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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. So, basically Geneaolgy/Sacred Stones (I haven't played either game so correct me if I'm wrong, but that does sound similar)?
  2. I'll start with unit. Unit: there are a few bad ones, but I think the worst is Gunter. Overleveled with bad stats in chapters 2 and 3, unavailable afterwards in Birthright (so wasted experience, and give all his items to Corrin if you can), underleveled with bad stats and bad growths when you get him back in Conquest, and in Revelations he is the most Jagen Jagen in the history of Jagens since the original Jagen. He cannot even support anyone, not even Corrin, in Revelations. He is utterly useless (which is ironic since SPOILERS: he is a decent boss fight). Portrayal: Oh, there are so many... Azama, Izana, Setsuna, all the 2nd gen children (which is sad since some of them could have been good in another FE game as 1st gen units; and my opinion is the game itself, not DLC), Peri, Odin, Laslow to an extent, Camilla to an extent, Azura in Conquest to an extent... but the worst is almost certainly Corrin. Azama is second place for being such a... jerk is the wrong word; I think the right word starts with Jack..., but Azama is irrelevant in Conquest/Revelations outside of support conversations, whereas Corrin is extremely badly done and remains relevant in all three games.
  3. You make some good points, and I can understand a desperate counterattack into Nohr if it was better explained, and my point was that it wasn't (but thanks for reminding me about chapter 10), but really it makes the events of chapter 6 make even less sense: Nohr wins the battle in chapter 6, yet falls back and essentially allows Hoshido to launch a desperate counterattack deep in Nohrian territory, despite invading Nohr being presented as a difficult challenge in Birthright. If it were the case that Nohr had used its momentum in invading Hoshido, then Hoshido launched a desperate high-risk counter into unprotected Nohrian territory that forces Nohrian forces to fall back, giving Hoshido's main army breathing room, then it would make a lot more sense in my opinion (and would convey a lot more of what's happening in the background). But instead, Nohr wins, retreats, allows Hoshidan forces into its borders, and waits almost inexplicably until chapter 16 to invade Hoshido. EDIT: Furthermore, it doesn't seem like Hoshido is launching a desperate counterattack, as they would gain nothing from that as Nohr retreated. Instead their just... invading; it seems, when they are the ones on the defensive. Plus, Nohr's mission in chapter 6 was not to get Corrin back; Xander clearly states that King Garon says its time to invade Hoshido. The Nohrian royals are even surprised to see Corrin there at all. Even if that was their mission, it would make sense for a small group (in this case all the royals) to escort Corrin back to Nohr while the rest of the army either holds position or continues to move into Hoshido (they do have the momentum after all), but it seems like the entire army decides to fall back even though they won.
  4. Robin Hood Team (which was also my starting team in Pokémon Sun) : Decidueye: Robin Hoot (Robin Hood) Snorlax: Friar Luck (Friar Tuck) wishiwashi: Wittle Johni (Little John) Female Lycanroc: Lymarian (Maid Marian; can modify this nickname to Nymarian to also allude to Nymeria: Arya Stark's dire wolf from Game of Thrones) Alolan Marowak: Alan a-Flare (Allan a-Dayle; could also replace this with a music-oriented Pokémon such as Chatot or Exploud, though I'm not sure how to make a good pun nickname from those two. One could also use Flareon for the Flare pun) Mimikyu: Will Blanket (Will Scarlet)
  5. I agree with the idea of removing Valla, or, at the very least, not making it a kingdom that suddenly everyone forgot existed after only one generation. Personally, if I had to keep it in the story, would make it a dead kingdom people remember in tragedy due to a terrible event that people know happened. I would also put Valla on the map and maybe make the bottomless chasm feared because it is a lingering reminder of the tragedy of Valla. I would then make it that the Tragedy of Valla is connected to Nohr's food crisis. I would still keep Azura as Garon's stepdaughter, but make it that her safety was the reason she was separated from her stepsiblings, but perhaps I would make it that sometimes she was allowed to spend time with her stepfamily, and that she cherished those moments. I would have kept all the royal siblings, and made it that each has their role to play in the story so they don't always have to be involved all the time, but none are underused or underdeveloped. I would make Corrin blood-related to the Hoshidan siblings and not Anankos' son. The dragon-form would be kept (though made to look more like a dawn dragon, given that Garon's dragon form greatly resembled the dusk dragon statues), and explained the way it was in chapter 5: some descendants