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Posts posted by XRay

  1. It has been about a year since I quit Heroes. I am glad the game still seems to be doing well.

    How is the meta? As far as I can tell from watching New Heroes videos, things do not seem to be too different from when I quit. The biggest change I have noticed since is that Embla shits on Save tanks, which she was released right after I quit. Staff units can function as a nuke properly now with access to damage Specials. Diamant is pretty unique for bending the rules of the game itself with his Spd check, but he does not seem to be meta defining. There is also the new Divine Vein mechanic from the Turn of Fate Focus.

    I thought flat damage reduction would be a lot more widespread and much more powerful, but that has not happened yet. Stacking percentage damage reduction still seems like the main way to go for tanks, with flat damage reduction supplementing it if the unit has access to it at all.

    As far as new modes go, I wish I could have tried Seer's Snare. It looks really fun being able to equip more skills. In my opinion, that feature to equip more skills should be made game-wide, rather than just limiting it to a single mode. It makes building and customizing your unit far more interesting with so much more skill interactions to consider, especially if you are able to stack skills of the same effect. Imagine Edelgards with quintuple Galeforces!

  2. I need to vent. I am pissed. I hate AT&T with a passion. The only American business I hate just as much would be Blizzard.

    I lost my phone about a month ago at a rave in Los Angeles. I am 90% sure someone stole my phone, so I hope that theif gets Sigurd'd, i.e. gets cucked and immolated. I got a new phone about two weeks later. Would have been one week, but Amazon was incompetent and did not even ship out my phone for over a week after I ordered and paid, so I cancelled from Amazon and got my phone from eBay instead. For the last two weeks, I tried to get a new SIM card from my phone company Go Smart, but they do not sell their SIM kits anymore, and when I called, one of their associates said that I just needed any new SIM card. I just went to Walmart and their sales rep got me an AT&T SIM card since I just said any will do. I got a bad feeling when they picked AT&T, but I am like "fuck it, who cares" since I just needed their service temporarily. I got AT&T internet at home and the connection is dog shit unreliable, as it frequently goes out from time to time for a couple seconds to a few minutes, so I really do not like AT&T. Well, that piece of shit SIM card from AT&T downloaded a bunch of bloatware onto my phone that I cannot get rid of even with a factory data reset, AND it does not work with my phone company. I am a little frustrated with Go Smart, but I am livid with AT&T for putting a bunch of shit onto my phone. I am just going to go to a phone store tomorrow and get all that shit sorted out.

    I want AT&T to be fucked. I wish the IRS would audit them and give them a big ass fine for tax evasion, financial fraud, or whatever illegal shit they are doing. Then I wish their employee's would unionize, so more of the revenue would go to better people than the trust-fund-assholes at the top. And then I wish the government would step in and nationalize their business, because providing good communication services is critical to national prosperity and national security.

    TLDR: AT&T downloaded bloatware onto my phone that I cannot get rid of via their SIM card, and I am pissed.

    edit: no profanity in thread titles

  3. 3 hours ago, Zeo said:

    1. I've ascended her RES stat. Should I use Trait fruit to make her +ATK or +SPD? It's weird because picking one subtracts from others, she's +10 and given max DF, so her stat spread is gonna look like one of these (with Arcane Euphoria equipped with no refine stones)

    +ATK = 47/63/40/25/52


    We can pretty much assume that she'll be going all in on ATK and RES. Which means the refine for Euphoria will likely be +RES to help win the ploy check. With that in mind, 3 additional speed is substantial and that may allow her to win some speed checks against units with followup prevention. The 3 attack is very nice for killing, but she's going to get the +10 true damage from exposure anyways, so is it worth it to lose out on some doubles? Which is better?

    Unless a unit is a dedicated support unit, I would not bother increasing HP or Res at the cost of Atk/Spd just to trigger buffs/debuffs. For Illyana, I would go with +Atk/Spd rather than +Atk/Res if you plan to have her be a combat unit. Even without an Asset in Res, if she got Still Water in both slots, she is going to inflict debuffs on even the bulkiest tanks. Personally, I would just offload support entirely to a dedicated support unit and have her C slot run something like Atk/Spd Oath for more in-combat stats.

