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Everything posted by claire

  1. R ppl mean on here? I never notice 90% of the time
  2. Are they good? I'm in the airport and I saw them but idk if they're good so I wanna ask if ppl like them here
  3. in 3rd grade i did. i kept more glow in the dark elephant keychains on it also idk if this counts but mmy lanyard has my ID on it
  4. pizza, but even with that i don't like pizza that much. its overrated
  5. i dont know ive only used steam for undertale and some stupid sonic game. ive never seen it before
  6. that would be a burn but its not cos it doesnt make sense sorry sweatie (:
  7. can i be in the OP https://wanelo.com/shiida also like i didn't add any of those products into my collections except for 2 things, how can i delete those cuz i don't like them nvr mind i figured it out
  8. shut the fuck up about lucina but yea i love marth hes great
  9. the berserker sprite is ugly so do hero
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