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Status Updates posted by henrymidfields

  1. Hey mate. So, which Pokemon games have you played?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. henrymidfields


      How about the Arceus game?

    3. ZeManaphy


      Definitely more excited after seeing Wyrdeer and Basculegion, but going to wait for reviews before picking it up.

    4. henrymidfields


      I wish there would be more of those coming up. Someone over at Reddit did a mock version of other legendaries' versions:


  2. So, I now know that you played Persona 4? Have you played 3 or 5 as well?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. henrymidfields


      Have you got a Vita? If the PS Store isn't already closed, you can get Persona 3 Portable. That one's you can control all of the characters in battle. I'll also recommend playing the female protagonist in that version, as the male protag has no social links with the male members of the party and forced gf romance with all of the female social links.

    3. ping


      No consoles at all anymore :): I'll keep that in mind for a potential PC release, though.

    4. henrymidfields


      Aw, that's a shame. But there might be something as part of the Persona 25th Anniversary (which was just a few days ago). Let's keep our antennas out on the internet.

  3. I see you're a worshipper of the Great Emperor Edelgard?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. henrymidfields


      I'm on the Black Eagles route atm. Still in White Clouds phase. I kinda like the majority of supports this time compared to last one I played (Fates btw, skipped SoV). And I like how this time, the female lord (well, at least for BE route) gets to write her own story in her own terms.

    3. Blaze The Great

      Blaze The Great

      Yes, don't know which other routes you've played, but I personally find BE to have the weakest character roster of the houses (pending assessment of Ashen Wolves, whose route I'm still doing). Still a step forward in terms of overall character development. And, obviously, big fan of their main lord!

    4. henrymidfields


      How is TH as a whole compared to character roster from other games?

  4. Someone has got good taste.

    1. Caster


      Oh, hey thanks, aha. You're lucky I decided to come back soon, otherwise this would have been lost to the void.

    2. henrymidfields


      Great to hear from you. You getting P5R and P5S? I'm in the middle of my second run in P3P, and I also need to play the P4A1+2 spin-offs.

    3. Caster


      I don't have a PS4, and I don't like how Sony is acting, so probably no on P5R, at least for a while. Naybe on Scramble. I'm not a fan of musous but I might try it, just cuz it looks like a sequel.

  5. Who's your favorite paring/shipping in the Persona series? Mine's...well you probably figured it out by now. haha

    1. Maddie


      Probably joker and Futaba (though that is probably me being biased as I absolutely loved Futaba and she became one of my favorite female characters in general) and the game doesn't necessarily push any canon relationship beside Ann and Ryuji's relationship which is like Yosuke and Chie where you ship them despite the fact that it will never happen in game. In Persona 4 I ended up loving all the main girls equally if I'm being honest despite initially liking Rise the most on my first playthrough. In Persona 3 I still like MC x Aigis.

  6. こっけいな演技はもうやめなさい。そしたらアタシも踊ってあげる。
    踊るアホーに見るアホーよ!!! HEY DANCING TONIGHT!!!!

  7. Odoru ahou ni miru ahou you!!! HEY DANCING TONIGHT!!!!

  8. Just saying, I'm doing my second run of P4G (I'm just before rescuing Naoto), and I am loving dating Chie. (Max SL + romantic path) Also, I need to update my avatar to reflect my current run.

  9. Hey, where's a good place to start with John Denver (or country music as a whole)?

  10. And this sums up everything about Nintendo'd dinosaur, Shit-geru:


  11. My sentiment with the Wii U as follows:


  12. What is 5 x 5? Christmas, apparently...

  13. Hi Rezzy, sorry it took so long, but I've finally finished making your Christmas present! I'll upload Sheba either tomorrow or on Tuesday. Do you want me to post you the actual artwork too, by any chance?

    1. Rezzy


      Sure, that would be great!

    2. henrymidfields


      Rezzy, here it is!




    3. Rezzy


      Cool thanks!

  14. Hey Blah, do you still have your Bulbagarden membership? I've updated my Creating the History of Shoyo/Poke-Japan with a new entry if you're interested.


  15. Referring to one of your quotes in your signature, did one of the WWI Generals actually said "Go fuck yourself!" to Hitler?!

    1. blah the Prussian

      blah the Prussian

      Paul Von Lettow-Vorbeck was a WWI general and the only one to remain undefeated. Yeah, he did; Hitler wanted him to do some propaganda stuff with the Wehrmacht so he told him to fuck himself. Nothing was done to him because he was one of the few people in Germany at that point more popular than Hitler.

