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Cat Villager

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Posts posted by Cat Villager

  1. The very cynical part in me tells me that Faye is designed as one of those female characters who are obsessed with MU except the game has no Avatar but I can imagine some people self-insering into Alm. Seems like a good half of her quotes are about Alm so you've got a cute girl who exists just to worship someone who is the closest thing to a self-insert. She doesn't even have support bonus with other villagers when Grey/Tobin/Kliff all share it.

    Or maybe it's a big and unnecessary "screw you" aimed at people who like to break important canon pairings.

    At any rate, expect Faye to be very popular in Japan.


  2. If you have seen the new japanese overview trailer you already know that they're adding another brand new character.

    The most suspicious thing about this is how Celica and the new character more or less have the same color scheme. Also the fact that it gets its own CG means it's a pretty important scene.

    So I've got two ideas.

    a) More realistic version. Celica isn't the last survivor of Sofian royal family and they managed to hide another kid. It might not be her brother but it could be her cousin.
    If Alm gets a new cousin (Berkut), Celica deserves one too. Especially if it's someone who could fill Cavalier slot in Celica's party (sorry, Atlas).

    b) This one is much more unlikely but knowing IS and their weird decisions it's not impossible. They are bringing back time traveling children and this guy is Celica's son. Doesn't help that "masked child from the future protects her relatives" was already in Awakening. Another worrying thing is that both time traveling portals in Awakening (rewatch Cataclysm) and Mila's turnwheel use Zodiac signs... but so did Starsphere Shards in Mystery.  I hope I'm just being paranoid.

    So I really doubt it's an ordinary Cavalier. Actually, another suspicious thing is overabudance of new Cavalier characters yet no signs of Zeak.

  3. Yeah, I understand how you feel..... I mean, I played Phantasy Star 3 and I hated the way the game changed the main Phantasy Star look for wrong reasons.

    I suppose they can try something like how Breath of the Wild is doing adding technology while still keeping it fantasy.

    Funny enough, Phantasy Star 3's setting is exactly how I imagine FE in space. In fact Gen 2 protagonists kind of look like Seliph and Leif (or Cuan).

    As for different setting, I think that mainline FE should stay medieval but I would love to see sci-fi spin-off (with the same gameplay) done by IS themselves.

  4. I suddenly remembered King Chrom sketch from March stream which made me think that Series 8 might contain another set of Blue cards. Kozaki also showed Oboro and Hanz sketches that would conveniently fall into Series 7 and 6 cards. In fact, today's Narcian SR+ reveal makes me think that Hanz actually has a chance to be the one who gets villain SR card since Kozaki likes him so much. I would rather have Garon though.

  5. Many people consider Persona 1 to be a bad game but I enjoyed it. The original was super slow, clunky (try to navigate THAT MAP) and had "hilarious" localization but also phenomenal soundtrack, atmosphere and the only decent dungeons in the whole sub-series (at least before Q happened). Remake fixed the most glaring problems but I'm not really fond of new music.

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