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Thor Odinson

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Status Updates posted by Thor Odinson

  1. I dunno. They don't really celebrate Christmas besides yay presents.

  2. What, no. It's all saturday. :3

  3. But there's more than just me taking the classes :3

  4. :3 That's good.

    I have a party at my art teacher's place. It's convenient that it's a saturday, too.

  5. Yeah. :3

    So how's your holiday been?~

  6. I'm still in school ;~;

    Mostly parties in class tomorrow though.

  7. Finishing up college apps and all. You?

  8. Pretty much.

    Alright, I'll talk to you later then.

  9. Half my army died. I intended it to be H5 Gaiden run at first, but towards the end I couldn't afford to bring useless people on field and so I kept to my main team. And totally warpskipped the last two chapters.

    The beginning was hard, but once you get a team going, it wasn't too bad. I used mainly the top/high tier units, so it was fairly good. The biggest pain was dragging ...

  10. What, no.

    I give Seth uber weapons and better caps.

  11. Wait, cheats? What

    I beat FE11 H5 on DS cartridge. No savestates. Constant restarts was a pain, and turncounts upward 60s. But I pulled through.

    FE6HM wasn't too bad. Rammed through with Rutger-Dieck-Clarine triangle and things died.

  12. It's just that there's a bajillion different ways to play FE, and I haven't even beaten all the hard modes yet. there's still FE12 Lunatic to go. And FE5.

    Plus I'm starting to hack FE now.

  13. I'm just lazy and procrastination-prone, haha. But schoolwork isn't too bad anyway. It's college apps.

    I actually play exclusively FE these days. I used to play a lot of Final Fantasy and Pokemon, but my friend took back his cartridge for FF and I got tired of level grinding in pokemon so...

  14. I want my Pallies to axe ;A;

  15. Seriously.

    Well, breaks are certainly nice. Mine doesn't start until the 23rd, though. >___<

  16. Part of me respects Eiri for her strength of character, and part of me likes her for that +3 ATK/DEF and some other nice bonuses she supplies Seth at A support. Ayra got first in best, though, and she's my favorite princess overall, so that's good. :3

  17. I guess it has to do with his combat a part of the time or something. I think it's IS being unfair to him, really, not giving him a promotion and making him seize all the damn villages.

    But eh. Eiri got voted second worst for Princess last round. She's my favorite female Lord too.

  18. For the lulz and nothing more.

  19. Happy Birthday :3

  20. Hm. That is weird. I have issues with animations, actually, as well. I tried to give Paladins Axes via importing the FE7 animation and Seth still only have map animations with his shiny new Tomahawk. I dunno. :<


  21. I think I clicked on it on accident.

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