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Everything posted by DarkDestr0yer61

  1. Fuck. Thank you. (It was the turn thing in Gaiden if I recall correctly)
  2. I thought you're supposed to attack him on the 4th, 8th, 12th turn etc.... but I'm attacking him on the 4th turn and he is still sealing my attacks...
  3. Agreed. But hey, I wouldn't complain if TMS characters got in. I hate that, personally. I don't see why they couldn't make her a different class in Heroes... or hell, give her the option to be an archer in Echoes. I like how you think, but personally I want Axe!Anna
  4. I think the possibility is high, I feel like they would be put into Heroes to advertise Warriors
  5. The protagonist that has blue hair and a sword fights the bad guys.
  6. Faye being an archer in Heroes when she can't become one in Echoes. I know it's minor, but it gets under my skin so badly. WHAT THE FUCK GAME????
  7. In FE 1, the enemy prioritizes Marth 99% of the time. I've seen one time where this wasn't the case
  8. Nice! I kind of want to get it on Steam, personally, but I don't have a gaming pc built yet and that probably won't happen till December D: So I will probably get it on PS4 on release or wait and get it on Steam
  9. Oooooooooh boy. I am glaring at you so hard right now. Honestly, I feel like they wouldn't have just one of the Whitewings. I feel like they would have Caeda and Minerva instead. Which is fine imo.
  10. Did someone say.... bonding? But seriously, I want to see Chrom and Lucina talk to Marth because ancestry and whatnot.
  11. Honestly, I think its too early for "what if" scenarios
  12. Whoops. That flew over my head somehow. My bad
  13. Did I miss something? A 3ds version has been confirmed?
  14. Soledai, I *think* he was referring to TMS.... Anywho, kind of echoing what Quintessence and other people said. Tokyo Mirage sessions was still a great game in my opinion, probably one of the best games on the Wii U. And it didn't even include characters from my favorite Fire Emblem. Because of the game play was good and it didn't change because of the cast. That's kind of the point that I feel like Rey is making (correct me if I am wrong). Saying that the game "sucks" is a bit dumb when the gameplay won't change because of what games they plan on pulling characters from.... also I feel like it's way too early for people to start grabbing their torches and pitchforks
  15. To be fair, didn't they only have a characters from a couple of Zelda games when Hyrule Wariors came out? And then they had DLC packs for other games?
  16. Honestly, I am expecting Husbando!Marth if they do a groom banner.... idk what they are going to do with Charlotte and Cordelia's counterpart, husbando versions of Corrin and Robin sound like a lame cop out in my opinion, but I feel like having any other character would somewhat cause of a shitstorm because of people's views on what pairs are canon and whatnot. As for Lyndis, there isn't an avatar equivalence in that game, so idk. I can still hope for Husbando!Florina.
  17. LET THE WAIFU WARS BEGIN! Also I feel like it is some ironic twist of fate that Cordelia is a bride.
  18. 1. Either is fine, honestly. But I tend to drop both for 2. They are decent, but you will be fine without them. 3. Rolf isn't great. If you care about bow wielders, use Astrid. 4. Mist is borderline essentially for a boss later... but you don't have to beat that specific boss so.... 5. I don't really have advice 6. Use it to buff underleveled units 7. It doesn't matter imo. At the end of Chapter 17. 8. Use all 3 if you want. Soren has a rough start, but he gets good when he gets rolling. But wind is hot garbage. Illyana is decent all around, but I don't think her skills/stats are quite as good as Soren's. But thunder magic is the best. So make your own judgement from there. Calill is a goddess amongst men in terms of what magic she can use.... but she can't use staves. I like all 3 alot, personally. 9. Use both. No real downside imo.
  19. I am only Midway through chapter 3, but I pretty much like all the cast. The cast ranges from fine to great characters. I think Alm is a great Lord and Leon has a special place in my heart. The whole cast is great.....except Faye, I can't fucking stand her. Literally all she does is talk about Alm. And her C support with Silque put the nails in the fucking coffin. Her A support with Silque was the only thing that I have seen that is somewhat good. But to also add fuel to the fire, she's a pretty good unit and learns dope cleric spells. So I feel like I'm using her for usefulness alone. Bleh
  20. Conquest and Revelation have the Bifrost staff, but it is a lot more restricted than the Aum staff. But still, not many games give you the option to resurrect.
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