within whom the blood is particularly strong can shapeshift, but they risk insanity due to the stronger instincts without a dragonstone. Perhaps, instead of getting one out of nowhere from Azura, they must have one made (or maybe he gets one that will work for a time, but he will need one that is his own to remain permanently under control), and this leads him to the Rainbow Sage. Furthermore, I would expand upon the lore related to the Rainbow Sage, the First Dragons, the Yato and the other weapons. For example, instead of all five having been built by the Sage, he built the Yato, "And the other dragons followed suit; giving their human champions sacred weapons, but [humanity being brought into the war between the First Dragons] all started with my grave mistake; I must pay the price." This would allow for more than five sacred weapons, thus allowing for all the royal siblings and Azura to have sacred weapons, and for the Yato to become the Fire Emblem (for purposes directly related to the plot) in all three routes. I would also make the Yato more plot relevant, and explain that the Yato chose Corrin because it saw in him the chance for peace among humans; the chance for the Rainbow Sage's redemption to be fulfilled. It's a bit strange that the Yato was inside a Dawn Dragon statue, and two were in Hoshido and two were in Nohr, when all 5 weapons were made by the Rainbow Sage. I would also maybe give a brief mention of where each of them got their weapons.
  6. I do not think it is not a double standard; there are clear differences between the Laguz system and Ashnard. The Laguz leaders are decided by strength, but, unlike Ashnard, they are not obsessed with bringing about war. Also, they are not trying to force their ideology on the rest of Tellius, whereas Ashnard is. They are similar in ideology, but, even though the game does not dive much into it in the case of the laguz, it is clear that how the Laguz implement that ideology is different from Ashnard. They choose their leaders by strength, but, one example being the meeting between the Laguz leaders, they do not let strength decide everything and they do not seek out war. Gallia are not a horrible dictatorship because Caineghis, their leader, chooses not to be a horrible dictator.
  7. Barst. His stats are comparable to Ogma's in that they're just that good. He has the strength and the speed where Cord has just the strength and Bord has just the speed. Darros... has decent bulk I guess? I never really used him much either, but I remember his speed and skill are not good. I'd give Minerva an honourable mention for being a flying unit and being one of the better already promoted units in the game.
  8. I liked Ashnard for being a good blend of outright evil and an ideaologist (in this case Social Darwinism) at the same time. But I voted for Sephiran because there is just something I find fascinating about villains who have lived an unnaturally long lifespan and had to witness humanity in some of its worst moments.
  9. I agree with the above: if Necrozma counts as an Ultra Beast then Solgaleo counts, in which case I would vote for Solgaleo. But, since it's not on the list, then Kartana.
  10. I agree with a lot of what the people above have said: the story, characters, and worldbuilding of PoR are a lot more detailed and fleshed out than other FE games, almost to the point where I would disagree with previous statements that PoR's plot was "safe". I like how it tried to cover all those topics the people above mentioned. Their is one more topic PoR touched on that, as far as I know, no other FE game did: it actually challenged the idea of inherited power and its ups and downs. Ike being a commoner rather than another prince (and having no dream or ambition for wealth or influence whatsoever), the rampant classism in Begnion compared to the way the Laguz live (Kings have to earn their title), and Ashnard being a radical Social Darwinist are just a few examples of just how important a topic it was in Path of Radiance, and I don't think any other FE game really dived into that particular topic.
  11. 1. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: I am a big Legend of Zelda fan and I have been looking forward to this game since it was first announced back in 2013. 2. For Honor: It is certainly the first Ubisoft game I have ever looked forward too (partly because I usually prefer Nintendo games and don't play a lot of rated M games; partly because of, well... Ubisoft), and I hope it doesn't disappoint. 3. Kingdom Come: Deliverance: I'm still not sure if I will actually get it when it comes out, but I am truly fascinated by the level of detail and historical authenticity, meaning that the most accurate and authentic historic fiction I have ever seen/played/read, is a video game (though that's not saying much as most 'historical' fiction is riddled with holes and errors). As someone for whom ancient & medieval history, particularly arms and armour, is an area of interest, it is very cool to see a game like this.