    Combat units need to prioritize in-combat stats over visible stats, since in-combat stats are what really matters for performance. The only exception I can think of are Blazing nukes who rely on the visible Atk stat for the out-of-combat Blazing hit.

  4. Have not posted in a while since I got other stuff going on, but I still watch New Heroes videos and follow the meta a bit. Anyways, the Rearmed Hero is Plumeria: Rapturous Dream! She looks very pretty! Have not tried ecstasy yet, but I have tried dream nectar. Haha.

    Arcane Euphoria got Slaying, guaranteed follow-up, true damage, and damage reduction. To me, it feels like it is made for a Far Saver.

    Cloying Dream is pretty busted and packed. The Assistee gets visible buffs, Charge, and Penalty Doubler. Closest foe gets visible debuffs.

    Tier 4 Ploys are now super Ploys affecting three rows and columns centered on unit! Arvis and Saias got something fun to pair with their exclusive Weapons! Although they probably want to wait for a Spd/Def Ploy 3.

  5. 4 hours ago, Othin said:

    As a F2P player who rarely uses skill inheritance, I would be very opposed to this.

    You can stack multiples of the same A skills to save money, and same for many Cs too that have in combat stats (Reins, Saves, Oaths, Alarm, etc.). Bs are a bit less stackable, since their effects do not stack (you do not need multiple Null Follow-Ups or Guards), but you can still stack Dodge skills. Many tier 4 Bs come with in combat stats and/or stackable effects (Null Follow-Up got stats and damage reduction mitigation, and Guard got stats and damage reduction), so while their primary effects do not stack, their secondary effects can still stack.

  6. 8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Units being penalized doesn't produce a monster that requires months of power creep to bring back in check.

    Or just update the game so every unit have three extra rows of skill slots like in Seer's Snare. Even if an exclusive skill is really good and is the equivalent of 2 inheritable skills, when every unit is a monster with an extra 12 skill slots, a unit with 1 or 2 exclusive skills essentially having 1 or 2 more skill slots is not that big of a deal. Even if they fuck up really badly and made an exclusive skill the equivalent of 3 or 4 skills, that is still kind of peanuts in the grand scheme of things.

    The most horrifying thing I can think of is Edelgard: Flame Emperor running 4 copies of Raging Storm II for 5 Galeforce triggers, which is not that bad. She is sacrificing three slots for more Galeforces, so that is three slots that does not boost her combat performance as well as other skills that her foes will have.

  7. Lysithea: Tea Sweetner's Baked Treats got Canto, Slaying, inflict Sabotage on nearest foes, offensive Null Follow-Up, and neutralize Spd/Res buffs; and Mastermind got recoil damage and basically 80% Blade tome plus 80% Blizzard as extra damage. Sounds fun.

    Desperation 4 is cool. In addtion to a super lenient HP condition, there is also a Clash condition.

    Sigurd: Proper Pourer's Knightly Manner got Slaying, guaranteed follow-up, true damage, and Sweep against melee foes; Chivalric Aura got Time's Pulse 3, and Atk buff and extra movement after combat to unit and all allies. The buffs sound pretty fun. 

    Ayra: Together in Tea's Teatime Edge got fun Canto, Slaying, true damage, and offensive Tempo; Supreme Astra got limited Time's Pulse 4. Harmonized skill buffs movement.

    Flow Desperation is basically Flow with Desperation 4. Coolio.

    Bold Fighter lets Edelgard: Adrestian Emperor Galeforce; she still cannot double Galeforce like the rest of her variants, but it is something. Daring Fighter-Bold FIghter combo lets Edelgard: Hedgemon Husk double and more reliably Galeforce, and I guess you can run Beast Follow-Up and Brash Assault too instead of Daring Fighter, but it will be less reliable. Arden and armors with Brave Weapons can be Edelgard: Sun Empresses-lite and Galeforce once, and Slaying and Arcane Weapons work too.

