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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Might as well throw down what I've got so far~ Expect many changes. EDIT: After some critiques from Seph, AK, and Lumi, I've made a few changes. Goals: Fix the fucking hair. Rework the hair shape. Make the hair and skin colors more distinguishable. JERSEY SHOREEEE this shit up.
  2. Lucretia "Y-You killed your mother?! Wow... but, why did you have to fight her? Everyone's... well, they're not doing very good. Carrion's been stabbed, Adrian's been burned and mangled a bit, and Ghideon's got a pretty nasty head wound... Ormis and I both have broken arms. I think Teis is alright!" "It's a long story as to why I fought my mother." Lucretia replied. "And if we could get somewhere to stay for the night, I could tell you all, if you want to know." She paused for a moment, again. Pausing seemed to be one of Lucretia's ticks. "Otherwise it's good to know everyone's alive. Injuries can heal in time, but death is permanent." She looked to her legs and noticed that some of the scars were visible to the others. Shit...
  3. Messed up? Just because the clothing's not something everyday people wear it's "messed up"? Ha. Ha. Ha. It's original and cleanly spliced. I don't see anything that makes it a big flaw.
  4. o.O The helmet...and the armor...amazing. I do agree that she can afford a bit more under-helmet shading. The angle looks a bit off, too, or at least the lips look a bit off-center.
  5. "Lucy!" She yelled, before tackle hugging the girl to the ground. "Where have you been?! I lost you and Aurelio after crossing the mountain!" Lucretia was on the ground, slightly shocked from the tackle hug, but still excited to find one of her friends. "It's good to see you too!" She replied, chuckling. "After we got to the inn I found my mother..." Her face darkened. "Then we fought, and I--I killed her." She just realized that she had never said it out loud before that she killed her mother. "Then I fell unconscious, but Aurelio helped me out, and we eventually decided to make our way here to look for all of you." She paused for a moment. "How is everyone?" She asked, in the hopes that everyone was all right.
  6. Lucretia (whoo other perspective) They arrived in Lazarynth quicker than expected. Standing at the edge of town, Lucretia looked around. It was fairly busy, with people all over. It wouldn't be easy. Aurelio had suggested the inn as a starting point in their search. As they headed in the general direction, Lucretia spotted two familiar figures walking out of the church. Is that...oh! It is! "Aurelio, hurry! I see Ormis and Amera over there, by the church!" She quickened her pace towards the pair until she was close enough for them to notice her. "Ormis! Amera! Hey!" She shouted in the hopes of getting their attention. -- Adano Adano arrived on the other side of town, tired but successful. He had made it to the other side of town. He decided to stop by the inn to get some rest before continuing his search.
  7. I overused Lyn too considering she soloed everything until I recruited Erk, and since he was having shit for level-ups and I forgot to buy him extra fire tomes Lyn soloed C8 as well.
  8. Hell, I know I'm nowhere near AK/Vamp/Waq/Lumi/Bwd/Dei/OTHER SPRITERS OF GREAT TALENT but I enter for the fun of things. :3
  9. If you're going to use FE8's borders you should also use FE8's colors, or use FE8-esque colors. That means more contrast between shades and more saturation in the colors.
  10. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/24/gay-marriage-legalized-new-york_n_884434.html?ir=Politics
  11. In any case, though, Joshua is consistently good against sword users, something very few units can say barring Franz, Ephraim, Cormag, and Duessel (having the speed to double/avoid or the defense to take little damage). Joshua's doubling early and he's doubling throughout, but by lategame he's not going to do a lot of damage to some of the units that start appearing more, i.e. Generals and Paladins. Bringing up this:
  12. Lucretia She felt herself being tugged by Aurelio out of the inn, after he almost got into a fight with the annoying kid. "He certainly was hotheaded." She said, almost arrogantly. "He didn't know when to quit." She lowered her guard a bit, assuming the kid wouldn't follow them any further. "Let's keep going, Aurelio. We need to find everyone else."
  13. To answer your first part, I am not being selfish in this, first off I'm gay and she's straight. I want this relationship to be either healthier or end, whichever is better in the end. We just talked on the phone, she saw him today and it's back in the cycle of he acted normal. They're actually talking on the phone now, so who knows. She told me though that she doesn't think it will last if he keeps it up, which I agreed with. I also informed her about the fact she texted me three times within a week and a half about him. She agreed that it wasn't good. That's what he was talking about. And she was unsure of the relationship because he was talking about marriage. She doesn't want to marry until after she graduates college. The way he mentioned the future was paranoid and unsure of what she'd do. He told her he was afraid she would find another guy even though she made it explicit she wouldn't cheat on him.
  14. I think it may happen if you AA a unit to level 20, promote them, and continue. I could be wrong, I've never actually done it like that before.
  15. //missed that the first time Here goes, I call it the Fire Brand. C level, casts Elfire from range.
  16. I essentially am on her side but I think she's being selfish and controlling at the same time. I'm trying to help her with her problem.
  17. You'll need Ike/Oscar A for earlygame while there's still lance users running left and right.
  18. Makes sense because after C9 they can be purchased in the Vendor, and every healer will be able to use Mend by that point.
  19. This, also because Joshua is a swordlock, which hurts him especially against lategame Generals and Paladins that he can't ORKO unless he's got some good levels and Audhulma. To echo your Saleh point, I agree, he has a lot of utility. He starts with Restore instantly which is good because there's a decent amount of poison weapons in C12 IIRC, and odds are Lute can't use Restore (Artur can maybe, and Natasha and Moulder are probably too frail to be that far up in the lines). So he's a strong candidate for a restore staff that he can get on T1 from someone. Sadly Elfire weighs him down but honestly it weighs everyone not named Sage!Moulder down, and Saleh is affected the least by it (his con is 8 and Elfire's weight is 10). He can use Thunder without AS loss though, and I'm pretty sure he still doubles the monsters in C12 except for the Mauthe Doogs, IIRC, but he has 26 ATK with Elfire which should OHKO them or leave them with roughly 1-2 HP. Without any weight penalties he starts at base with 39 AVO which can dodge most monsters with their lolskill. He has 8 base DEF, so he'll really only see hurt from Fetid Claws which are rare, and he doubles every monster who has that anyway. Looking ahead, he can use Recover as well as Restore at base, which gives him good staffbot potential. I'm unsure of how much staff uses it takes to reach B, but assuming in the process he gains ~3 levels, he'll average 16.9 magic, so he has ~8-9 range with Physic which we can get in the C14 Secret Shop. He'll be very useful in C15 because he can move freely and staffbot anyone who needs it, especially Knoll who has lolable avoid, glass cannons with their loldefense, and other magic users who don't have high avoid. He's probably going to get a lot of kills anyway because he can move freely, and he's better to take out the Wyverns at the top of the map and the Wyverns near Valter, because your fliers are probably not going to ORKO them except for Cormag if he procs speed. Continuing onward his utility drops a bit because of his growths, he averages at --/10 34.5 HP, 18.7 MAG, 20.25 SKL, 17.6 SPD, 14.6 LCK, 10.7 DEF, and 16.15 RES, which will be outclassed by Artur and Lute who have better growths, and especially Lute because she has a pony. I think Eir!Saleh can move, at any rate, above Lute (maybe Artur) because his contributions in midgame outweigh her while she's still going for self improvement.
  20. I've been giving her advice, and it's seemed to work, because she went two week without complaining about anything. But I'm just annoyed because it's not seeming to stop, and it's getting to the point where I want to tell her to just break up with him.
  21. I worked, and learned that I shouldn't work on Father's Day, because I get very angry, and people who go shopping suck~
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