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Everything posted by chococoke

  1. I'm curious, what level were the aforementioned units when you promoted them? I'm getting rather tempted to start promoting some of my units.
  2. He deserved it. That asshole. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do for Crazed Beast... I think I'm gonna have to eat a 4 turn penalty immediately to rescue/drop Marcus over to where the Bishop is. But then my main force will be without my only reliable unit... shit sucks.
  3. Yeah, I'm moving into college on Saturday morning, so I'll end up pretty much halting my run. But until then... 24 PHEW. Finally got a strategy that worked. I did 3 different strategies here. 1) Charge everyone up the middle, send Hawkeye and Isadora to the east to buy shit. 2) Send Marcus to the east along with Hawkeye and Isadora, since Issy can't really handle too many enemies on her own. And then send Marcus back up north along with the rest of the force to fight Lloyd. Both of these strategies failed me OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. 3) Send ALL FORCES east, leave Wil and Hector with Merlinus to kill wyverns and monks. They did a good job. Wil had to dodge a killing blow at 58 displayed, but he did, so much celebration was had. Marcus acquired a swordreaver, which was a vurrrrrrrrrrry good idea. Marcus trapped Lloyd with Heath's old mine first (another genius idea) and wacked him once with the swordreaver. This left him with about 16 HP. Sain missed a javelin shot, like usual with his awesome SK. Erk hit him with a thunder blast, and then Isadora stabbied him with an iron lance to finish him off at 70 displayed hit. MOTHA FUCKAAAAAA. 7 turns, 124 total.
  4. God damn. I'm going to make a post even bigger than this one when I finally kill that fucker Lloyd, because NOTHING I DO IN THAT FUCKING LEVEL IS WORKING
  5. I swear I had my first dream about fire emblem last night. There was some kind of strange dark aura, that killed units that passed over it (I guess kind of like an uber mine?) Marcus went through no problem. Isadora went through and died. Stupid Isadora...
  6. They really wouldn't be. Rebecca's durability is worse than Wil's, and Wil gets 2RKO'd by just about every enemy I'm facing now. She'd just be another liability, really.
  7. Lloyd's chapter is giving me a headache. My units are becoming too weak to actually do anything.
  8. Got drunk and talked dirty to a fat girl. On the internet. Someone kill me
  9. Fuck Nolan. He's useless anyway. BOYD BOYD BOYD! BOYD BOYD BOYD!
  10. He would've been much better if he hadn't weighed himself down with that damn steel sword. At least he didn't have 3 AS like that stupid cavalier. What a stupid cavalier... Anyway. 23 One try. One try. Fuck yes. Especially wonderful since it took me 20+ attempts to clear Kinship's Bond. Anyway, I got really lucky, fast. Erk dodged a killing shot from Paul (or Jasmine? Whichever has the Killer Axe) on turn 1 enemy phase. Erk then proceeded east, since he's a mage and all and has no movement penalty in deserts. He he! I kind of forgot how I killed Paul, honestly, but it happened. Hawkeye appeared and did nothing... Which was actually just fine. I got very lucky, Erk killed plenty of people, as did Pent. Jasmine was killed by Axereaver!Sain, Steelsword!Marcus, and Silversword!Isadora. Pent killed all the enemies remaining. 5 turns, 117 total. I guess I'll update my unit stats now, I feel like it's been a while since I've done that. Name Level HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Hector 16.27 34 16 13 9 9 15 3 Marcus 9.89 36 18 18 14 10 11 12 Bartre 12.72 38 14 6 6 7 8 2 Erk 15.08 27 14 15 15 9 6 11 Wil 10.62 25 10 9 11 9 6 3 Sain 13.55 36* 16 6 12 8 10 2 Matthew 11.95 24 6 7 18 3 4 2 Isadora 3.05 29 14 13 17 10 8 6 Hector: Pretty average, blessed SK is cool but unnecessary. Marcus: Pretty much level across the board. Bartre: Only screwed stat is SK, but I really regret taking him. Should've gone with Dorcas. Or Dart. Or anyone. Erk: Fuck and yes. Every stat is above average, ST is a whopping +3.4. Ended up working out great, I can't wait to promote him. Wil: Average, but SP blessed (+2.8) Sain: SK screwed (-2.2), but still a solid unit. Matthew: LK screwed (-3.5) but who gives a shit. I just need to get him more kills, and he needs to proc some stats other than speed. Isadora: Not much to say here, she's only gained 2 levels.
  11. 22 Finally did it. This one wasn't that difficult. I played it much safer, having Marcus do a lot of killing. I actually managed to kill the thief after he nabbed the brave axe, and then managed to steal the 10,000 gold. That was the first time I had done that, so wee! Rath's unit usually helps tremendously (aside from that stupid cavalier with 3 AS) and they did again. RIP Rath. I got Heath, as well as Heath's weapons, so that's awesome. I actually finished the chapter before writing this up this time, too, so awesome day. 11 (12) turns, 112 total.
  12. Yo, just wanted to say: For my Fire Emblem draft run, I have almost the same characters as you, so I've been watching your videos for ideas on strategies. But your Sain, your Matthew, your Bartre... they're all so much better than mine :O and for that, I give you...


  13. Quadruple post. But everyone else seems dead. So I'll just assume that it's okay. WIL DIED ON THE LAST FUCKING TURN OH MY FUCKING LORD YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME I can't believe that just happened...
  14. Thanks for the support. You've inspired me to give it another go before throwing my gameboy against the wall.

  15. I can't do this anymore. My last 3 attempts, I've done everything perfectly. And then someone is killed on the FINAL enemy phase. I'm going to go insane.
  16. 22 This took a while. A bunch of my units kind of suck for this level (Bartre being the main culprit.) Isadora is not nearly as good as I had hoped she would be. Eh, well, at least she's a promoted unit. Anyway, strategy wise, everyone chilled in the middle room spanking people. Erk is beastly, being able to OHKO most physical units with his awesome speed and magic. On turn 9, I retreated everyone back as far as possible in order to avoid a potential death, which seemed likely. Eliwood recruited Heath, his weapons will be useful. Plus I need a flyer for Crazed Beast, so that ended up working out nicely. Screw you, Eubans. You're lucky I had no chance of reaching and killing you. OH WAIT AS I'M WRITING THIS HECTOR GETS KILLED BY A MAGE. FUCK YOU, FIRE EMBLEM. FUCK YOU. Ugh.
  17. Argh. Just got back from my 2 week vacation. Kinship's Bond is still fucking retarded.
  18. Marcus plus javelin? Does he have S rank lances? The added hit would help. Unfortunately, I'm going to Vermont on Saturday for 3 weeks, so I'll be out of commission for a while. There's no way I'm going to beat Kinship's hell before that, too.
  19. Kinship's Bond. Holy shit. Enough of this game.
  20. Yeah, what Balcerzak said, I'm in tourney 3.
  21. 21 This one wasn't too bad. 3 attempts is probably the lowest thus far for me. Anyway, Erk and Bartre stayed back and killed those silly monks. Bartre STILL WON'T PROC SPEED. He and Hector are ridiculous, they just won't get any speed. Anyway, this is boring. People killed other people through the middle. Marcus didn't get as many kills as usual, so that's always a bonus. Hector lures Oleg by standing just inside his range (where Matthew was murdered my last attempt at this chapter) and Matthew moves in and steals the Hero Crest. Marcus wacks Oleg twice with the steel sword, and Erk gets the boss kill with a doseage of FIRE. Forgot to check how many turns it was, but I estimate 6. 100 total.
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