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Thor Odinson

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Status Updates posted by Thor Odinson

  1. I knew you liked her so despite me not knowing her at all, I didn't lay a hand on her.

  2. Check my posts. I never touched Vika.

  3. Someone random happened to be my second favorite character in all of FE.

    Can you please pick someone else random (besides Shanan)?

  4. What do you have against Lakche? :<

  5. FE11 Rescue works too.

    And I'm mistaken about Lucius's Res. It's actually 40, because I just remembered Raven is Ice and that's full DEF bonuses. +3. Yay.

    I'll have the next batch of cookies made whenever you need them.

  6. Yepyep. I won't forget my dues.

    Though I'll have Lucius and Pent close by with Restore just in case.

  7. Herp. *Drags Celice in too with his Tyrfing*

  8. But I have my personal Lucius, equipped with Aureola! I'll just hide behind his 30+5+7Res of manliness. +1 more for Raven support. That's... 43?

  9. That's the Lakche I used in my uber-favoritism run, where she faced single-digit-to-zero hit rates from everybody (the bosses from the last three chapters after I used leadership/charisma/lover negation). The only thing she can't do is fly, really. And walk on water.

    I like having private armies. But don't worry, I'll pay my dues.

  10. Well, my alter-ego would have access to the Harem Army, wouldn't she? She's probably leading the swordmaster charge because I'm too busy having Shanan do other things. And yes, she has the leg ring.


    Though if she doesn't count I can always hand Balmung to her brother...

  11. Well, I got Holyn!Lakche on my side...

    Yay for Balmung+Nihil.

    52AS GO

  12. You should do that.

  13. Harem Army. Since I made so many claims might as well put them too good use, right? 8D

    They can choose to deal with the Swordmasters+Heroes or the Dragonknights+Paladins.

  14. *Awesomeface*

    Well, its either that, or he can choose to deal with my Haremarmy.

  15. I have!



  16. I bribed...uh, paid him off in cookies too. You don't have to pay him at all. :3

  17. *Brings Narga a big box of cookies* Would that do?

  18. I'm confused and I want an explanation.

    Or I'll have to go out and buy plate armor for my legs. :>

  19. I live fairly close, but I take the bus and the bus comes pretty early, so...

    I walk home half the time. Takes less than an hour.

  20. Narga! What is this about my legs?

  21. I love my school for that. But hate it because I have to get up at 6 latest. owo

  22. I have to wake up early no matter what.

    School starts at, like, 7.


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