  8. 5 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Not if there's a Lethality or Deadeye or Special Spiral 4 or unit with 50% percentage damage reduction nullification mixed in.

    But those cannot pierce Hardy Fighter though, which is 50% or 75% damage reduction depending on the defensive Special, so they need to hit like some insane numbers.

  9. 3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    The Duo Catria map archetype has had the additions of Legendary Shez, Duo Askr, Duo Mark, Legendary Robin, and Arval, all of whom are stupidly strong. Assuming False Start is now off the table as a viable counter, this setup is now virtually unstoppable in Astra season like it already is in Light season.

    But could not they all be stopped by just copious amounts of damage reduction? Even if they run Null Follow-Up, three stacks of Elimine is still 38% damage reduction on top of whatever the super tank/save tank has.

  10. 6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Based on a reading of Dream Deliverer's description in both English and Japanese, it looks like it prevents False Start from being applied to begin with, even if Freyr himself would be hit by it. Which is stupid if that's in fact the case. Aether Raids defense teams are oppressive enough as it is even with False Start available.

    Do people still like this game mode anymore? Every new defense Mythic they release and half of the new Duo/Harmonized units look like they're specifically designed to make Aether Raids be as little fun as possible because negative fun is apparently still too fun.

    I still enjoyed the game mode when I quit. I can imagine Light being more difficult, but I do not think Astra was that bad, and I do not think they released anything since I quit that could make Astra a pain. On Astra Season, at least half the time, I brought a Save tank team and spammed Elimines, mostly for the damage reduction rather than False Start, and it was pretty easy. I would not have liked Embla if I continued playing, but she is a Dark Mythic, so Astra Season would have still been fine.

  11. Freyr's Dream Horn got Slaying, guaranteed follow-up, and damage reduction; C skill Dream Deliverer neutralizes penalties on itself and allies at start of either phase, grants Resonance: Shields to unit and ally at start of turn, and has Guard in combat if allies are near. He is not bad and his effects suit defense teams well, but he is kind of bland.

    He is also an anima Mythic. Is he trying to run away from his sister or something?

    2 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    His C skill is quite supportive. It needs testing, but could it counter Elimine's False Start? Like, you False Start Catria so she can't trigger her weapon, or you False Start an Armored Unit so they can't charge their defensive special with Hardy Fighter... But then Freyr nullifies that penalty and allow his allies to trigger their skills?

    It should be able to counter False Start, at least on for Freyr's allies and assuming Freyr himself is not hit by it. I am not super sure it will counter False Start if it is inflicted on Freyr himself though, but I lean towards it can counter False Start.

  12. Diamant's Fair-Fight Blade got Slaying, true damage, flat damage reduction, null damage reduction (on both sides), Null Follow-Up (on both sides), increases natural follow-up threshold by 20, cool down count -1 before combat on player phase, offensive tempo on enemy phase, and healing on Special trigger on enemy phase. I am not sure if excluding area-of-effect Specials applies to true damage and flat damage reduction, or just to flat damage reduction. He seems pretty unique, but does not seem great though.

    Citrinne's Tome of Luxuries got Slaying, double Quickened Pulse, guaranteed follow-up as status, grants unit's bonus statuses to allies (excluding movement+1 and Pathfinder), and true damage. Her most relevant effect would be passing on her bonuses to her allies.



