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Everything posted by chococoke

  1. Night of Farewells is so fucking luck based, it's really frustrating.
  3. What do I have lol EDIT: A HORSE -___________-
  4. Awesome, can't wait to see Chapter 16. Or the FlorinarescuedropsMarcus palooza
  5. Can I have a link to there scenes? I've never seen a bunch of these, even the memory scene you have to unlock.
  6. I'm reviving this thread temporarily to say that I hate groups of guys at the gym that take 4,000 minutes to use a piece of equipment because they all rotate on it and talk afterward. That is all.
  7. Erm, she hardly MAINS axes, though she can wield them. I'd say starting with a D rank kind of makes them a back up weapon. Not to mention they all weigh her down, but that's a whole different story.
  8. Chapter 27 (11/133) Very happy with what I was able to do here. Lowen and Kent stayed back and held off the wyverns and killed the general and his buddies at the beginning of the map. Everyone else headed north. Lowen had a few run-ins with lady luck, and dodged many, MANY killing blows thanks to getting himself in trouble with the devil axe. Erk and Hawkeye were my primary wyvern murderers. Hawkeye is so useful that it kind of makes me laugh. He is destroying everything. I recall, during my last HHM draft run, I had to wait outside of the throne room for Kenneth to waste all of his Purge shots, because nobody could take a hit of Purge and also survive a round of combat from the silver sword wielding swordmaster. Well, I sent Hawkeye in there with a Swordreaver. Kenneth hits him with Purge, the silver sword guy attacks him and is critted DED. Next turn, Hawkeye critkills Kenneth with the killer axe. Game, set, match. Much self betterment was done, and even Marcus level STRENGTH for the first time this run! Funny note. Lowen started the chapter at D rank axes. He is now halfway to S rank thanks to insane devil axe usage. Silver axe with no AS loss? LETS GO BABY NAME LEVEL HP POW SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Hector 18.39 35 18 12 12 8 17 8 A Axe Marcus 14.14 41 16 20 15 13 13 14 S Lance A Sword A Axe Lowen 18/3.13 41 14 12 19 10 17 5 B Sword A Lance A Axe Erk 19.77 35 13 11 18 8 5 10 A Anima Prissy 10.61 21 9 11 11 10 4 12 A Staves Kent 18.18 34 13 13 12 5 8 3 C Sword B Lance Hawkeye 10.37 53 20 15 13 16 15 10 S Axe Farina 16.09 27 14 15 15 13 10 14 A Lance Karel 08.05 31 16 23 20 25 13 12 A Sword My team is now complete. I'm probably going to promote Erk and Kent before NoF, in preparation for Cog of Destiny. I'm really nervous for Cog of Destiny, to be honest, since that's where my run absolutely faltered last time. Though, to say I'm a little more prepared than last time is an understatement. Farina is going to be promoted after NoF no matter what, so that she can kill some magical bastards. I also have a speedwing. Any ideas on who should get it? Also, should I promote Erk or kill bitches this chapter and promote him afterward? I'd like to know what other people think.
  9. I HAVE A BIG PENIS LOL Internet penis, anyway
  10. Chapter 26 (11/122) Lowen promotes at level 18. Hector heads east onto the forts and kills shit, he's nearing the level cap. Farina does what she can to avoid dying, which she does rather easily, unfortunately. Kent headed south with Erk. Erk is a superstar, and fucked up a ton of wyverns. Kent, on the other hand... well, let's just say he needs a lot of help. It kinda sucks that I have to baby him AND Farina now. I just know if I promote him now, he'll be utterly useless. Hawkeye killed many Wyverns, and even tanked 2 round of Vaida action. Lowen got very lucky with the devil axe, and wasn't injured even once by it. He's almost to C axes. I can't wait until he can use the silver axe, much fun will be had. Much indeed. NAME LEVEL HP POW SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Hector 17.93 34 17 12 12 8 17 7 A Axe Marcus 13.80 40 15 20 14 13 13 13 S Lance A Sword A Axe Lowen 18/1.62 40 14 12 17 10 16 4 B Sword A Lance D Axe Erk 17.92 35 11 10 17 8 5 9 A Anima Prissy 09.38 20 9 10 11 10 4 11 A Staves Kent 17.92 33 12 13 12 5 8 3 C Sword B Lance Hawkeye 07.94 52 19 14 12 15 14 10 S Axe Farina 14.68 26 12 14 15 12 10 12 A Lance I was going to promote Erk, then I realized I don't have a guiding ring... so I'll have to snag one on PFoD Kenneth, which is next. Shit, I almost forgot that I get to recruit Karel in this chapter... I hope I don't forget when I actually run through it.
