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Everything posted by DarkDestr0yer61

  1. Oh good. If it's around that time then I should definitely be able to watch it.
  2. I can't say I used Lowen much. But let's say Sain is amazing and super high level when you get him. Why should that stop you from using Marcus? Let's compare Marcus to Guy for example. Guy will have more speed than Marcus, but Marcus still has: More movement, more weapon options (plus higher weapon ranks), gba canto, and doesn't require a promotion item. There isn't really a a reason that "Guy should replace Marcus" aside from you personally want to use Guy (and hey, that's fair. Single player game and whatnot) or you want your team to be more than just Cavs. Even IF Sain was better at that point, Marcus is still more worth using than other units you get.
  3. A) Great Bases B) Great Availability C) Great Weapon Ranks D) Paladin
  4. I can accept Kid Goku since he is from a vastly different time period...... And GT Goku is weird. Cause I think he was a kid/adult hybrid thingy.... But you are right though. It is more Gokus to add to the Goku pile
  5. Idk how I feel about 2 versions of the same character. It always drove me nuts in the Tenkaichi series having Saiyan Saga Goku, Frieza Saga Goku, Buu Saga Goku, and SS4 Goku. Like freaking chill out... If they keep it at 2, fine. But no more than that.
  6. But why would a white person get offended by being called racist if they are not racist? "I hate how racist white people can be" "Uhm. Excuse me. I am not racist" Like.. if you're not one of them then obviously they aren't talking about you? At least that's the way I see it.
  7. I thought of something. When it comes to inheritance, I want the parents to be able to buy weapons they can't use. Like if I want Lex!Arthur, I want Lex to be able to buy Elthunder and pass it down to him.
  8. Fucking great. I am not going to spoil anything, but I think it is the 2nd boss of Chemical Plant where I was like "They have this as a boss fight?? That is awesome!" I suck ass at the blue sphere stages, I haven't found that damn 1st chaos emerald
  9. That's a....... poor way of thinking. Even if there is something to be admired from someone who "stands up for their beliefs"... you probably shouldn't be a proud to be a descendant of someone who is literally a nazi or shares other toxic ideology regardless if they "stood up for their beliefs". Don't blindly admire someone just because they are blood. (Not saying that is what you are trying to say exactly, but I feel it is something people need to think about
  10. Hey, I am not saying that you weren't busy with work. I know how that is, trust me. I am just saying that time zone differences suck
  11. I love Digimon! I am the most familiar with Adventure 1 and 2. But I think I've seen a little bit of Tamers and Frontier? They were fine from what I remember, but I just never took the time to watch them. It's really hard to pick a favorite Digimon, but I think if I'm going to pick a favorite line then I will pick Gatomon and her line. I like the designs for Angewomon and Nefertimon. I also like the game Digimon World for the PlayStation 1, it's one of my favorite games of all time.
  12. Limiting it to 5 is hard, so I'm going to do 5 goodies and 5 baddies. Also, the remaining Lords because fucking duh. Goodies 1. Ced 2. Reyson 3. Skrimir 4. Yukimura (Because shuriken cav) 5. Reina (Because bow flier) Baddies 1. Arvis 2. Travant 3. Callaech (or however the fuck you spell it) 4. Jarod 5. Monsters.... no seriously, why the hell not?
  13. When I hear "Mounted", I think Cavs.... the only female ones are Sully, Midia, Sophie (which I kind of doubt), and Peri..... Mounted could mean Troubadour, so that would be Maribelle or Elise (I personally would love Maribelle)... But if mounted really does mean flyer... then Camilla, Minerva, Caeda.... maybe Cherche? I don't think any of the other flyers have a chance of getting in. As for archers... Takumi, Jeorge, or Virion. I don't think any of the others have a chance
  14. Persona 4..... I'm not going to replay it immediately, but I kind of want to.
  15. It looks a bit visually bland at the beginning, but it gets better. I like the song. 7/10
  16. Not gonna lie, was confused at your answer because they originally said Cyas Is this dude even canon? 3/10 Lyon
  17. Lucius. It shares a similar name scheme with Lucifer (the fallen angel aka the devil) and it can also reference the character with the same name from Fire Emblem. Fitting since they both use light magic.
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