    Ardent Durandal (Eliwood: Blazing Knight; Citrinne have highest Atk on team)
    Inborn Idealism (Eliwood: Pledged Friend; requires dragon/beast ally on team, Citrinne have highest Atk on team)

    Punishment Staff (Maribelle)

    Kindling Taiko (Tana: Soothing Warmth)
    Vision of Arcadia (Eliwood: Blazing Knight; Citrinne have highest Atk on team)

    Libération (Alear: Dragon Child, Alear: Dragon: Youth; Citrinne Ally Support)

    Spd Smoke (if Citrinne was attacked on previous Enemy Phase)
    Ilian Merc Lance (Noah; Citrine Ally Support)

    Inseverable Spear (Cordelia: Unyielding Snow)

    Shadow Breath (Medeus: Earth-Dragon King)

    Panic Smoke (if Citrinne or ally near her was attacked on previous Enemy Phase)

    Master's Tactics (Robin: Exalt's Other Half)

    Celestial Globe (Linde: Bound by Fate)
    Silent Power (Lilith: Silent Brooding; Citrinne Ally Support)
    Inf. Null Follow
    Inf. Spd Tactic

    Desert-Tiger Axe (Gerik)
    Vision of Arcadia (Eliwood: Blazing Knight; Citrinne have highest Atk on team)
    Order's Restraint (Ashera)
    Inborn Idealism (Eliwood: Pledged Friend; have dragon/beast ally on team, Citrinne have highest Atk on team)

    Opened Domain (Askr, Askr: Renewed Gods)

    Wedding Bell Axe (Catria: Azure Wing Pair)

    Divine Fang (Naga)

    Atk Smoke (if Citrinne was attacked on previous Enemy Phase)
    Diplomacy Staff (August; 1+ ally on team defeated, Citrinne Ally Support)
    Seiðr (Seiðr)

    Ilian Merc Lance (Noah; Citrinne Ally Support)
    Wolfpup Fang (Velouria; Cirtinne Ally Support)

    Desert-Tiger Axe (Gerik)

    Brilliant Starlight (Gotoh)

    Oracle's Breath (Nah)
    Rallying Cry (Hinoka: Thundering Wings)
    Dauntless (Summoner Duals)

    Inseverable Spear (Cordelia: Unyielding Snow)
    Veðrfölnir's Egg (Veronica: Spring Princess)
    Wedding Bell Axe (Catria: Azure Wing Pair)
    Ground Orders
    Tandem Form (Summoner Duels)

    Celestial Globe (Linde: Bound by Fate)

    Tome of Luxuries (Citrinne)
    Crimean Scepter (Elincia: Devoted Queen)
    Diplomacy Staff (August; 1+ ally on team defeated, Citrinne Ally Support)
    Divine Fang (Naga)

    — — — — — — —

    Bonus Statuses Not Grantable Yet
    Warp Bubble

    Bonus Statuses Probably Never Grantable
    Fallen Star
    Neutralizes Effective Against Dragon Bonuses
    Iote's Shield
    Svallin Shield

    Bonus Statuses Never Grantable

    Alcryst's Arcane Darkbow got Slaying, neutralize penalties, Null Follow-Up, and Desperation, and his Get Behind Me! got Tempo. Seems like your typical nuke. Flash Sparrow looks nice.

    Eitr's Arcane Nihility got true damage and Null Follow-Up, and her Power of Nihility got charge +1 and healing on Special trigger. Seems like a Galeforcer. Beast Sense is cool.

  13. On 7/10/2023 at 2:32 AM, Ice Dragon said:

    Distant A/S Solo isn't particularly great on him, but it's harder to get than the alternatives. I have plenty of copies of Surge Sparrow and Atk/Spd Catch. I could be convinced to run Atk/Spd Clash 4, but even if I don't have many copies of it, it has decent distribution, so it wouldn't be hard for me to get normally.

    Distant A/S Solo generally is not great on him, but it is nice to have in Pawns of Loki to deal more damage in case you have trouble getting a Far Saver. If you have no shortage of Player Phase A skills, might as well give him something a bit more rare.

