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Thor Odinson

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Status Updates posted by Thor Odinson

  1. She's the English teacher I WISH I had.

    But no, she teaches a different period. My actual english teacher sucks.

  2. My shakespeare teacher is like that.

    She's great. OMG. Awesome woman.

  3. You are very very lucky.

    My other teachers are all pretty cool, at least.

  4. Yeah. Our teacher is evil. It's a regular English class and he treats it like college. Prepare us, prepare us bullshit!

  5. They never are. I still got essays I gotta write. Fun.

  6. *Brings Narga a truckful of cookies*




  7. Lulz.

    Kieran and his axes.

  8. Awww. *patpat*

    Well, your second choice, then.

  9. Good luck! :3 Hope you get in to your top choice.

  10. They're a pain in the ass, to say in the least.

    Carnegie Mellon, MIT, Cornell, Brown, FIT, RISD, and Cooper Union. You?

  11. IRISSSSSSS <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    Merry Christmas to you too! <3

  12. Merry Christmas to you too!

  13. Merry Christmas, man. :3

  14. Merry Christmas Kai~

    have fun in France.

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