I think of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogNemSsb_ek&feature=related On a more serious note, I also disliked Sugar. I didn't see any gameplay from her whatsoever, and most of her getting far was luck. Gabon in general irritated me, I remember wanting to stab Ken and Crystal for making it so far, GC was a pussy, and Marcus went home too early.
  7. Sigurd also flat-out destroys a majority of the enemies he's faced with.
  8. How long will that take? He has to fight Franz, Kyle, and Forde for a promotion item, because they can all get 8 move and run all over the map. Gilliam is fourth in line for a Knight Crest, and when will that even be?
  9. Oh Sugar. Why she was on HVV is beyond me. Jeff's reasoning in the intro was "she wanted good people to win". WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN I DON'T EVEN.
  10. All it was was "let's give Rob the money" for the whole jury, essentially.
  11. In the promotion editor it's (level-1) so you need to set it to 19, not 20.
  12. My parents and I believed the same thing.
  13. He also has two levels above her, which, with staff usage, is crucial. Not to mention he could pull off another level before Natasha joins (takes ten heals without entering any battles, doable in three chapters).
  14. This is my orientation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZX0lQEmeZg You can see my bed at 2:16! I'll be one of the crazies with whistles come August~
  15. Been there done that~ Now I get to be an Orientation Leader :D
  16. Lucretia ( reference: http://challonge.com/tournament/bracket_generator?ref=AREWOBXSDH ) "You! But I thought...Aren't your friends over in, like, Lushira or something?!" Lucretia was surprised the punk had made his way here. Nonetheless she didn't feel that being rude would get her anywhere, so she decided to answer. "Grant? We informed him of our situation, and we set out to find our friends, who happened to be here in Lazarynth." She replied. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a tournament to prepare for." She decided to try some quicker slashes at one of the sandbags. In a tournament of this caliber, she had to be quick and accurate. It didn't matter how strong her opponent had to be, she needed to take him down and take him down immediately. They said I was the greatest swordswoman in Miyako, and the greatest duelist. It's time to see if what they said was true. "Tournament Participants!" The booming voice startled all who were there. "The tournament will begin momentarily. Please look at the bracket and learn when you will be fighting. The tournament goes down the line, one match at a time. The first round will begin in one hour. The second round will be tomorrow, and so on." Lucretia noticed she was fighting last. It's a good opportunity to see the other fighters, and their potential. "The rules are simple. The fighters will continue until one yields or is too injured to continue. No killing allowed." Lucretia readied herself. She hadn't been in a proper duel in years, it was a good way to get back to something she loved without the pressures of her mother. -- Adano Having awoken from his nap, Adano felt refreshed and ready to head to the arena and watch the tournament. He hadn't seen a good duel in years, and he was itching to see the new young talent that existed. He hobbled on over, paid the entrance fee, and took a seat. The tournament didn't start for an hour but he figured he'd get there early and get a good seat. There were a few spectators in the crowd already, and he could feel the excitement in the arena. This was truly an event to watch. He relived his past when he was a famed duelist in Astarte. "If only." He sighed.
  17. Gilliam still needs to drop. His movement hinders him greatly, he's got shit combat in his first two full chapters (if he'll be seeing any), and he easily falls behind when you have Franz, who has better combat, and Vanessa, who dodges like a pro and flies everywhere. And when Kyle, Forde, and Ephraim join, he's outclassed by five units all with the same weapon as him.
  18. I'mma post this here, so I don't lose it. http://challonge.com/tournament/bracket_generator?ref=AREWOBXSDH
  19. Lucretia After taking a few practice swings, Lucretia noticed a few familiar faces. Ormis had just arrived, as well as one of the people that watched her fight her mother. Hmm...I wonder if I'll end up fighting either of them. She continued swinging her swords, enjoying the sound of them cut through the open air.
  20. They're very pillowshaded. There needs to be a difference between the flap (which is where the skin is) and the fur. Reference: See how there's a line between the flap and the fur? Even if you're not going for canine ears, you should still reference this.
  21. Lucretia Although everyone had left to find jobs, Lucretia had enough money for about a few days' stay, including meals. Figuring she could use some extra money anyway, she looked around and noticed a small arena on the outskirts of town. "Hmm, I'm sure I could make some money here." She said to herself. She was one of Miyako's finest duelists, and she figured after she defeated her mother, her teacher, she would be able to hold her own in the arena for a bit and make some money. She walked up to the registration desk, where an older man sat, writing down names and making up brackets. "You lookin' to enter, miss?" He asked, looking the girl over. In his eyes she looked like she could fight, but how well? He was unsure. "The entry fee is 20 gold pieces. For every win, you get that amount, as well as all of the gold that your opponent had." Lucretia mused over that idea for a moment. She was guaranteed at least 40 gold per win, more as she moved up in the tournament. "This isn't a fight-to-the-death tournament, is it?" She asked. "Nah, this is fair dueling only!" He replied. Immediately Lucretia took out 20 gold pieces and handed it to the man. "What's your name?" "My name is Lucretia." She replied. "Allright, Lucretia. You can head in this door and get yourself ready. The tournament bracket will be posted in an hour." She thanked the man and headed inside, where she was greeted with the sight of fighters from all shapes, sizes, and genders. They all wielded different weapons. She took this opportunity to polish and sharpen her two blades. Making her way to one of the sharpening tools, she took out Samadhi and Adyta and began to run them along the spinning wheel, sparks flying as the tickmarks from past usage disappeared and the blades were filed down to size. "Here we go." She said to herself as she looked at the newly sharpened swords. --- Adano Arriving at the inn, Adano paid the innkeep the fee for a room and hobbled towards it. Turning the key in the door, he opened it to find a solitary bed, a nightstand, and an armchair. Small, but comfortable. Noticing an arena on the outskirts of town, he figured he would check it out later, but he was exhausted from traveling, and decided to take a nap.
  22. [spoiler=Sheik] http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/217/1/b/Sheik_by_budgie.jpg Sigurd, looking manly~
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS870zCCAwM
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