    On 7/10/2023 at 2:32 AM, Ice Dragon said:

    I'm not sure if I'd rather run Escape Route 4 or Beast N Trace 3. Escape Route 4 is hard to get and generally useful. Beast N Trace is also hard to get, but doesn't come with stat boosts, and the main reason to run it is to remove the positioning requirement for his transformation. However, the only thing he really gains from transforming is the +2 Atk and +1 movement, and the latter can be made up for with S/D Rein Snap. Guard 4 is also an option to grant percentage damage reduction since he doesn't really have any other options (and Brash Assault 4 isn't in the skill pool yet). While it lacks the Canto effect, Canto is less important if Naesala is running Galeforce, and damage reduction is something Naesala really needs with his low Def stat.

    I would go for whichever skill is harder to get, so I lean towards Beast N Trace. Seems more likely Escape Route 4 will have better availability over time since any unit can have it. I cannot really imagine Beast N Trace being very common even in the future unless they decide to release a lot more beast units.

    On 7/10/2023 at 2:32 AM, Ice Dragon said:

    S/D Rein Snap is harder to get and allows him to get his +1 movement with an easier condition as well as grant all of the usual effects of S/D Rein. Def/Res Smoke 3 grants Pathfinder, which is useful for Galeforce teams, but is slightly easier for me to get because I can duplicate it with my sea of Rearmed Ophelias. Guidance 4 is also an option, but it doesn't seem to be quite as useful as the other options for Naesala in particular.

    I would go for S/D Rein Snap. It is harder to get, Say'ri: Righteous Bride does not come with anything else particularly valuable (Life and Death is pretty common and there is less demand for it compared to other A skills), and melee Galeforcers are like a dime a dozen. Unless you really need S/D Rein Snap or you are a big fan of Say'ri: Righteous Bride, I cannot imagine people pulling for her.

    Leila: Keen Lookout does not have much else either, but at least she is interesting and unique. Bernadetta: Late Hibernator got Remote Sparrow and Escape Route. Linde: Bound by Fate got Remote Sparrow, S/R Far Trace, and is a Harmonized Hero. So besides for Def/Res Smoke, these units got a lot more going for them in my opinion.

  14. 22 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Speaking of art, what exactly have the Askrans been feeding Fjorm? I swear her thighs grow each time Maeshima draws a new version of her (not that I'm complaining or anything).

    Maybe they have been feeding her Tharja's and/or others' boingy bits. Haha.

    That Atk/Spd Finish 4, Frostbite Mirror working against melee foes, and moving Distant Counter out of the A slot are probably from Corrin: Starry Seer. Spurn and thick thighs are from Malice. Time's Pulse 4, tier-4-ness in Spurn, and being a god sword are from Byleth: Vengeance Vessel. All those boingy Manuals let Fjorm inherit more than just skills I suppose.

  15. Ivy: Tidal Breeze got Slaying, warping around a local Support Partner, Meister, and true damage on Divine Draught. True damage is only possible on player phase and is not particularly reliable due to the amount of conditions required. Meister effect got less requirements, but for practical purposes, is very positioning and team composition dependent, so not really usable either. She is not as bad as Nina, but she is still pretty bad. I do not think she is all that viable outside of Save tank and super tank teams. She will also work in a Galeforce team for Aether Raids following the lead who is also the Support Partner, but no point in running her when better nukes and Galeforcers exist.

    Fjorm: Seaside Thaw got Slaying, Null C-Disrupt against ranged foes, Guard, and flat damage reduction on Ice-Bound Brand. Frostbite Mirror is basically Ice Mirror with Distant Counter built in, as well as working against melee foes (albeit with less effectiveness).

    Ymir: Seasons of Life got Slaying, guaranteed follow-up, damage reduction, and after combat healing on Sparking Sun. She also got Miracle on Everliving Domain. Duo Skill is basically Odd Recovery.

    Soaring Guidance got local warping for allies and offensive half of Null Follow-Up, if they are infantry and fliers.

    Spurn 4 now also works with defensive Specials.

  16. 58 minutes ago, Othin said:

    I'm not looking for units to be a cut above the rest. I'm looking for units who are mostly inferior to their counterparts to get something interesting they can do that the others can't, even if it's niche.

