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Posts posted by chococoke

  1. 15

    I thought this one would be easier, but it probably is a little difficult because I suck at this.

    Anyway, Marcus is sent south with a hand axe to solo the bottom part of the map, and the wreck Sealen, who is weighed down by his bows. Hector, Bartre, and Erk all head out the broken wall to the west and kill the enemies that show up there. Sealen is killed on turn 3, reinforcements stop, everyone rejoices. 8 turn completion, 51 total.

  2. Trust me, you need all the characters you can get.

    I should probably listen to you, but Rebecca's uselessness convinced me otherwise. 2 chip damage was not helping me.

    Hector 9.05 27 12 9 9 6 12 1
    Matthew 5.12 19 4 5 14 2 3 2
    Marcus 3.20 31 16 15 12 8 10 10
    Bartre 7.27 33 11 6 6 6 5 2
    Erk 2.90 18 6 7 8 4 2 4

    Still can't make a chart. Ugh.

  3. Time to get something going here.


    Everyone again pushes south. Marcus takes point, which probably is a bad idea, because some of my characters really need level ups to stop sucking *cough Bartrebase3AS cough*

    NOTE: not having a healer really, REALLY sucks. People keep dying, too. I really suck at this. First it was Rebecca, who gets 2RKO'd by all enemies, and then it was Matthew, with a bandit landing a 22% displayed hit with a hand axe. Finally getting a run working. It kind of makes me laugh that Bartre just procced speed, and therefor can finally double 0 AS loldiers. Guy gives his killing edge and vulnerary to Matthew, then proceeds to sacrifice himself to the enemies. I am getting some really shitty level ups. Rebecca procs only health. Marcus procs only resistance. Lowen went shopping with the red gem, buys 4 vulneraries and a hand axe. 13 turn completion. 30 total.


    Decided to send Oswin and Bartre to deal with the soldiers to the right, since Bartre can now double the soldiers. Marcus is sent forward to deal with a lot of people in the middle of the map. He can't double much of anything with his base speed, unfortunately. OMG ERK I MISSED YOU SO MUCH LOL ;-) (Erk is recruited by Serra, who I can finally let die now.) I'm going to complete this one later, because it's annoying as hell. EDIT: Rebecca was killed. Chapter was going really well. Should I just leave her dead and continue onward? She's been sucking an awful lot lately... And I always have Wil.

    Second edit: I left her dead. She was useless to me. If anything, this will be us seeing if it's actually possible to complete one of these runs with a dead character. Besides, I'm about to get a duplicate of her in one more chapter. Anyway, Hector takes care of all of the horsies in the middle, getting some good level ups. Rebecca (RIP) and Bartre kill peg knights ALL CHAPTER. 13 turn completion, 43 total. I'll make another post with character stats. Hopefully it'll look alright.

  4. Fair enough, but I think it's mostly referring to, say...playing through chapter 13 three times waiting for Hector to get Speed.

    Yeah, I suppose that's true. I'll just run through one more time then. Though we ARE going for efficiency, so I figured, that point of speed would help with efficiency...

    But what do I know, I haven't even completed chapter 13

  5. Chapter 21 done in 8 turns for a 113 total turn investment so far. I'm too lazy to update training so far. Needless to say, Oswin is on the cusp of Promotion.

    STOP GOING SO FAST :o I wish I didn't have to work....

    Anyway, now it's my turn:


    I'm already more excited for this one than chapter 12, no more fail troop of undrafted units being assaulted (other than Oswin, he's a cool guy so it's all good.)

    So, to start, everyone presses south. I just realized that Hector needs to proc speed next level up in order to ORKO the boss. Hopefully that happens. I'm going to keep restarting until he gets that speed.

    First go through: only luck. Shit.

    Second go through: Strength and skill. Argh.



    so at this point I'm down by the southern bridge. Mattie just recruited Guy and stole his vulnerary to get drunk on. Mmm... tasty vulneraries.... Everyone fights all of the stinky bandits. Rebecca shoots down a peg and level up! And it's a decent level up. BARTRE GETS DOUBLED AND KILLED BY A MOTHER FUCKING CAVALIER FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fucking fuckity fuck fuck 3 base speed.