  12. Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes. The lack of shields was not fun, and it should have just been a non-canon spin-off (because that's basically what it was until they said it was a main Zelda game and that the Link the player controls is the Link from A Link Between Worlds), but it was a fun game. A lot of the costumes were interesting and the totem feature was fun. I did dislike that it was almost impossible to beat the three shadow links when playing solo, but that's more of a nitpick. The totem feature was really neat. I would have liked to see another Four Swords game, but I understand that the totem would not have worked for four Links.
  13. I wasn't suggesting it was as popular as Kirby, I was merely pointing out that Fire Emblem rose in popularity due to being released worldwide, and one more character would not have been too many back in Brawl. Forgive me if it seemed like I was saying FE was as popular as Kirby. (Before I continue, I would like to point out that anything in quotation marks is not my opinion, but opinions I have seen. It is not relevant as to if I agree or disagree with any of them). As for Corrin and Roy; they were included as DLC characters; they were optional. Plus Roy had been cut already; he was brought back due to demand from his fan base, and, as far as I can tell, bringing him back received mixed reception. Plus, in the sight of "too many swordsmen," Marth will not be cut, Ike will not be cut, so, by virtue of being one they can cut, he could very well be first to go if cutting Lucina is not enough. Corrin is unique enough to want to keep, but him being introduced as optional, and there having been backlash of, "Too many FE characters" and, "Oh he was just brought in because of Fates" or "The dragon stuff is cool but he's still a swordsman" will make them hesitate before putting him in. I do withdraw my comment on Robin's continuation being debatable, but nothing else. If Roy and Lucina are cut, that leaves room for two FE characters without there being an increase. Potentially, that could be Micaiah and one character from either Tokyo Mirage Sessions # FE, or from the next FE game if it comes before Smash 5. The chances of Micaiah's inclusion cannot go down any more than they have barring someone high up in Nintendo saying outright, "Micaiah will never be a playable character in any Smash Bros characters." They can increase, however, by popular demand or by any remakes of the Tellius games.
  14. Another thing Tellius was great at that relates to armies: it's clear how well each kingdom/empire is doing in whichever war is going on, where the off-screen battles are happening, and where the borders and defences are. For example, in Path of Radiance, one Daein General points out that ever since they took the capital, "Each town displays less and less resistance- now they literally throw wide the gates at the first sight of our approach! [...] I worry that my troops may become sloppy and lose their edge." From this and the town in this very chapter, you know what's going on in what's left of yet-to-be conquered Crimea. In Radiant Dawn, the Laguz alliance knows which fortresses it needs to take to enter Begnion, and you know the main Begnion army is on its way. In Conquest, Ryouma shows up out of the blue in the middle of Nohr (despite that very same area of Nohr requiring a large campaign to get to in Birthright and the Hoshidan forces supposedly aren't any better off in Conquest) to try to get Corrin back and somehow is able to get back to Hoshido despite the fact that his army's presence in Nohr should have raised all kinds of alarms. The borders and where the armies are fighting is extremely unclear. Plus, Nohr was invading, and, as far as I could tell, wins the fight in chapter 6. Why does it then pretty much completely fall back? If the battle was a stalemate, then it would make sense for both armies to fall back and regroup. But whichever army you choose wins the fight, but both armies fall back, which makes sense in Birthright as the Hoshidans are on the defence, but the Nohrians are the attackers, and they have the momentum if you side with them.
  15. I agree with the person above; why not have both Ike and Micaiah? Had it been done in Brawl, there would have been 3 FE characters in Brawl, which I am sure no one would have claimed to be too many considering FE was worldwide, and would be the same as the number of Kirby characters in Brawl. Of course, we can't go back in time and change this. But, since Lucina and Roy almost certainly will not be in Smash Bros. 5 (if another Smash Bros game is ever made) and the fates (pun intended) of Robin and Corrin are debatable, Micaiah could appear in a later Smash Bros game, especially if Nintendo makes a remake of Path of Radiance and/or Radiant Dawn.