    If Olivia ever gets an exclusive Weapon, I guess they can slap Hone Spd 4 on there and call it a day. If you upgrade her default Hone Atk 3 to 4, that is Atk/Spd+7, which is not bad, but not meta defining. I guess the Refine can be Sword Valor, so while it is useful, it does not really affect the competitive meta.

    Hell, if Hone Spd 4 is too much, I guess there is always Sword Exp, although it is a real shitty effect.

  17. I have used Olivia in Arena since near the beginning all the way until I quit. It would definitely be nice if she can get some fun stuff, but I do not think she needs it. I also used a lot of Dancers/Singers in Arena Assault, but even when I tried to collect every single one of them, it took a really long time for me to have enough for that mode due to how slowly the game releases them.

    But yeah, I also think Dancers/Singers do not need Refines. Dance/Sing by itself is more than powerful enough as is. As far as premium Dancers/Singers go, the most important ones would be:
    1. Dorothea: Twilit Harmony and Azura: Hatari Duet since they can Dance/Sing twice in one turn.
    2. Ninian: Ice Dragon Oracle since she got Galeforce Dance.

    If we want to be generous:
    3. Peony, Plumeria, Mirabilis, Triandra, and Azura: Vallite Songstress for scoring. Any future Harmonized Dancers/Singers.
    4. Pseudo Dancers/Singers (Lucina: Glorious Archer, Tiki: Harmonized Hope, Marianne: Serene Adherent, etc.) to get around Dance/Sing restrictions.

    If a Dancer/Singer actually wants to be a cut above the rest mechanically, they need to provide more actions than a regular Dancer/Singer (ideally Dance/Sing a second time; Galeforce out of the way works too, just less ideal). Failing that, they need to be critical to a mode for one reason or another (usually via scoring purposes; alternatively, be bad enough at Dance/Sing because they are not actually Dancers/Singers, but can provide a similar function to get around restrictions).

  18. 8 hours ago, Othin said:

    I like how they had to make an extra announcement for the poll due to Twitter falling apart.

    I wonder what platform they will move to next if Twitter keeps falling apart to the point people stop using it. I think Heroes have a Facebook page, but I do not think it is as big as their Twitter one. I guess there is always YouTube if they ever decide to let viewers post comments.

  19. 7 hours ago, Xenomata said:
    • ...are Morphs people? Nobody seem to treat them as such...

    Oh shoot! Completely forgot about them. I have not gotten very far in Blazing Blade, but I do not think they were playable until Heroes?

    7 hours ago, Xenomata said:
    • That really depends on your definition of "divinity". Tiki and Nagi for instance are of the Divine Dragon tribe and are probably the closest we have to "playable" naga, but neither come close to what Naga's power has been depicted being capable of. There's also Seteth and Flayn, but by all accounts the both of them are just regular people in the current age with no special powers, despite being the actual Cichol and Cethleann.

    I would say Naga, Ashunera (and her aspects), Anankos, and Sothis are divine, and like half the cast of Heroes belong in this category too. If I remember correctly, Fomortis can still be theoretically resurrected at the end of Sacred Stones since he is just trapped in a stone, not dead, so I would say he is divine too.

    I want to say Mila and Duma are divine too, but I cannot say for certain, since they died but do not seem to linger around like Sothis does, so I am leaning towards they might not be divine. Grima is on the way to divinity, but he died, so at best, he was on the level of Mila and Duma; he got worshippers, but I would not say he achieved godhood yet. On the other hand, I think Hel died, but she did not seem to linger around in any way, shape, or form either, and she is definitely a god, so I am not sure how to explain that; kind of ironic too that the goddess of death can die like a mortal.

    Tiki and Nagi feel like Seiros, Seteth, and Flayn. They do not seem powerful enough and they are pretty mortal. If I remember correctly though, I think in one of the Awakening DLCs Tiki did achieve godhood in order to defeat Grima?

