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Everything posted by Jeheza

  1. Welcome to the forest, Thomas. I don't play shooting games, but replace that genre with fighting games and I share your bad point. Drinking green tea usually helps me relax my nerves and prevent me from Unnecessary paroxysms xD. Anyways, Enjoy and have a good time here :)
  2. Thank you for the welcome :) Thank you for the welcome and the L+ tip :). Yeah, Using bows does make Counter an useless enemy skill.
  3. 13 is not enough since I got interested. Add me to the list.
  4. Vampire armor is definitely the best suited of the above options for Xander. For sword, I voted two-handed sword, since I would go for Bloodskal Blade, if you have access to it. The blade resembles at least a little bit of siegfried which is Xander's personal sword. In addition, when you are farther away of your enemies the Bloodskal Blade can release an energy blast, which is similar to Siegfried’s 1~2 range (Using the energy blast won't work while you are riding a horse though.)
  5. Jeheza


    Welcome to the Serenes Forest, TempestStorm. If I may ask, Who is your least favorite lord class character from the FE games you have played?
  6. Welcome to the Serenes Forest, Shinari. It seems we both share the same least favorite and favorite FE games. Have you played both paths in Sacred Stones? If you have, Which path you liked more: Ephraim or Eirika?
  7. My bad. I try to follow the rules now on. I hope I don't get banned now :C Well, for a mac, it has done good job on running softwares, better than I would have imagined. Considering the fact that I loved Radiant Dawn, I will most likely try to run PoR after I get to finish my other projects. And yeah, I could say that I'm 99% sure that I will start my FE6 adventure in the near future. Thank you for the welcome :) Thank you for the welcome :)
  8. Here's your cookie! Too bad it's an imaginary edition so you can't see it XD. (Here's three Finnish words for you: hello = hei, welcome = tervetuloa Forest = metsä) Thank you for the welcome :)
  9. Thank you for the welcome :) Thank you for the welcome :) Yeah those cut-scene spoilers pretty much made me forebode certain events in the game, but I was like 12 year old kid back then >.<; Nowadays I at least think before I enter spoiler-containing areas and care of the fresh story experience more. I actually had a plan of playing PoR with Doplhin emulator couple of years back, but my MAC didn’t feel well after emulating melee for 30 minutes so I didn’t dare to try PoR anymore. Maybe I should still give it a go one day. Yes, I do know of our boy. I’ve known him (and marth too) from the times of melee when I owned the game for Gamecube. Still, his character is quite unknown to me which is why I’ve lately been wanting to play Binding Blade. Anyways, Thank you for the welcome :)
  10. Well met everyone! A big time Fire Emblem fan here. I’ve actually been looking forward of being part to this community for a while now and decided to join today. This intro is going to be little long-ish (The longer the better, right) so if you read this word to word, I’ll give you a cookie :) Let’s start from the basic: How did I got into FE? I got to into FE because of Super smash bros Brawl, and to be more precise - because of Ike. Back in the days when I was still a kid, Ike was my favorite character to play (And still is my current main in smash 4) and I got interested of his origin. I looked up from the internet to see games where he appears and found out about Radiant dawn. I then looked from youtube all the cut-scenes of the game and thought it’s some badass hack & Slash game where you massacre everything with Ike & co. Instantly after watching the scenes, I requested the game for my birthday present; And I got it.( As you can see, I didn’t care about spoilers or anything like that back then xD) After I finally got to play the game, I felt a little bit disappointed, since it was not what I had anticipated. It was the first grind based strategy game I had ever played, so I still gave the game a go. Ironically, after playing couple chapters I found myself addicted to the game. I liked the control scheme, the plot and characters too, even though I didn’t understood english that well back then(Not my main language). after completing the game first time, I’ve been a Fire Emblem fan. (6 years already… Time sure flies xD). How I found the Serenes Forest site? By looking hints and secrets regarding Radiant dawn. Without the forest, Stefan would have stayed as a Base conversation ”Visitor” for a long long time. I found the forums just recently though. Fave Fire Emblem game? Radiant dawn. Not only because it got me into the series but I like the Tellius lore the most of the games i’ve played. I’m a big fan of laguz. In addition I like the mechanics the most too (Shove, Rescue, Canto, Biorhythm, magic trinity, Terrain: Gaps, floors etc.) I Also like 3rd tier promotions and the unique outfits the characters have. Fave Fire Emblem Character? This is Hard one because There are so many amazing and likable characters. But when asked, I usually go with Ike. He pretty much got me into whole FE. I Also like his personality the most of all of the main characters in the series, and I say this even without playing Path of Radiance ( I’ve heard that Ike’s personality got nerfed in the three year gap.) I want to give a honorable mention to Anna and Robin. Fave Fire Emblem Class? This one is hard too since I like many classes, but probably it’s a tie between Radiant dawn’s Black Knight and Awakening’s Tactician, mostly because of Designs. Fire Emblem games I have Cleared/ some progress info FE7 - Completed Eliwood and Hector normal modes with my smartphone emulator. FE8 - Completed both paths many times with my 3DS ambassador edition. cleared the Tower and the ruins at least once. Current playtime: over 500 hours. FE10 - Cleared with all difficulties and done some of the 2nd play-through events. FE11 - Cleared the game with emulator earlier this year and found the game rather boring, but that’s just my opinion tho. FE13 - Cleared the game many times. A while ago I finished my legit Lunatic mode run. I have cleared the Lunatic + mode too but resorted to grind money and a little bit of levels too in the DLC maps so I won’t consider it as a clean run. I will Probably never do a clean run of the difficulty because counter is bitch. Then again, I’m Emblem elitist so it wouldn’t be that surprising if I would attempt it one day. Current playtime: 655 hours. Fire Emblem If/Fates? I’m still anticipating the European release of fates while trying to avoid story spoilers as much as possible (Says the guy who just watched gameplay from Norh path chapter 19…) Other gaming stuff I like to play other RPG’s, strategy games, some classic retro games like Super Metroid and Sonic Adventure 2, and of course Smash Wii U. Metal Gear Solid 2&3 will get a honorable mention (Though It’s been so long since I last played those games). Hobbies Other than gaming: Reading manga, Making Remixes and original tunes with my logic pro X, Going for gym and running. I also like to watch snooker when I’m in the mood :) Music I listen a lot of music from various genres: Jazz, Rock, Hip-hop, Rap, J-pop, Trance, Dance, Death metal and so on. Usually though, the music is involved with Doujin influence. Anything Else? I haven’t used forums much in my past (only once before to join into a game tournament). This time though I’d want to make myself more useful and want to be more active here, maybe even make some new friends ( Not just leave this into introduction). I’ve actually wanted to do some kind of first time/fresh experience let’s play of FE6 with screenshots here in the forest, if I got my emulator to work. Would any of you be interested? Feel free to ask any questions regardless if it’s from FE or something else, I like to answer to them. I hope you and the forest welcome me with warm gladrar :)
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