  16. I think it sounds really cool, though, for Thani, to reflect that it is essentially a magic rapier in-game, would have added a gimmick that the spell launches opponents further the heavier they are, rather than less far.
  17. Honourable Mention: Rowlet/Decidueye: It is a cool Pokémon. It's an owl, and it is Robin Hood. Plus Rowlet is pretty cool, and its hidden ability, while not available yet, will definitely be useful. But there are lots of things that keep it from top ten, the main one being: why is it so slow? Base 70? It's a bird that is also an archer! Why is it that slow!? 10. Rayquaza: eats meteorites, obliterates opposing Pokémon teams, mega evolves without the need of a mega stone, now knows dragon ascent, looks cool, lives high in the sky as a benevolent guardian and defeated both Kyogre and Groudon. What is not to love about Rayquaza, other than its less than great defences? It's standard form is not the best, but its Mega Evolution is just awesome! It's not my favourite Pokémon, but the fact that it is gen 6's Mewtwo (but benevolent unlike Mewtwo) gives it a place in the top ten. 9. Charizard: My first starter Pokémon, and oh how I thought it would be fire/dragon (I had just been introduced to Pokémon and no one told me it wouldn't be fire/dragon, and, while there was the internet, I mainly used the internet to find out about new Bionicle toys, I was that young). Thankfully, its mega evolution in Pokémon X was fire/dragon... and I picked Pokémon Y (a decision I regret; I should have bought X instead as Xerneas is cooler than Yveltal), so ultimately I didn't use Charizard as it always should have been until Omega Ruby. But it was worth it. It is really good, and it always was a cool Pokémon. However, standard Charizard is still fire/flying, as is Mega Charizard Y, and that 4x weakness to rock really hurts it. 8. Altaria: It is, in my opinion, a very cool-looking Pokémon. Plus its mega evolution gives it Pixilate and Dragon-Fairy; a very cool typing. It would be higher if not for two reasons: a) standard Altaria stinks stat-wise and should have gotten fairy type as well, and b) Swablu stinks so much it makes it almost impossible to train an Altaria without having to use an exp.Share. 7. Gallade: A master of courtesy and swordsmanship. A pretty cool Pokémon. Fighting/Psychic is not my favourite typing but it is certainly useful. It also got a cool mega evolution, giving it a cape, a much needed boost to speed, and an immense attack stat. Oh how this used to be top 5 of my favourite Pokémon. But I am not without criticisms of it: while its mega evolution's ability is immune to flinches from things like fake out, it could definitely have gotten a more useful ability, especially since Gardevoir got Pixilate! It's mega evolution got a cape, and that's it in terms of looks, and I am sorry but its arm do not look like swords (not functional swords anyway). And its standard version has two abilities that are rather situational like that of its mega evolution. 6. Marowak: I always liked Cubone/Marowak. Its backstory is just so sad, it looks cool, it has a really good unique item (double attack without being locked to one move), and it fights using a bone like a club. I was extremely happy when they announced that it got an Alolan form; perhaps they would finally patch up either its low speed or HP. While Ghost/Fire is cool, they did not change its stats at all. Still a cool Pokémon that only stopped being top 5 due to Solgaleo and Mimikyu. 5. Solgaleo: I have been looking forward to a Sun legendary Pokémon since, well, since Sun and Moon was announced. And, after being somewhat disappointed by gen 6's lion Pokémon, I was especially happy to learn that the sun legendary is a lion (and a really cool-looking one). I didn't quite understand why it was steel/psychic at first, but I had no complaints about that typing either (though steel/psychic is not what it used to be). Plus the story of obtaining Solgaleo (I won't give any spoilers) is pretty darn cool. My problem with Solgaleo is, now I have it, and the one I have has a really good nature as well, but I cannot help but feel underwhelmed. Full Metal Body is clear body with a fancy name (and at first I was okay with that, but surely they could have come up with a cool unique ability; they came up with several for 7th gen), I just feel sunsteel strike could be a bit better (hits regardless of abilities? It is a steel type move! Though having the power and accuracy of earthquake is pretty good). And, while 97 base speed is not slow, it is less than that of the gen 6 legendaries! Don't get me wrong, Solgaleo is not by any means bad, it just seems a little underwhelming for a Pokémon that supposedly fought all four island guardians and won, as well as help fight off the Ultra Beasts. 4. Dialga: The Pokémon of Time; fell asleep as a child and woke up seven years later to defeat Ganondorf (sorry I couldn't resist; though I'm sure this joke could have been far better written...). It looks awesome, has good stats and typing, and Roar of Time is awesome (too bad it's almost useless, though its high power will make the dragon-type z-move immensely powerful). 