    I have not played the new game yet, so I am not sure where Alear belongs.

    7 hours ago, Xenomata said:

    I don't think using the term "marriage" is quite correct though. "Marriage" is what the support pairings in Genealogy, Awakening, and Fates can lead to. "Marriage" is what happens at a characters Ending text in all the other games with support systems that alter endings. The summoner and characters within the walls of Askr are unable to "marry" units, just form a close bond with them in basically the same way that Chrom and Robin have a close bond (and it's definitely borderline gay between them, just saying)

    It is probably not the right term, but in my head cannon it is, and my head cannon will shoot anyone else's head canon that says otherwise. Ha!

    5 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    I believe the only things in Fire Emblem that potentially fall under the narrower definition of "furry" are the Gorgons of Sacred Stones and whatever that thing Heidr turned into was.

    Oh yeah! Well, I guess that means Sacred Stones is technically the first one to introduce Laguz! They just were not playable yet until the next game. And Heroes is still the first game to have playable snake girls. Still waiting on playable horse girls.

    5 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Being in a relationship and being in a marriage are two completely different things that are independent of each other.

    That is true in the real world. But in a fantasy world like Fire Emblem, true love exists and only lovers marry. Hardin and Nyna were just incompatible. Arvis and Deirdre got mental issues. Garon is a pervert. But outside of those exceptions, relationship equals marriage.

    Marriage is not exactly the right term, but when they play wedding music for Summoner Support reaching S, it is kind of what they are implying.

  20. She got Slaying, effective damage against mages, true damage, flat damage reduction, Guard, and Null-Hexblade on Radiant Aureola. She also got after combat healing for her and her allies, and charge+1 on her exclusive C slot Bern's New Way.

    Null C-Disrupt 4 is not the most amazing thing, but it is pretty solid since it comes with damage reduction.

    I guess the time they allow us to refine Kitty Paddle will also be the time when they allow us to refine Poison Dagger and Brave Weapons. Arcane Weapons are nice, but it would also be nice if they let us do something with inheritable Weapons and old Refines. Being able to combine multiple inheritable Weapon effects with each other would be nice; I think four is a good number considering Arcane Weapons have the same amount, and they get all stat+5 on top.

    5 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    Why not just make her a staff legendary instead of rehashing her normal self's gimmick with a different color?

    Staff unit with effective damage against mages sounds like an interesting idea. And more access to Holy Pressure would be nice if she comes with it.

  21. Just had a thought. Manaketes have been with us since the start of the series, and Laguz has been with us since Path of Radiance.

    - I think Heroes is the first game to introduce elves/fairies, dwarves, and giants?
    - I think we are also the first game to have playable divinity?
    - I think we are the second game to have playable undead? I believe Cipher got Risen before we got Líf and Thrasir?
    - While not the first to introduce furries as a whole, I think we are the first to specifically introduce goat, cow, bat, and snake girls?
    - We are also the first game to introduce "divorce" and "remarriage" via Summoner Support?
    - I think we are the second game to have gay marriage? With Fates first and Three Houses third?
    - I think we are the first game to have "polyarmorous marriage" with different people at the same time (married in lore, Summoner Support, Ally Support)?

    Am I right on those assumptions?

  22. 11 hours ago, Othin said:

    I wonder if we'll ever get an upgraded counterpart to Lunge. Knock Back and Hit and Run got improved versions a long time ago, and now Book 7 has introduced Tier 4 versions of both of those, but Lunge and Drag Back are still on their own. Maybe they'll get "Flow" variants for cavalry?

    Lunge Flow should also have Pass as an additional Tier 4 effect instead of the stat boost. So even if you cannot swap with a Save tank, there is a chance to hit their backline if it is not protected.

  23. 5 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Her weapon isn't terrible, as the effects are comparable to Arcane Nastrond's, but the conditions can be a huge pain to work with, as she needs both members of a support pair to be within 3 spaces.

    Outside of Save teams, is her Weapon's condition even tolerable anywhere else?