  11. Stop posting and raising my hopes unless it has a video attached plz -_____-
  12. I would recommend sending him south equipped with han- HEY WAIT A SECOND
  13. I hate having to wait months at a time for dondon to spoil us with his playthrough...
  14. I assumed the former, and still assume the former.
  15. Chapter 25 (8+4/111) Castle breakdown: Northeast: Heath (penalty) rescue-drops Marcus into position to murder the bishop on turn 2, leading to a subsequent seize. He held out on the castle for the rest of the chapter. Northwest: Lowen and Hawkeye, backed by Erk, took on the majority of the cavaliers. I'm so glad I drafted Hawkeye, he's an absolute monster. Hawkeye killer axe'd what'shisface the paladin, and seized the castle. Southwest: Kent soloed the whole thing with a few swords. Gained so much-needed levels as well. Hector remained at the start with Prissy (who, no joke, did NOTHING this chapter thanks to the ballistae.) He recruited Farina ASAP. Overall, quality levels were gained by everyone. However, taking 8 turns with the massive amount of reinforcements = many weapons being broken. This, coupled with Farina's asking price, could cause me issues in the future. Time will tell. NAME LEVEL HP POW SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Hector 16.57 33 16 12 12 8 17 6 A Axe Marcus 13.47 40 15 20 14 13 13 13 S Lance A Sword A Axe Lowen 18.50 38 13 11 16 10 14 3 B Sword B Lance Erk 16.00 34 11 10 17 8 5 8 A Anima Prissy 08.72 19 9 9 11 9 4 11 B Staves Kent 17.00 33 12 13 12 5 8 3 C Sword B Lance Hawkeye 07.94 52 19 14 12 14 14 10 A Axe Farina 12.47 24 10 13 14 10 10 12 A Lance Kent's offensive stats have improved somewhat. Lowen is dirty as SHIT. Not sure whether to promote him now so he can get that axe rank up, or to let him reach level 20. I'll probably just promote him. Erk is definitely going to be maxed out before I promote, count on that. I got him 2 new Thunder tomes, so it'll be rape time for him. Afa's Drops went to Farina. I'm honestly not sure when to promote her. Does anyone have any good ideas when to promote who? Should I also take advantage of Hawkeye to peakwalk and visit the armory?
  16. Just FYI, more pips = bigger loser. I'm working my way up.
  17. I have a girlfriend, as well. She's rather ugly and an absolute pain in the ass, so her and I are perfect for each other.
  18. Wait... she knows who you are without seeing a photo, so you've never actually talked to her in real life? Face to face? /thread
  19. Chapter 23 (9/97) This could've been done faster, but fucking Erk decided to be a few Magic short of ORKOing Shamans with Thunder, so there were 1-2 enemies remaining on turn 6, 7, and 8. Anyway, Erk is what made this manageable to begin with. He ORKOs Wyverns with Thunder, so he killed some Wyverns before heading West to take on the reinforcements. Kent and Lowen worked on the sandy area, killing bitches, while Hawkeye, Marcus, and Hector worked on the two bosses and enemies with them. Hawkeye killed both bosses. I'm glad to have added another member of my team. Now just Farina and Karel. NAME LEVEL HP POW SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Hector 16.00 33 16 12 12 8 17 6 A Axe Marcus 12.17 39 15 20 14 13 13 12 S Lance A Sword A Axe Lowen 14.83 35 12 10 13 9 11 1 C Sword B Lance Erk 15.39 33 10 10 16 8 5 7 A Anima Prissy 08.57 19 9 9 11 9 4 11 B Staves Kent 14.30 30 10 12 11 4 8 3 D Sword B Lance Hawkeye 05.74 51 19 14 11 14 14 10 A Axe Chapter 24 (2/99) Marcus runs north with the short spear equipped. Hawkeye heads east with Kent. Marcus counters Lloyd on turn 1 EP, then whacks him with the silver lance (which now has 4 uses left) down to a handful of HP. Hawkeye shops turn 1 for reavers (though makes sure not to spend too much money, since the next member of my team is rather expensive.) He also kills the bishop on turn 2, gaining another level. HP. Cool. After everyone else takes random potshots for exp, Lowen finishes Lloyd at around 68 displayed with the iron lance.
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