  16. Hi, I'm just playing catch up on your LP for Valkyrie Chronicles 1 (on the 3rd page). I love how Ishara is hyped as the badass tankmaster. Your LP (and Blah's recommendation) has got me interested in the game, so I'll be getting the game on Steam after I finish my own LP on Fates (unless if a port of that comes on Switch via VC).

    1. Ertrick36


      I'm glad I could help spark an interest in the game for you!

      I can vouch for the Steam version.  The only issues present - which are pretty minor - is that if you have a frame rate higher than 30 FPS, you'll receive slightly more damage than normal from interception fire (I just see that as making it more of a fun challenge, to be honest, because your units tend to be bullet sponges anyway), and the tank controls can be a little wonky if you're using a keyboard and mouse.

      I hear the PS4 version is also pretty nice, though I don't have it myself.

  17. Hi, thanks for taking interest in my art thread! Do you have any other obscure Nintendo heroines that you want me to draw?

    1. Rezzy


      Oh, anything would be fine.  If you want to do more Golden Sun, Felix would be great, if you're looking for ideas.  Or if you only are looking for girls, maybe Mia.

    2. henrymidfields


      I do have plans to draw up Mia, though I think that'll have to be after Sheba, Linkle, and a couple of other Pokegirls and FE female lords. (Celica and Micaiah). I also have plans to draw up Jody Summers and three other F-Zero racers (including one from Maximum Velocity). I might do a special edition of Caeda, Misty, and Paula starring as the other three Nintendo heroine trio.

  18. Hey, I've just finished reading Chapter 11 of your A Minute Before Dawn, and I love how you give so much detail to the characters and the setting. It's very obvious that you've thought long and hard for this story.

    One question: Did/do you actually play chess, in regards the chess games between Teresa vs Gunter/Iago?

    1. Mox


      Hey, it means a lot that you've read my story (so far) actually!  Thank you so much for taking the time to read it and comment back to me here.  I am very glad that you enjoyed the detail I gave to the characters and the process is still ongoing for me even though I haven't posted anything in ages.  

      No, I have never played chess before, however I did use videos on YouTube of pro chess players to help guide me.  

      I'm still writing the story and planning it (actually I was just drawing some anatomy to base Teresa and Garon's body shapes when I saw this) however I have been so busy down with university I have not been able to continue sitting down and writing/editing chapters for a long time.  I'm really hoping to get some writing done soon so that I can either post the newest chapter (which has been written, it just needs editing) and continue toward finishing this arc in the story. :) 

      Once again, thanks so much for the comment!

      (Also apologies for any grammar or spelling errors in this, just got back from completing an essay exam).

  19. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    Heh, understandable, I guess! :P

    No, only Birthright and a little bit of Revelation. I don't have any interest in Conquest. Gameplay-wise, it looks great, but I'm turned away from the story and characters.

    If you don't mind, I'm writing my reply here, as I'm fearing we might go off-topic. Yeah, I ended up writing up a heavily altered story from Chapter 14 and onwards in my Conquest LP, and our forum's resident Prussian/Czech historian reckons the story alteration in my LP is better than the vanilla version (Cue the tweet: So sad!). And I'm not even an experienced fanfic writer!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. henrymidfields


      Oh, so you didn't S-support anyone else at all?

    3. Anacybele


      Nope. Kinda wanted to put Ryoma with someone, but couldn't really decide who to give him to and then I forgot about it. :P

    4. henrymidfields


      In my current LP, my Corrin ended up with Beruka. I've written a bit more of how their marriage went, with Beruka progressively gaining a bit more emotion in the LP story. In the latest chapters, she's also the pragmatic Lancer (courtesy of TV Tropes) to Corrin's idealism.

  20. Are you a fan of Crayon Shin-chan? I haven't seen that show in ages!

  21. Hello, how is everything over at your domain in Prague? Are you starting up any wars soon? I've just came back from Sekigahara, and crushed Hideyoshi's supporters like Garon's business. Now that I've done that, I can finally rule over Yamato from my new palace in Edo.

    On a more real-life note, I'm still busy at work, trying to finish up drawings for our big restoration work. Quite interesting I must say; it's in Australia's second-oldest town, and they used to house female convicts work there in the early 1800s. Unfortunately, that means I can't get to updating my LP yet until after this week. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. blah the Prussian

      blah the Prussian

      I'm originally from New Jersey. Trust me, I wouldn't be such a Hapsburgophile if I was Czech.

