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Everything posted by Death'

  1. Okay, so, what would be your immediate reaction, if a girl walked up to you said "You have a beautiful face", took a photo of you with a DSLR and walked away? And how would feel about it afterwards?
  2. What do you call a black priest? Holy shit
  3. well you did make a thread debating whether or not you should say that to her.
  4. if you don't like her that way why are you stressing so much about this lol. and lol what "I like her, but not as a woman"
  5. lol that's awful. is that where you're from or something?

  6. truth. and yes, fuck mosquitoes haha.

  7. haha alrighty. but people are cruel and mean to each other :< lol yes. that is true. mosquitoes are most definitely a concern i haven't considered yet hahaha.

  8. lolol I was angry I don't notice things when i'm angry ;-; derp. sowwy. and I'm not entirely sure :/ that's all i heard. they were macaque monkeys though.
  9. aw I see. that makes sense too I guess. :p damn though that sounds really tough. Apart from your dad do you think the rest of your family would be okay with it?

  10. I've got some of my paintings on here if you want to check it out ^^


    and yeah, I really hope so too. It's hard though and most people are so different from me... in general humans are scary and confusing. I'll probably end up just hiding out in the woods or something haha.

  11. I think maybe we could still manage to survive without torturing others. I guess you're right, and it'd be unfortunate if it takes us longer to find cures for diseases... but in a way we're only dying from stuff like that because we live too long already. idk. And I don't know, extending our lives is awesome and all of course, but I'm kind of concerned that most people are so comfortable that it was at the cost of many other lives and general wellbeing, you know what I'm saying? You're wrong. I forgive you. no. maybe. maybe we could just actually have some regulations on what you can and cannot do to animals. And have actual consequences when you kill them, so scientists are less likely to treat animals like objects and discard them whenever they want. And maybe even have like habitats for them so when they're not being experimented on they could socialize and hang out with their own species and whatnot. That'd be cool. Well either way I'm glad you have at least some empathy for them. also, you had a kid at age 14? wow I fucking hate that argument. it's like when people only use religion when it works to their advantage. Under your logic, humans should still have predators. We should be dying when we do not hunt or gather food like the rest of the animals. Clearly that is incorrect. we have houses, television, abstract ideas about laws and money. We have higher executive functioning and are capable of feeling empathy and compassion. We are generally not really all that instinct based or nature-like. And when I hear stuff like this I feel like you're pushing all personal responsibility aside and blaming it on some really really generalized idea of "human nature". Basically, that is a bullshit reason and I am disgusted that people actually think like that. I mean scientific research and potentially curing diseases I understand - that's the reason why I thought it was cool that we were debating about this. But wow "humans torture and kill because other animals do it!!!" is so fucking stupid you can't possibly genuinely believe it to be a solid argument (especially since other animals are nowhere near the extent we are at)? Anyway. fuck. haha. I'm so tense. I am on a completely different wavelength than the rest of you so this is prob gonna be my last post here. I'm sorry, I can't help it, I somehow managed to be able to view other species as individuals that aren't that different from me, so I empathize with them and get really worked up when others think it's alright to abuse them. If anyone even cares about the welfare of the remaining disabled monkeys >_> someone filed in a report and the scientists are currently under investigation. hopefully the monkeys will be seized and taken to a better environment to enjoy the rest of their lives.
  12. awesome family, they did well. ^__^ Are you asian by any chance haha, not to jump to stereotypes, but you know.

  13. traded with a friend*


  14. awesome. I look forward to it. And oh yeah totally. That and food and cuddling. 8) I know that feeling too though, I paint and I'm always super enthusiastic when I start but I have a dozen of unfinished pieces of crap lying around that i will get around to finishing some day lol. and haha yeah, it doesn't mean anything xD my original name was 6669 but I basically just traded with a frie...

  15. ah I see, that makes sense x3 That's really nice that you respect your dad so much though haha. Are you still in high school or college now?

  16. fuck yeah post apocalyptic pokemon. >:3 good luckkkk, and I already want to play it if you ever finish. haha. your comment got cut off btw. but yes that is correct. :3 I'm one day later and a year earlier than you ^^

  17. Not sure why I read the whole thing, I'm pretty confused honestly. Okay, in that case I take that part back. Um. no, we wouldn't. I don't think that is compassionate either? I've been a vegetarian for 7 years if that means anything? I'm not sure what point you're trying to make lol. reply with one quote that is remotely evidence for that. I don't either? Pretty sure injecting neurotoxins (in this example) to induce artifical parkinsons is nowhere near natural. And the surplus of human life is kind of the exact opposite of the circle of life? this is like the only thing you've said that semi makes sense. However I'm not sure why you think that it is a good idea todo nothing about something you think is wrong. Things can and do change, i.e. civil rights, women rights. Yes I agree. I don't know about the test tubes because it hasn't happened yet. I don't think abortion is wrong. No I don't study medicine but I don't believe that the only way to conduct research is through torturing others? Again I don't know what point you are trying to make.
  18. that's really cool haha, I'm pretty bad at stuff like this so I can't help. :< what have you got to so far? and lollll yeah the kony 2012 is getting pretty ridiculous.

  19. that sounds awesome *__* what are you gonna do with it? Is it possible to let other people play after you're done? And yeah.. thanks for the idea, lol I'm sure the hipsters would love it too. I'll probably attempt something like that.. it's the least i could do :/

  20. LOL awesome. sweepy hitler sho cute. =^.^=
  21. Yeah I totally agree. man, like it's so hard to be definite about stuff like this. Each case really has to be evaluated individually or something. and I'm a psych major too haha. One of my profs lesions and burns rat's brains and purposely induce depression and social defeat in them then make them addicted to cocaine. Did you guys get to learn about the Harlow's monkey study? that shit is messed up.
  22. haha sounds interesting. like cheats and stuff? And I'm still freaking the fuck out over this experiment at my school that you've probably read about. >__> I feel like I really need to do something about it (they still have 14 monkeys) but I don't know what and I'm so helpless. :<

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