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Everything posted by chococoke

  1. I always thought Micaiah was interesting. Don't get me wrong, her personality is about as interesting as a sack of bricks. However, she's the first lord I've noticed that doesn't become h4x by endgame... She's a magic using main lord, the first (for me, anyway.) She's a staff user. Her magic stat usually always caps given that it's one of her highest growths, so if you use BEXP on her, her magic will be shooting up. Her durability is crap, but that's kind of interesting in a sick way. She's a main lord that needs protecting, kind of how you'd imagine most main lords should be. I still hate her.
  2. EPHRAIM. I want to see how awesome Gheb is.
  3. 11 health?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! wut
  4. I'm already interested in this playthrough. Keep it updated brah! And use Ewan, he's the shit.
  5. It's usually safe to assume that the only function an enemy thief serves is to attempt to pilfer any chests in the area and then retreat from the battle. However, there are some thieves that will merely attempt to steal items from you (the one in NLoC stands out...) However, there are some exceptions, which will require that you play through the chapter to discover. The thief in Kinship's Bond will steal the Brave Axe and then 10,000 gold, and then head north toward downed Nils. I hate thieves honestly.
  6. That video goes to show why I hate Bartre so damn much.
  7. This was me yesterday at the gym. And it'll be me today at the gym. So, I apologize in advance, but if you understood the circumstances you'd give me a free pass. EDIT: Plus, how could you be mad when I'm blasting Access the Animus (remix) over and over again?
  8. There was a time when I did that. Trust me when I say it feels much better to lift weights, blasting Access the Animus remix while you're so wired you can feel your heart beat in your throat.
  9. Story time! So, my girlfriend that broke up with me about a month ago got pissed at me for reasons that I don't feel like delving into. Anyway, she imparted me with the information that she fucked 2 guys about a week after we broke up. Oooo wee. That one stung. If anyone is ever in a situation like this, I recommend the following steps. 1) Go to 7-11, buy two 16 oz cans of Spike Shooter. 2) Go to a gym. 3) Chug said 1 Spike Shooter 4) Feel your heart in your throat, blast your ipod, and fucking LIFT LIKE YOU WERE BORN TO. Anyway, I just finished my workout. My hands are still shaking. I'm about to go into a forest and find a bear to rip limb from limb. EDIT: Might as well link the wikipedia page as a disclaimer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spike_Shooter
  10. I tried searching for it but couldn't find it anywhere. Anyone know where to look it up?
  11. Well, first of all, if you're playing HHM the first thing you're gonna find out is that you are gonna have to use Marcus. Yup. I found that out the first time I played HHM, and it was the first time I ever leveled him up past level 1. The team you have is solid, though I would definitely recommend dropping someone for Raven. Raven has awesome growths as well as HHM bonuses for being an enemy. You probably will also want to end up using either Sain or Kent. If you're doing LHM beforehand (which you definitely should) then you should spend all of your time training only one of those two instead of both. Paladins are awesome in FE7. In fact, FE7 is pretty much the last game where paladins are awesome.
  12. Yeah, eff this. I'm too busy being miserable at college to even attempt to beat Crazed Beast, and when I did try and beat it I got screwed by shitty luck. I'm gonna be out of commission for a while.
  13. HELL YES. I brought a few things to college with me this year to entertain myself. 1 of those things was a Gameboy, which which I brought a few games. 2 of which were the Golden Sun games.
  14. I'd like to know what possessed you to think that the mine glitch was legal to begin with.
  15. When I was 17 years old, I started dating a girl for the first time. She was a great girl, 16 years old. It was my senior year of high school. I eventually turned 18, and she eventually turned 17. We broke up about 2 months ago. I was happy, I told her I was in love. But seriously, what did it mean? The word love is stupid. I was never smacked in the face by *love* so to speak. I broke up with her, and now I'm single. I hooked up with another girl like a month after breaking up. I thought it would make me happy. It didn't. I made the biggest mistake of my life. Congrats IET, I hope what you and her have is genuine.
  16. Naw, day 2 of college and I'm still too nervous to go meet anyone other than my roommate and someone I knew from my highs school.
  17. I'd like to place a personal Barf-tray request. Because he's been pissing me off an awful lot lately on my draft playthrough.
  18. I'm thinking of promoting Bartre. At least, I was, until I saw that Fighter - Warrior gets exactly 0 speed for some reason. Why did I draft that asshole...
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