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Thor Odinson

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Status Updates posted by Thor Odinson

  1. Two portfolios down, one more to go~~~~~~ ASDF

  2. D:

    Damn. I hate having to make up work. ;~;

  3. Can't. I'm killing myself with deadlines/procrastination. I HAVE to finish this drawing by 10.

  4. I don't even watch the show.

    I have no idea what goes on.

  5. I sing operatic musical and finnish power metal.

    I don't think poptastic American Idol would appreciate that.

  6. *awesomeface*

    Thanks dad~

  7. I just realized.

    It's February.

    *pays rent in cookies*

  8. I HAVE listened to Nickelback in the past. I know exactly what they're like.

  9. My metal guys are manrier.

  10. Yes.

    But I'm going to bed now. QQ

  11. Happy Birthday, man.

  12. 's okay. 'm too busy doing work to make banners.

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