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Everything posted by Jeheza

  1. The Fortuna definitely has some funky beats in it. Like you said, the music resembles Hill Top zone quite a bit. Also, I feel that the beginning part has some serious Marble Garden vibes in it too. This has actually given me an idea for an interesting medley. Btw, since the epic Finalé of Star Fox is approaching, which are you planning to play after it first: Live-a-Live or Freedom planet? or are you going to progress same time in both of them?
  2. Emmeryn... [spoiler=Because]She would probably be able to survive the fall. WCWY take to watch a romantic movie?
  3. Banned because using Pit as an avatar instead of Dark Pit!
  4. Basilio. I would challenge him to mead drinking contest. WCWY study math with?
  5. Some kind of Ultimate Mage with great offensive and supportive capabilities, but physically weak-ish. Stealthy classes like Rogue/Thief are also my type. ^This brings back some pretty good memories.
  6. Minor success would be almost a balanced ± 0 lifestyle, which would suit me just fine. Then again, learning from mistakes would evolve me more as a person and enable possible bigger successes after the failures. Besides, a complete plain life without any pits or peaks would probably be boring on the long run perspective. So my answer is learn from multiple failures.
  7. Luxian above has already mentioned pretty neat tips that I used back in my High School days, Namely producing the words to yourself in a weird way and drawing pictures of the subject/object that help you to memorize more stuff from the subject itself. The whole idea of mind map/drawing map is to use organized key words that help you to remember more from the context. There are lot’s of examples of how you could organize the words in the drawing map. You can always google for simple examples to take a grasp of the whole organizing thing. One of the most important components in memorizing stuff – If not the most important, in my opinion, at least – Is good night sleep. The needed sleep varies by person, but 8-9 hour regular sleep should already help you a lot. The sleep let’s your brains to compartmentalize the stuff you’ve studied during the day better, resulting better memorization.
  8. Hi Elieson. If you would be turned into FE character, what class would be most fitting to you? Out of all the FE games you have Cleared, Which game has your Favorite Main Antagonist? If you were forced to live three days in a tropical stranded island and could take one character from any game series with you, who would you pick to help you out at surviving? (Note you cannot escape the island until 72 hours) Super Mario World VS. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Whats your impression of me?
  9. Secret Sellers pay no Taxes

  10. *Starts making shady business with the old radio* *Throws Reggie Fils-Aimé*
  11. My vote goes to Cherche because of the wyverns and Vergil.
  12. Welcome to the forest, artpig! Enjoy your stay!
  13. How's the other two matches (Shin vs. Tsunami & Izhuark vs pichu) progressing? I just got curious.
  14. Thanks for the upload! Lots of great cards in this set. My favorite is definitely that badass Nine-tailed Fox Nishiki.
  15. *Hit from the Levin sword released the wild Jeheza from the Master ball* *Throws a coconut*
  16. Yeah, my Robin has B support with Chrom currently and I want to keep that Dual strike. I wonder if I can reclass to dark mage in the middle of the chapter ( after getting the level up from LV18 to LV19). Since my Robin will level up after killing the first enemy on the map, I could restart until I get desired mag + other stat ups. Reclassing in the middle of the chapter will use a turn from my Robin though, so maybe my best bet is to just reclass at the preparation screen and hope that mag +1 with my dark mage level up.
  17. Thank You both for the answers. The sword rank will probably go to C after 3-5 hits, so technically I could start using Levin Sword soon and reclass to mercenary. Though, the downfall here is that I'm probably not able to use that one Levin sword long, and buying more is at the moment impossible since my Run rules ban the use of Bonus team shops. This same rule will also make me impossible to use javelins with Sumia until I Unlock a legit shop that sells them (or get a lucky Anna encounter). I still have the javelin which you get from Kellam, but it has only 1 use left so it's quite useless now. If we assume that 270 is the value I had at the start of this run, That would give me total of 330 renown at the moment and access to items up to energy drop. (I don't think premonition counts since it feels more like an event than an actual chapter.) So, as my decision, I'm going to Dark mage path. I'm not sure how fast I'm able to A rank tomes, though (it's currently at B and half).
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