    Maybe super tank teams where she sits right behind the supertank? But that is only if there is no Lunger or something, and I remember them being common on Aether Raids defense.

  24. Shez: Mercenary Shine got Canto, Meister, and true damage on Surfer's Spire, and basically effective damage against all units slower than her on Swift Slice. With Flow Guard and Sweep Sacred Seal (whenever that gets released), she can shut down slow bulky tanks pretty effectively. For now, maybe Sweep on B and Guard on Sacred Seal would be best.

    Shez: Mercenary Shade got Canto, Meister, and true damage on Surfer's Spade as above. With an open A slot, he can be a Counter-Vantage unit with Ruptured Sky, Distant A/S Solo, Vantage, and S/D Rein Snap, and Sacred Seal can be Atk/Spd Solo, Brazen Atk/Spd, or Fierce Breath. He can also be a regular nuke with Desperation and Dive Bomb. He is not as effective against bulky tanks without Swift Slice, so maybe Sturdy Impact, Flow Flight, and Guard Sacred Seal, although that is really reliant on the Def check. Alternatively, he can try to Sweep like Shez: Mercenary Shine above, but have Atk/Spd Clash on A.

    Ephraim: Sunshine Valiant got Slaying, extra movement, charge+1, and damage reduction on Seafoam Splitter, and Sunlight Bangle got Meister, in combat healing, and reverse Vantage. He is basically always an "enemy phase" unit, like how Counter-Vantage units are always "player phase" units. As an "enemy phase" unit, he can trigger stronger Specials more reliably due to being hit; on the other hand, I am not sure that is enough of a strength to offset the weakness of always getting hit.

    Shamir: Heartbeats United got Slaying, inflicts and splashes Panic and Discord on closest foes, offensive Tempo, and offensive Null Follow-Up. Duo inflicts Gravity in cardinal, and Feud in 5 by 5 cardinal.

    Tier 4 Lulls are alright, wish it was a bit stronger though. Instead of just plain inflicts, I think nullifying bonus effects would be better. If they must keep the plain inflicts, then I would remove the cap and double the infliction: 1/1 stat debuff per bonus effect is too weak, I think 3/3 per bonus effect would be better to actually make it feel punishing.

    Brash Assault 4 seems pretty good with two conditions to trigger: either at not full health, or if enemy is at fully health. Also got damage reduction and true damage based on damage reduced. Seems to go really well with Remote Sparrow; Surge Sparrow also works, but is a bit more difficult, but can help with sustain.

    We finally got Earthwind Balm.`

    Seaside Parasol inflicts Guard on closest foes and splashes Guard on Saviors; it also got relevant stat boosts and inflicts for a nuke.

  25. On 6/7/2023 at 1:55 PM, Ice Dragon said:

    No, because +5 Spd is +1.5 damage on Vital Astra, but -5 Spd to the opponent is +0 damage on Vital Astra.

    Offensive units prioritize doing more damage over taking less damage, which is why most of them get weapons that boost their own stats. Defensive units prioritize taking less damage over doing more damage, which is why most of them get weapons that reduce their opponent's stats.

    Wait, if the point is to reduce the efficacy of Bonfire and Iceberg, would not it make more sense for nukes to debuff foes rather than buff themselves? And 1.5 damage feels negligible in my opinion. And we might as well slow the rise in power level of other Specials too, and tame Spd creep before it gets further out of hand. Vital Astra is as much about defense as well as offense, so losing a few points of damage in exchange for bulk makes it better balanced against stuff like Bonfire and Iceberg where it is all about damage.

    On 6/7/2023 at 1:55 PM, Ice Dragon said:

    The inheritable skills in the passive skill slots follow their own conventions. A skills boost stats. B skills reduce the opponent's stats. C skills and exclusive skills do whatever they fuck they want.

    Conventions are meant to be broken! It is only a matter of time before they release an Edelgard with Galeforce on all her skill slots.

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