    3. henrymidfields


      That's true.

      On a different note, have you got around playing Radiant Historia? How was it?

    4. blah the Prussian

      blah the Prussian

      I actually finished it almost exactly a year ago, maybe exactly a year ago. I really enjoyed the game, and it had one of the better video game stories IMO.

  22. Hello, Feldmarschall how is your conquest plan over in Europe? It utterly sucks over here - we've lost so many fleets on our last battle against the Yanks including at least 4 air carriers, one of my two heavy cruisers (and the other one we might have to scuttle), and way too many planes to count. Even worse we didn't get the uber-cool battleships they were supposed to come! Maybe we really shouldn't have provoked the sleeping lion...

    From your ally,
    Taisho Yamamoto hahahahaha

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. henrymidfields


      I remember those games on the GBC. Good times.

    3. Moblin Major General

      Moblin Major General

      did you play the NA version or JP version? I heard the Tokay had a gimmick with the -toka suffix that ended up being removed in international versions due to the implications of -toka being translated into a non-Japanese language.

    4. henrymidfields
  23. How is your highness faring in Prague?

    I had some interesting talks with a friend who volunteers with the Liberal Party (which is actually conservative; funny Aussie politics) for state elections and the like. Upon hearing about Classical Conservatism by Edmund Burke (I don't know how much you agree to that, but anyway.) I've started to have a bit of a read into that, and I think I'm starting to understand what the real problem of "democracy" is - essentially being a popularity contest where basically things boil down to negative advertising, smear campaigns, ideological spin - basically mob rule rather than an educated verdict. This is something that we can't avoid whether in republican USA/France or a constitutional monarchist Britain/Japan. Of course, I still think (parliamentary) democracy (as an actual governing body) is the best form of government compared to all the others we have - at least I get to have a say in how I'd like Japan to be run.

    I actually wonder whether there would be a shift back to the intellectual/social elites taking power of the government. Though that too has its dangers of corruption and the like. Anyway, that's my two yen - feel free to (dis)agree or ignore.

    1. blah the Prussian

      blah the Prussian

      I'm doing great in Prague, thanks for asking.


      Anyway, my feelings on democracy have softened since I started being a Monarchist, although I still think a benevolent Monarchy where we could avoid evil monarchs with certainty is better than democracy. I think that, on the contrary, intellectual and social elites are in the decline because they messed up. If you look at history, when you have a conflict like this-between populism and the establishment- when the establishment is saying things like "a threat to the Republic" they lose. The cases where the establishment has won- like, for example, in Great Depression USA- has seen them actually make an effort to improve the situation, making Populism lose its appeal. I don't see that happening much at all in the world of today.

    2. henrymidfields


      It's also a similar case in Japan where the "Lost Two (and still counting) Decades" since the bubble burst of 1991, and the apparent ineptitude of the government to fix the issue of economy (amongst other things) was one big factor in some of the recent swings in the recent elections.

      The question would be, then, is to how to safeguard a monarchical government from corruption - which I have to shamelessly admit that I have no hard and fast answer to. And unfortunately, through history, we've seen a lot of cases in how monarchism can also end up being corrupt.

    3. blah the Prussian

      blah the Prussian

      There is no system that's immune to corruption. The issue is that some systems are easier to fix than others. I think Monarchy is easier to fix overall than Republicanism, for 2 reasons. First, in a Republic the system incentivizes selfishness; by portraying power as a reward, and by having a system where people have to want power to get it, you create a very unhealthy view of power. Anyone who would willingly put themselves through all the stress of running an election campaign, and later a country, is pretty likely to have ulterior motives. Since Monarchs inherit their positions, they would likely see power more as a duty; they're still not worthy of power (no one is) but at least since they got it by accident they'd treat it with more respect. Secondly, in order to fix any society you need a consistent plan; when a society is absolutely broken, like America is now, there are a myriad of problems all contributing to each other. Since the US head of state switches every 4 to 8 years, that robs it of the central figure and consistent vision needed to resolve deep seated societal problems.

  24. Hi, thanks for you advice last year in regards to my artwork. I've decided to stick to studying official artworks for the time being. Apparently, using a 3cm square grid seemed to help me keep track of proportion better. I've also started to use charcoal pencils with a smudging pen/stick to even out the charcoal gradients - this is probably going to be my main tool for future artworks I think.

    Let's hope for a good artwork year.


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