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Thor Odinson

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Everything posted by Thor Odinson

  1. 120k feathers later... hoping to get 2 more of him on my way to getting ayra a wrath. He has over 80 skills, these are just what I run for arena. She's not quite done yet, I'm trying to roll her a wrath and I'm probably going to switch to a +spd slaying++, since it's only 2 dmg less than her blade but lets her proc regnal on counter without QP and frees her S slot up to running DD3, spd+3, or atk+3. Vantage is just a placeholder.
  2. @Ice Dragon something came up in another discussion and made me wonder, do you have enough data to figure out how the natures are rolled? like are they 1RN where each nature is pre-generated and stored as individuals to ensure equal chances between each, or 2RN where one is generated first (and if neutral it forces neutral, or if the other is the same stat that forces neutral) giving a higher proportion of neutrals? This would be especially helpful for some other projects I have.
  3. I mostly just auto my way through these days at like 110k or so bc i went ham for HM but anyway now sakura lancina bike and ayra all capped
  4. Any 4*Reins I get will be automatically prioritized over literally anything else until I hit +10. He has immediate claim to 20k feathers as soon as I can get them. He's +8 now. For others (not in particular order): -Merges for Olivia -Merges for Cecilia -Aether for Cecilia -Merges for Nino -Merges for Cherche -Raurdrblade+ for Leo/Lilina/Sanaki -LD3 for Olwen and Celica -Blarblade+ for Olwen and Summer Corn -Brave bow+ for Lyn and depending on if the free hero rotation changes or not by anniversary update I'm building -Sophia -Tsubaki -Stahl -Hana for mergeable arena bonus points. Otherwise I'll build out the new rotation.
  5. Saved up 170 orbs for this banner. I started off sniping greens, because I wanted Hectors and a Bunmilla and wouldn't mind a Deirdre, prioritizing green>red>others. First 80-90 orbs or so, nothing. Even got like 6 pulls straight with no greens. Then I got Deirdre. Pulled the red too bc I wanted Ayra and got Ike. Still had a sizable stash left so I keep going. Not too many orbs later, I get Hector. Then a couple of orbs later, I get another Hector. Damn nice. So I started pulling reds alongside the greens and I get to a set with 2 green 2 red and a blue. I pick a red. Ayra. Decide to full pull on the off chance I get a Reinhardt for merging. Fucking get Reinhardt. Only blue orb I pull I get Rein. Anyway, I got 2 hecs, an ayra, my first Di and a spare Ike, and my Rein's now +8. No Bunmilla, but I call that a win.
  6. Shiro would be the only one who could get me to pull, but I'm pretty big on Shiro AND I need a good excuse to pull blue. Haven't had one in a while and all the blue banners I would've pulled on lately have been eclipsed by better green and red ones.
  7. Highest priority is green since I want a lot of hectors. Just give me all the hectors. I also missed out on bumilla and wouldn't mind a deirdre either, since i didn't get her. When no green, I'm pulling red. Want more Ayra merges. if no green or red it'll be blue at low pity and colorless at high pity bc at low pity i want blue fodder and reinhardt 4*s more but as 5*s i'd rather get pitybroke by any of the colorless than any of the blues.
  8. I beat this with my standard team of Ryoma Rein Nino Olivia, but I thought I'd have some fun with it: Hoshido Family vs Hoshido BHB. Probably don't try this with your own lobsters unless he's as stacked as mine.
  9. To think a few weeks ago I got pushed out of T20 once because I couldn't get to 4920. New high score. Anyway, team's Ryoma(+1S), Reinhardt(+6), Hector (+2), and whatever askr bonus. Anna has the expensive shit like dual spur so my score will likely drop a bit next week since Alfonse and Sharena don't have that, but maybe i can at least get swordbreaker 3 for Sharena. I'm out of 4* Reins now, though. DB is a good banner to pull blue so i'll pull db with what orbs i can find after ryoma banner ends. I have a massive pile of Chroms, though, so I can start giving the trio aether too.
  10. So it turns out I didn't make a video when I beat it the first time well Ryoma x Reinhardt duo clear. Reinhardt has no A skill to mimic a neutral +0 DB3 Rein instead of +6 +atk and Ryoma is using Fury1 to revert most of his S rank bonuses while still taking some recoil. Fucking OTP, man.
  11. Hinoka was the second blue orb on her original banner on fliers gauntlet. Minerva was like, the second round of orbs on Battling Michalis, and on her BHB banner she was the free pull Hector was 66 orbs on Hero Fest 1 Celica is 32 orbs on her OG banner and most recently and importantly Ryoma on the first round of orbs on gauntlet banner, third red orb, +spd -hp motherfuckers
  12. So my favorite part is here i left rein in maria's range after he kills 2 dudes and doesn't even care about getting hit by panic bc he doesn't get a buff when he moves again anyway
  13. Immediately got distant def 3. Ryoma now hits 46/40/34 bulk with S/S bonuses, Fury, and DD3 against ranged. 44def/38 res if he gets buffs in those areas. Debating between Atk3, Fort Def, or Fort Res upgrades next. I'll run some calcs for hector wrt deflect missile to see if it's necessary if he just runs guard against rein/brave bows.
  14. Yeah, i did a max damage blarblade reinhardt astra on him too would've broke 200 dmg if i had blade+ but i can't spare the feathers and rein's not getting blade+ before olwen
  15. so i made soren oneshot (not oneround, straight oneshot) bk
  16. Units I don't have and want because I want them - Elincia - Delthea - Innes - Saber - All the bunnies Units I may or may not have and want for SI - Hinoka (have, but would like more flexible Hone Fliers slot) - Bike (have, but would like a couple of shittier ones for Steady Breath) - Neph (do not have, wrath pls) - Barst/Selena - Can never have enough Hinatas - More Hectors would be nice - a bunch of Tharjas for Raudrblade - Klein - Faye Units I want for merges - Ryoma x 10 - Reinhardt x 6 - Hector x 9, not including the ones from SI list above
  17. FE1/3/11/12: Minerva, Navarre FE4G1: Ayra, Travant and Finn are kinda tied FE4G2: Larcei, Shannan FE5: Olwen, Reinhardt FE6: Echidna, Cecilia FE7: Hector, Vaida FE8: Seth, Gerik FE9/10: Titania, Lucia FE13: Sully, Flavia FE14: Ryoma, Rinkah FE15: Mathilda, Saber
  18. Used my standard team to clear it as usual played enemy phase nino with S olivia, res+1 seal, and fort res 1 buff, lives both mages together with 1 hp hella
  19. Ryoma is a pretty obvious choice for me---not only is he my favorite character, but he also is a longtime mainstay of my arena team and also benefits from all his stats raised given his mixed PP/EP playstyle. I also S ranked him with Reinhardt since I use the two together all the time.
  20. Hector's like one of my favorite FE characters overall Go Ostia
  21. If you're in compsci I highly recommend getting a summer internship around breaks, and you can go for retail/fast food during the semester if the workload is not too bad. That internship experience is going to help a lot more in the tech industry, though. I work in tech and I've helped with the interview process at the places I've worked at and having internship experience definitely helps when you finish school and apply for entry level software dev. It makes employers more likely to consider you for an interview. It does help that--granted I don't know where you are, but around my area--software dev internships are paid, and pay really well at that.
  22. Map 3 is hella annoying so I pulled out 3 blade horses and xander Xander ended up killing like 3 of them, though
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