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Sergeant Avocado

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Everything posted by Sergeant Avocado

  1. Yes, Axe Cop is pretty awesome. Avocado Soldier was my favorite character, so you can imagine my disappointment when he changed back. Still, it's a great series.
  2. Yeah, I'd figured many people had watched it already. Also, yes, the shots of the unfinished version of FE6 surprised me. You'd think Nintendo could easily get footage of the finished version, but I digress.
  3. Bolded is exactly how I feel. Putting aside the "Code Geass did it first" aspect, I could see that happening before he killed Lind L. Taylor. For me, that was when he crossed the point of no return because it was his first innocent (as far as Light knew) victim. Anyway, that's just my two cents, but if they made a director's cut of the ending or something like that, I'd most likely watch it. EDIT: Sorry, double post. Didn't notice that until now.
  4. Light, below the layers of genius, megalomania, and love of potato chips, is a well-meaning extremist. Or at least, he was one until he lost sight of his goals and went beyond the point of no return. He reminds me in many ways of Lelouch, only Lelouch sought revenge (understandable) while Light wanted power (eh...). Ideals enough may not be enough to change the world, but what use is peace gained through such horrible means? Meh, I feel like I'm rambling. It tends to happen when I talk about Death Note.
  5. Just saw this video recently and thought it was interesting. As the title states, it was made to celebrate Shadow Dragon's European release by briefly speaking about Fire Emblem games, particularly Shadow Dragon itself. Not my video, in case it wasn't obvious.
  6. Soichiro's awesome mustache gave me a reason to keep watching the series. Also, SAKUJO SAKUJO SAKUJO SAKJUO
  7. New discussion: Mac or PC? Technically related because L uses a Mac while Light uses a PC. I have to go with PC myself.
  8. This is pretty impressive. I didn't think a 0% growths run of H5 was possible, but then again, I didn't think a 0% growths run of FE6 was possible either, and you certainly proved me wrong. Here's hoping you do so again. Also, who do you plan on recruiting between Nagi/Gotoh and Arran/Samson?
  9. Yes, it does. It's called "Clash of Two Virtues" but I still like to think of it as Camus's theme.
  10. Seems like a pretty solid list, but if Sothe turns out to be too much trouble I'd switch him out for Oscar or Titania. Sothe has good bases as is, and speed transfers for Oscar or Titania can get them doubling faster. Alternatively, you could consider switching Boyd for somebody like Nephenee because Boyd still has speed problems in RD even with transfers. A transferred Neph can handle her Steel Greatlance more easily and rams her caps faster, so you can BEXP her for strength if need be. This is just my opinion, though. All in all, it's a worthy endeavor. EDIT: Forgot about Giffca. He starts with capped STR, so you might as well pick him as your royal.
  11. I agree, the manga ending was better. I liked the idea of Mikami's suicide, but the thought of his blood shooting out of a pen wound like water out of a pressure hose kind of turned me off to the ending.
  12. So, this is the topic where we discuss Death Note and how awesome L is. Personally, I was disappointed with Discuss.
  13. As the title would suggest, this is the topic to discuss your current favorite anime/manga. As for me, I've had many favorites throughout the years, but I'd say my current favorite is Death Note. Well, Death Note season one, I mean. Season two was a big let down. Thoughts?
  14. Wins: I once had a Joshua with 17 STR at level 20, first tier. My Cormag at 20/0: HP:40 STR: 20 SKL: 16 SPD: 17 LCK: 11 DEF: 16 RES: 7 Fails: Colm in general. I've tried using him thrice in the past, and all three times his STR never made it into the double digits before promotion. I once had a 20/6 Colm with 10 strength.
  15. It really depends on your class and teacher. For me, I prefer English because I have a pretty good teacher and I'm a decent writer. I generally find math more difficult, so I vote math.
  16. I use GC. I used to be Wiichuck/GC a few minths ago when I didn't have access to any GC controllers that worked consistently, but I'm always GC with custom controls now.
  17. It is still in, but the difference is that in Melee you could tell if Nana was going to be in front when you changed costumes, whereas in Brawl you have to guess.
  18. I have it and enjoy it, but Brawl Minus Falcon seems pretty cool (YESZ sound effects? Awesome.)
  19. Interesting, I wasn't sure Brawl would make it into MLG. Maybe someday Brawl+ will become more popular, though it would have to be endorsed by Nintendo first. Anyway, I wonder how Sakurai will feel about Brawl's competitive growth? Edit: OH SNAP SAME TIME POST
  20. I was actually assuming hard mode, but now that I think about it she would be a decent addition to the cleanup crew, on top of healing. Not bad at all.
  21. In all my years of playing Melee, the 15 Minute Melee was one of the only things I have never done. I beat/unlocked all characters, stages except Congo Jungle, and I even got 6 kills in Cruel Melee. I would always make it to the last minute, then get so caught up in all of the farrago that I wouldn't notice the Bob-Omb that just landed next to me. Your thoughts?
  22. I just got it, and so far it's awesome. I'm using mostly Ryu right now due to my lack of experience in non-Smash Bros. fighting games, but I'm liking Frank West and Tekkaman Blade. Giants tend to dismember me, though.
  23. Does anybody know the button you press to turn on animations when they are normally set off? I know it's A on the Wii remote, but what is it on the Gamecube controller? Any help would be appreciated.
  24. Basically what nflchamp said. It's used for characters that have growths so poor that BEXP might actually be better for leveling, like Lucia for example. It could also be used for units who ram certain caps but need help with other's, like Ike and his speed.
  25. She'd certainly be better, almost like a Soren with worse bases but better speed. The problem is that she's still too fragile to be useful for more than potshotting. Take, for example,, this guy: 1x Warrior lvl 7 (Steel Axe) HP 39, Atk 32, AS 20, Hit 126, Avo 53, DEF 15, RES 9, Crit 9, Ddg 13 This was the defensively weakest 3-P enemy I could find at first glance, 3HKO's, and is doubled IIRC. She could be pretty useful if raised, but she'd have typical mage problems early on (low speed, bad durability, etc.)
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