    I hate this game. I'll edit this post with my later attempts. I want to play Call of Duty.

  6. At least you guys have managed to start. I beat HNM. Not giving me an option for HHM. Goddammit.

    Well, EHM is on Chapter 22. Shouldn't be too long *sigh* if I just rush through.

    Wait, really? I beat ENM and HNM, but never EHM. I did beat LHM though, so maybe beat that really quickly?


    12 everyone is drunk on vulneraries

    This one was annoying. It took me a while to figure out what to do with the northern units, since I had to keep Serra alive to recruit Erk, etc. Anyway, I placed Hector on a mountain with his trusty hand axe, whilst Oswin blocked his flank. Marcus runs as fast as he can up north, killing as many things as possible along the way. The new southern force (basically, Rebecca and Bartre, along with 3 unarmed units, one of them being Vulnerary caravan Eliwood) are left to deal with a whopping 2 bandits and 1 archer, whom they barely kill. Bartre and Rebecca BOTH miss against 1 bandit (both had hit chances around 70%). Fucking retarded. Marcus kills the boss. He also runs down and kills the final bandit because Bartre misses AGAIN at 77% displayed. Ugh. 9 turns, 17 total.

    Name	Level   HP 	ST 	SK	SP    LK      DF      RS
    Hector   4.66     25     14 	 9 	10   	4    	11      	3  	
    Matthew 3.44    19 	4       5     12   2      3             1
    Marcus   1.50    base stats
    Rebecca 1.36     base stats
    Bartre   3.21       30      10     6       3    4       4            0

    EDIT: at some point I'll figure out how this damn chart thing works.

  8. Well, I'm going to tackle chapter 16 now. Chococoke, your team is pretty good, I bet your Sain will be a god.

    Well, I sure hope he does well. A lot of the people I drafted are people I've used before (save Erk, who I took in the 2nd round for whatever reason, and Wil.)

    I'm probably not going to win, it took me forever to 8 turn chapter 11 and that was WITH Matthew, though he didn't do much other than chip the broken wall. We'll see how Chapter 12 goes I suppose. Have 5 usable units there, so that should help me out immensely.



    Redid this one a few times.... Hector with his useless misses, and when he hit, his even more useless level ups. Matthew certainly helped a tiny bit. He's kind of silly. First HHM chapter beaten ever! :D 8 turns

    Name	Level   HP 	ST 	SK    SP LK DF RS
    Hector   2.84    20        8	5       6  3   8     0
    Matthew 2.02    Base	

    EDIT: Good god that chart is fucked up. Oh well :(

  10. FURETCHEN: Priscilla, Kent, Fiora, Dorcas, Ninian, Legault, Farina

    MIST: Raven, Guy, Lucius, Harken, Dart, Rath, Nils

    CORE: Serra, Eliwood, Florina, Heath, Canas, Lyn, Jaffar

    JANISSARY: Oswin, Lowen, Pent, Hawkeye, Karel, Louise, Vaida

    CHOCOCOKE: Sain, Erk, Bartre, Matthew, Rebecca, Isadora, Wil, Karla TEAM COMPLETE

    Uh..... -_- that was difficult. Though, Wil sure did fall. He at least comes early!

    2 archers = ugh

  11. FURETCHEN: Priscilla, Kent, Fiora, Dorcas, Ninian

    MIST: Raven, Guy, Lucius, Harken, Dart

    CORE: Serra, Eliwood, Florina, Heath, Canas

    JANISSARY: Oswin, Lowen, Pent, Hawkeye, Karel

    CHOCOCOKE: Sain, Erk, Bartre, Matthew, Rebecca, Isadora

    Wow. Awesome picks.

    ALSO: Is Mist ACTUALLY changing his pick to Dart?

  12. My vote is no, it gives too many 'what ifs'

    while if we draft it one by one we know exactly what we're getting.

    This. Lets just take turns like the tourney usually does, all the while crossing off who has been taken in the OP. Makes things a lot less confusing, especially since I kind of planned on picking based upon who exactly was available, who I needed to do certain things, etc.

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