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Everything posted by Namarid

  1. Thanks for translating the convo. Kana seems a bit more mature and independent than I would of thought, also glad that the convo wasn't focused entirely on Felicia's clumsiness. A nice read but of course this is my bias talking.
  2. I know I won't be s ranking her cause marrying my cousin isn't something I would do. However I don't mind that they're cousins because it's not really a big deal and the game doesn't treat it like a big deal anyway so who cares.
  3. *Patiently waits for Felicia/kana convo*
  4. Felicia's voice actor did a superb job and made me like the character ten times more than the Japanese incarnation.
  5. Chapter 14 should of been a turning point for corrin. He realises that he can do things behind garon's back and then should of taken steps to do this. Make the rest of the game about getting support to defeat garon, not invading hoshido over some dumb shit. Maybe have chapters dedicated to assassinating the most needlessly cruel people in the army. Have soldiers in the army who are against garon ready to rebel when called upon. Would it of been so hard to have a dawn brigade scenario but with the royal siblings? These are all rushed ideas, but I think with enough polishing it would of been a lot better than what we got.
  6. You're scaring me. I hope that isn't the setting.
  7. Oh I agree. I'm just praying it's well written.
  8. Wtf. Seigbert and shiro team up to kill kana and shigure. Now I'm really interested. Sounds like I'll get an emotional and dark story,very nice.
  9. That kanna dlc looks interesting. I'm glad their trying to give some story to the kids, even if its unrelated to the main story. I think they played a new remix of lost in thoughts all alone as well.
  10. When nohr!corrin gained the balls to say fuck this noise and "exterminate" Iago's and Hans army. Also chapter 6 is really well done.
  11. Mozu was shown to be a merchant in cipher,so that could be taken as canon(even though I always thought master of arms makes more sense). Slightly unrelated cause were talking about fates,but cipher also had Cordelia as a dark flier despite her having a unique falcon knight palette.
  12. Male: Leo. An intelligent,pragmatic badass. Enjoyed his role on both routes. Love that he's magic oriented. Localized Leo has a great voice and great dialogue to match. He's become one of my favourite characters in the series, if not my favourite. Female: Felicia. I enjoyed localized Felicia a lot more than JPN Felicia. The voice is better,she's a bit funnier, has more fight in her and I find her to be very endearing and cute. Sorry Phillius. I used to be an Azura fan, but Felicia waifu is best waifu.
  13. It's about time. I really wonder why it took so long for the game to be released here.
  14. How could I forget,"Fall, so that others may live!". That quote is god tier
  15. I prefer English. Characters like kaze, Odin,Arthur, Felicia, azura, Niles, Leon and Silas are some of the notable changes that I prefer. Plus I understand what the characters are now saying.
  16. Kaze's "the pain will fade!". Felicia's " you're just a stain!" and " I' m gonna break you!". Leo's " I will erase you!". Takumi's "Allow me!".
  17. Wasn't it mentioned in the beginning of the game that the royals are way stronger than any common solider. If that's the case then they wouldn't of had that hard of a time against the royal army. In addition I think it's also stated that xander is the strongest solider in nohr, so corrin would of had some strong allies to attack garon with and it isn't as implausible as many people think. Granted they would of needed to convince xander which wouldn't be hard to do if they characterised him better.
  18. Wow. Ike had way shittier odds than I originally thought, my bad. Then I guess corrin's main problem would be getting support for his cause. Which he didn't... attempt...OK I concede, I can't defend corrin after that realalisation. That guy made some bad plays during conquest.
  19. I do feel agree that corrin made a really idiotic move by not talking to his siblings, however with the invasion idea I say it's mostly the way the setting's been built that makes it seem like their only viable option was to invade.Corrin is constantly reminded that defying garon equals death, which severely hampers what he can do. Garon's word is law, so whatever corrin disagrees with means nothing at all. The rebelling forces just seem like a minor inconvenience to garon and you actively take part in destroying the one with the most strength. Because of all these things I can't blame corrin for doing what he did cause the story has put too many restrictions on him to make other options not viable at all. In regards to the fighting against unfavourable odds point I do feel that the story should of taken this route. However it would of taken a lot of work to make it not seem like an asspull. Ike and chrom had deities on their side and weren't nearly as restricted as corrin was. Corrin has a friend who can sing and a sword that levels up. I've said this before and I'll say it again. Conquest should of had a bitter ending if it was going to go down the 'main protag can't do crap' route. After what happens there is no reason for corrin to be smiling. I swear every time I give my opinions on the conquest story the more I get annoyed by it.
  20. Hmmm.I see where you're coming from. Characters acting realistically in some situations may not be the best for the narrative. Especially in this case with a self insert that may not reflect the desires of a player.
  21. Why are the protagonists criticized for acting realistically,but takumi is praised for acting realistically. I think they call this double standards. I'm pretty sure if acting out against someone ,with more authority than you, put your life at risk then you would be scared to do so and if you were strongly against what they were doing then you would do things that weren't obvious to mitigate it's effects.
  22. I do agree that the story took a dumb turn that it shouldn't have, but I don't think the actions that the characters took are understandable because of their personality traits and what has happened already. Azura should of showed everyone the truth, but I'm pretty sure she's shown to be a very closed off person. With this in mind I think that it would of been very hard to reveal the truth to her siblings because she doesn't trust them/ isn't comfortable enough with them. In addition, even if she did show them the truth I doubt they would believe her because what she is suggesting is ridiculous in itself. She would of been branded a traitor, lost the trust of her siblings and would of been in a worst position to achieve peace. The only person in the story who she has a chance of convincing is corrin. Now corrin is a different problem. They really should of been more skeptical, thought about a different way to convince their siblings and not have been so willing to invade hoshido.The only reason that I can see them being willing to invade hoshido is because they're desperate at this point which actually makes sense. At this point in the story corrin has tried to do things their way many times only to be stopped by the ruthless actions of garon. They realise that they are less powerful than they originally thought and that doing things their way is pointless because garon can reverse everything easily. Azura offers them an alternative way to achieve peace that seems to have a higher chance of succeeding. Like I said previously, corrin is desperate at this point so any way that is able to remove garon seems appealing to them, which is why they essentially sacrifice hoshido to do it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the whole invasion idea and the lead up to it is dumb, but I'm willing to forgive it because I'm able to understand why azura and corrin ,after what they have been through, think it's a good idea.
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