3. Mimikyu: It's just such a sad Pokémon... It's the first ghost type that I know of without a creepy Pokedex description. It wears its disguise because it doesn't want to scare people; it actually seems like it has no ill will towards people or other Pokémon (and this made its debut in the same game that has brought us Sandygast/Pallossand!!!!!!!!!!) It also has a cool typing and awesome ability. If I am up against a slower offensive Pokémon, I'm basically guaranteed a free swords dance! 2. Aegislash: I have been wanting a sword or swordsman Pokémon for years. Gallade was close, but in my mind it wasn't a true swordsman, no matter what the Pokedex description said. Then came Aegislash: not just something I had been long waiting for, but it was the first ghost type I was willing to use in my main team, despite ghost types and their creepy Pokedex descriptions. (I just wish steel still resisted ghost/dark so it wouldn't have so many common weaknesses). 1. Torterra: It is certainly hard to explain why. There are definitely better grass starters competitively, and there are certainly better Pokémon in general. There are also cooler looking Pokémon than Torterra or have more interesting Pokedex descriptions. So why is this one my favourite Pokémon overall? The answer is, I like Torterra. Like any favourite, it is ultimately what I like the most. A cool turtle Pokémon that reminded me of an Ankylosaurus (due to all the spikes) back when I was a kid and was fascinated by dinosaurs. Grass/Ground meant it could fight off poison types that were rather annoying in gen 4, and ultimately I simply like Torterra. It is bulky, has good offensive moves (and decent attack), and lots of recovery options. It is not great, but it is fun to use.
  18. I agree with bringing back base conversations and expanding magic (in particular I want to see light magic return). I want the next FE game to be on the Switch; that way those who liked console FE games can play it in console mode and those who prefer portable FE games will still get a portable FE game. Plus, we have had two (in a way four) 3DS FE games already. Furthermore, putting it on the inevitably more powerful switch will enable there to be more... is depth the right word? Maybe detail? Anyway, it will also enable the game to have the following that I hope to see: 1. A new graphics/art style. The switch will enable a lot more detail, so they may as well make a new graphics/art style. Also, regardless of which system the game ends up on, no more fanservice in the art style (cough-Camilla-Charlotte-and-many-others-cough). Also, less... ridiculousness in general. I'll admit they did improve the appearance of a lot of units in Fates compared to Awakening, but the generals still had the ridiculous-looking shields, and there are more examples of this; I just can't think of them off the top of my head. 2. Deep story with no branches. I don't mind or have any problem with choices. I just honestly believe that, the same amount of effort IS put into making essentially 3 stories, if it had been used to make 1 story, would have potentially made a great story. So, for this game, rather than be ambitious by trying to split the story down 3 different paths, they should be ambitious by making one very deep, very rich story that will be one of the best stories IS has ever made. They have a real opportunity to do this if they just avoid trying to split focus too much. 3. They can either keep the avatar or not, I do not care. Though, if they do keep it, seriously refine it. I would suggest a character that is effectively more a witness to the events than someone actively involved (i.e.: Horatio, Samwise, Sam, Indiana Jones (this one's a joke)), while the protagonist(s) is/are set character(s) that the avatar can certainly interact with, but are the ones who have the spotlight. I also like the personality idea. 4. Bring back ledges. As far as I know, it only ever appeared in RD, and I'm surprised by that, because, in my opinion, it was a good idea. Also, maybe more ideas related to siege warfare. For example, perhaps in one chapter, one has to get into a castle courtyard, and one can to so by a) breaking into the gatehouse, or b) by scaling the wall with ladders or other items, such as ropes and siege towers. 5. Limit the support conversations. Quality > quantity. The support conversations in Path of Radiance were almost perfect. In my opinion, they can keep S-Supports, but seriously limit it, and maybe don't make them married; just make them engaged or simply dating (then the epilogue can say they got married). Furthermore, no kids, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unless the next FE game is like Geneaology of the Holy War, but even then; don't do so just to keep kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sure there is more I could mention, but this pretty much sums it up.
