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Everything posted by chococoke

  1. I'd love something simple, such as influencing the story by killing one of two bosses. Whichever one you kill decides what happens after the chapter, etc.
  2. Hey, I know someone who goes there! Maybe you'll meet him~
  3. Chapter 22 (5/88) HELL YEAH. So, taking advantage of the fact that EUBANS MOVES WHEN YOU ENTER HIS RANGE, I decided to send Marcus down the right flank. He chugged two uses of an elixer and entered combat with Eubans, 1 AS short of doubling the bastard. This forced me to alter my strategy, but I'll come back to that later. Everyone else did a valiant job of holding off the initial offensive, especially Erk. That fucker is growing speed at an inhuman rate, and has morphed into some un-durable myrmidon of magic. Mmmmmm.... Anyway, Lowen bathed in pure water and killed magical fuckers, Eliwood was able to recruit Heath, and Prissy ran around and healed. Kent sucks. His offensive statistics are downright terrible, and I plan on feeding any stat boosters I have to that bum so that he stops sucking. WHAT A FART. The allied units were hella useful, soaking many enemy attacks that would've otherwise caused me serious issues. Anyway, on to my Marcus strategy. Javelin equipped, I had Marcus wait on the edge of Eubans' range at the end of turn 3, which was the earliest I could get him there. Eubans attacks Marcus. I retreat Marcus back up the right flank, again having him wait on the edge of Eubans' range. This time, when Eubans chases Marcus, I had Hector waiting nearby. What's the best way to mitigate a shitty Marcus? A FACE FULL OF FUCKING WOLF BEIL. Unfortunately, the Brave Axe and gold were not acquired. I don't give a fuck. NAME LEVEL HP POW SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Hector 15.63 32 15 12 11 8 16 6 A Axe Marcus 11.75 38 15 20 13 12 13 12 S Lance A Sword A Axe Lowen 14.83 35 12 10 13 9 11 1 C Sword B Lance Erk 13.96 24 10 10 15 7 4 6 B Anima Prissy 08.10 19 9 9 11 9 4 11 B Staves Kent 13.50 29 10 12 11 4 8 3 D Sword C Lance
  4. It appears Eubans DOES move? o____O My Marcus could damage him more if he wasn't at base Strength, urgh. I'll come up with a strategy soon enough.
  6. This is on track to be my most popular thread <3
  7. I'll start: When people are mean.
  8. Take note of the locations of all shops and armories in chapter 21. And the Elysian Whip village. It takes more than 1 turn. Also, how the FUCK did you guys kill Eubans in Kinship's Bond?
  9. Chapter 21 (6/83) Could've done this much faster, but elected to instead do some much needed shopping and get the Elysian whip, which required a few turns unfortunately. Erk was the shining star of this level, murdering those pesky Wyvern Knights. He can ORKO them with thunder. Marcus has the next best combat against them, a 2RKO with the Silver Axe. I love Erk. Got a shit load of stuff, including like 7,000 javelins, so I'm pretty happy with that. Bosskill went to Marcus, who leveled and got HP and Skill. Unsurprising. I'll post stats after Kinship's Bond, didn't get many level ups this chapter.
  10. I'd place Sain in the Middle tier of "Male Characters in Bed"
  11. Chapter 20 (9/77) Phew. 9 was the absolute maximum I could afford on this chapter, because Eliwood and Lyn will die on turn 10 due to Peg knight reinforcements. ANYWAY, everyone burst up the middle, saying "FUCK TREASURE!" I did the best I could to break through the horsey brigade in the chokepoint by having people abuse both ranged weaponry and by copious passing around of the horseslayer. Marcus was forced to dodge one hit out of 2 hits of 43 displayed from Darin in order to kill, and her managed to pull that off (the first hit landed, if the second one had I would've fucking killed myself.) Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE got sick level ups, save Marcus, but I don't expect anything from him anymore. I think I got a level up of HP, STR, and SPD on five different occasions. That'll do, pig. That'll do. NAME LEVEL HP POW SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Hector 13.01 30 14 10 10 7 14 5 A Axe Marcus 10.73 37 15 19 13 12 13 12 S Lance A Sword A Axe Lowen 13.91 34 12 9 12 8 11 1 C Sword C Lance Erk 12.11 23 10 9 14 7 4 6 B Anima Prissy 07.43 19 8 8 10 8 4 10 B Staves Kent 11.76 28 9 10 11 4 8 3 D Sword C Lance Everyone's speed is looking pretty awesome. Otherwise, eveyone's pretty average. Lowen is above average in Strength and Speed, which is helping me out quite a bit. He might see a promotion sometime soon. Marcus still hasn't procced Strength, so he's behind about 3 points behind on his average, making that stat the biggest screwage out of my entire team. Thanks a bunch, Marcus.
  12. Meh. The GBA theme is better, imo. Doesn't have the annoying bell in the background. Also, I played both GBA games and loved them, should I get Dark Dawn?
  13. Don't worry, every time I see a guy on this website with an avatar that's a chick it makes me wonder about them.
  14. Triple post oh noezzz Chapter 18 (3/58) Quickly discovered an optimal strategy, but a few things usually prevented it from working. One of these things was Lowen dying. He died pretty often, being tasked to guard the stairs and shit. The other really annoying thing was mother fucking ZOLDAM CRITKILLING MARCUS UGH, I swear to fucking god that fuck always critkills me every playthrough. FUCK. Anyway, everyone got a solid level up or two, aside from Prissy, but that bitch never levels because she's a cunt. Turn 3, Marcus ORKOs Zoldam etc. You all know the rest. Quality shopping is done, ready to take on the Dread Isle and Darin's bitchass. NAME LEVEL HP POW SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Hector 11.27 28 13 9 9 6 14 4 A Axe Marcus 08.20 35 15 18 12 11 13 11 S Lance A Sword A Axe Lowen 08.62 31 10 8 11 7 10 1 C Sword C Lance Erk 08.77 20 8 9 11 7 4 6 C Anima Prissy 05.60 18 7 7 9 7 4 8 C Staves Kent 09.64 26 9 9 9 4 8 1 D Sword D Lance Lowen is growing nicely. I'm glad I RNG abused that speed level up for Marcus in 17x, because he still has yet to proc Strength or speed outside of that. Cocks. Kent is also starting to fail me, that ass. Chapter 19 (8/66) Pretty easy. Lowen chills up north with Oswin and Dart, who tank like men, while Lowen does his thing with the Killing Edge. Gonna promote him soon so he can sling axes, AKA devil axe (I'm a risky bastard) Everyone headed toward Uhai. Standard people killing stuff takes place, with Marcus chewing through a full use Javelin before reaching Uhai, and 3RKOing with the Silver Lance. Simple enough, gg Uhai. NAME LEVEL HP POW SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Hector 11.66 28 13 9 9 6 14 4 A Axe Marcus 09.61 36 15 18 13 11 13 12 S Lance A Sword A Axe Lowen 12.07 33 11 9 11 8 11 1 C Sword C Lance Erk 10.40 21 8 9 12 7 4 6 C Anima Prissy 06.30 18 7 8 10 7 4 9 B Staves Kent 10.59 27 9 9 10 4 8 2 D Sword C Lance
  15. Waaaaait. What's the backstory? Two mods were cheaters so they shut down the whole thing?
  16. I'm thinking of scoring a Mankey as one of my early choice captures. Y/N?
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