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Everything posted by Shadowflare

  1. Nice, I was looking for something to binge play for a bit. This will work. Should be fun. :D
  2. The thing I find is that without the game breaking secret shop, knights are pretty useless in fe6 in general. Normally, I don't even use any of the knights or the cavaliers because the other units are just so much better. Gonzales packs a huge punch, and is pretty darn tanky if used correctly. Plus, he uses axes, which is heaven in Etruia. So great join time. In short, some characters are simply obsolete because others are just so much better. Then again, this is coming from a guy who uses Sophia every single run (just to spite the RNG) so I mean, eh. If you really want to grind up someone like Sophia or Wendy, go for it. Lots of TLC and stat boosters.
  3. Seth is power. Seth is a god. Seth is amazing. Seth hype is life. Hated Sothe. That's about it. No comment.
  4. Try putting it in the same folder as the assembler itself is located. So, the same folder as the standard library.
  5. If you want hell for fliers, have the sum of your nomad levels higher than the level of your peg knights around chapter 16. If you want a different kind of hell, one with status effects, have the fliers be higher level than your nomads.
  6. Eh, I was thinking it'd be pretty useful so that the AI has some kind of advantage when they just sit still.
  7. Eh, I kept dying on Yakuza. Took me a while before I figured out how and when to morph ball. Easiest boss was Nightmare though. Spam him with missiles when he comes up, and eh, easy. I only managed the 100% run once. Mainly cause it was my first time, so... I had to look at a walkthrough. The speedruns of Fusion that I've seen are really impressive though.
  8. The game itself isn't very hard... But 100% completion in under 2 hours for the best ending? Metroid Fusion took me... over a month to beat the last parts cause I wanted a 100% run. The techniques you have to perform are insane. Plus, what happens when you die? Restart!
  9. Hail the chin, welcome to the forest.
  10. I mean... it depends really. Death can add depth to your story, but it can also seem superficial and wasteful. For instance, take GOT. I'm not going to go into too many specifics, but... Stuff like FE4, GOT, and others have plots that revolve around shifting sides, and death. As Starlight said: There are certain themes that death can bring that other things in a story can't. Sometimes, writers/directors do fake deaths and such to get that effect, but they also want to keep the character alive, because they will contribute to the plot. And as Starlight said, you can't just throw death as you would shovel snow. It has to be timed, and keep in the flow of the story. TL;DR Death can be used to convey a variety of otherwise unattainable feelings and thoughts from the reader, but must not be used in excess.
  11. Okay, doublepost aside, I'm gonna finalize votes. So here we go, the team is. IN FIRST PLACE: L'ARACHEL IN SECOND PLACE: KNOLL IN THIRD PLACE: SYRENE IN FOURTH PLACE: NATASHA IN FIFTH PLACE: DOZLA IN SIXTH PLACE: NEIMI Well.. you guys sure love seeing me suffer. One flier, at the very end of the game, one beserker halfway through, 2 healers, no theif, but I can make do without, and the unluckiest and the absolute definition of a wimp, which I'll have to turn into gods. Aw well, I'll do it. Expect an update within the next 3 days, if I'm not busy. EDIT: Sorry guys, been really busy lately. Photobucket kept messing up, and dragging stuff in, or copy and pasting isn't working. o.o Working on a solution right now.
  12. Ten units is wayyyy too easy, so lets do 8 instead! This should spice it up a bit.
  13. Basicallly, except it activates on lances against mounted units if the unit that is using the skill hasn't moved that turn , sorta like Bishops with light magic against monsters.
  14. So... I don't know why I'm doing this, or how badly this is going to turn out, but... here we go! Okay, so, this is going to be a run of FE8 where you chose the units... and basically everything else too. And for some reason, I decided we can only have 8 units, including lords. Go figure. First off, the ground rules. I don't want all the cavaliers of Renais running about, and certainly not a team of trainees, so... With that said, get to it! I'll be going by popular vote, so the top 6 characters that get chosen.You can vote multiple times, but please don't spam the poll, just pick your 6. You guys also pick the route. I'll consolidate voting in 72 hours ish.
  15. I would love to see someone beat the entire game with just the lords and the two base archers, and maybe a thief on the maps where you need one. Just saying. Anyways, good luck, cause you'll definitely need it, especially if the poll has it's way.
  16. So the decimal value of the offset 8D00000 is 147849216. The max offset in a clean fe7 rom is... 00FFFFF0 or 16777200. I think this is right. Which means... the location doesn't exist. Try a lower number? Just a random thought.
  17. Ah yes. Definitely. It sounds soooo goood. I just love that song. Cause it gets you so pumped. As for the XII version, they overdid it. It was way too over the top with the high notes and stuff. Especially the main melody. THE MELODY :D Scours around for a MIDI to shamelessly insert into my hack.
  18. Does it matter? FE8's cast is OP as is. You've got Seth. That's all you need. And besides, unlimited training!
  19. To Zanarakand, Clash On The Big Bridge (The V version, not the XII version.), Dancing Mad, Blinded By Light, and One Winged Angel.
  20. Um... I know a couple things regarding size, but not much experience with using it. So take what I'm saying with a grain of salt. So, I know that the max an FE8 rom can go is 32 MB I believe. There's a patch somewhere out there that chucks in a bunch of extra space. However, there is a limit in the hardware, not the size itself. For instance, don't go putting a 14 part orchestra arrangement into your hack, cause the physical hardware of the game's engine can't handle it. There is a patch that allows up to 12 tracks, but only 12 sounds at a time. As for chapters and stuff... there isn't exactly a hard hard limit that I know of, but I would say a game should be no longer than vanilla FE7 if you don't want issues. Or as the above said: FEXNA/FEXP if you really just want to go full ham.
  21. I've had this one idea spinning around for a while. You know how sometimes your mounted dudes just rush the enemy soldiers (or vice versa) and they completely trash the formation? If there was a skill that had a 100% activation rate that would make it so that if a mounted unit attacked a allied unit with said skill, the allied unit gets an effective damage bonus. No matter what the weapon. I was thinking this more for soldiers/pikemen/halberdiers, whatever you call it. But yeah. Have a solid wall of infantry and watch mounted units bounce off. That'd be cool.
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