  19. I have decided to give my Pokémon Robin Hood-style nicknames such that my team forms what I like to call, "Robin Hoot and his Merry Mon" Rowlet: Robin Hoot Snorlax: Friar Luck Wishiwashi: Wittle Johni Lycanroc (midday form, female): Nymarian (this one is actually an amalgam of Maid Marian: Robin Hood's love interest, and Nymeria: Arya Stark's Dire Wolf from Game of Thrones) Mimikyu (which I haven't actually caught yet; not far enough yet in the game): Either Will Parchment, Will Pamphlet, or Will Blanket and; last but not least: Solgaleo: Lionheart (or Lionstar. I was thinking either Simba or Mufasa but Lionheart keeps the Robin Hood nicknames going).
  20. For my play-through of the game, I decided to give all my Pokémon Robin Hood nicknames. Here are the ones I have so far: Rowlet: Robin Hoot Munchlax: Friar Luck Lycanroc (female): Nymarian (a combination of Maid Marian and Arya's Dire Wolf Nymeria from Game of Thrones) Wishiwashi: Wittle Johni (Little John) I have Pokémon Sun so I have been considering nicknaming Solgaleo Lionheart (after King Richard the Lionheart). I'm planning on getting a Mimikyu but I cannot think of a fitting Robin Hood nickname for Mimikyu (neither Will Scarlet nor Allan a-Dayle really work, and at this point I've exhausted all the Merry Men names I know).
  21. I would not mind a Canada version, especially since I am Canadian. But the one problem I can see is that Canada is vast and there is almost too much variety for only one Pokémon region. All the provinces (except maybe the prairies, but even then) are quite different in terms of landscape and overall environment, and then one has to consider the territories. ...If the region is divided into sections (like Alola, but without the sections being islands) such that one has an Atlantic section, an Ontario/Quebec/New Brunswick section, a prairie section, a pacific section, and a territory section, then it might be possible to base a region off of Canada, but it would probably be a really big region. This is one of the reasons I suggested Scotland and not Canada.
  22. I think a region based on Scotland would be cool: I do not live there, but I have visited. It would be cool to see Edinburgh as a major city in a Pokémon region. Almost every major European city I have seen have a little bit of a leftover Ye Olde feel to it, but for Edinburgh that Ye Olde is very unique (partly because there's more of it still remaining). A place based on Loch Ness would be a great location to house a legendary guardian of the region based on the Loch Ness Monster. There is a lot of folklore in Britain, largely Celtic in origin, that would provide great ideas for Pokémon (for example: lots and lots of fairies in Celtic myth and legend).
  23. I came up with a few theories about the red dragon Gareth from Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn; and perhaps one of the most underdeveloped characters FE has ever made: Gareth, revered as the greatest warrior in Goldoa and second in might only to the royal family. He has served the royal family of Goldoa all his life and has earned the respect of all who know him. He is happy to serve Kurthnaga, but orders of the king come first. (Almost all of this so far is stuff we already know). He sees Kurthnaga like a nephew, and is glad to serve a dragon so wise beyond his years (for a dragon laguz). He harbours no curiosity about the outside world, but is not outright hostile towards trespassers; he simply follows orders. Though, deep down, he is saddened by his kingdom's isolationism. He is a man of few words, preferring to let his actions speak for him. This may not be very well organized, but, aside from that, what do you think?
  24. Okay. Of all the responses so far, the general opinion seems to be that, while a little lackluster story-wise, the final boss, as it was, is actually more unique than my idea. And, well, I completely agree. Having an archer as the final boss is unique. However, would you agree that a dawn/divine dragon as a major villain would be pretty unique as well (without comparison)? I don't know. I guess I'm just a little disappointed that we got to see a Dusk Dragon and what I will call a Valla Dragon (two actually; Hamui and Anankos), but no Dawn Dragon other than the statue.
  25. You might be right about it being the fourth time, which makes the final fight even less unique. But what do you think of my idea of instead if he transformed into a dawn dragon?
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