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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. I think his chances are really unlikely. He has no plot relevance, almost every other Golden Deer student outshines him in popularity, and brawler/brigand can be done by other people such as Caspar and Alois. Another thing holding him back is that you can't really include him without including Ignatz, as the two are essentially written to be inseparable, and I don't think Ignatz is likely either. Overall, 1/10.
  2. What do you mean? When I say "archer", I just mean the archer -> sniper -> bow knight class line in general, so you asking, "Why archer; she should be a bow knight", is, to me, like asking, "Why a finger? It should be a thumb".
  3. Her proficiencies are lance, bow and horse, so while her default class line is the cavalier line, she is geared toward archery as an obvious and just-as-viable alternative, and her paralogue is about her and Linhardt obtaining a sacred bow from a turtle-dragon, so I count her as one of the potential archers. Good point about Ashe.
  4. Bernadetta doesn't exactly have a plot advantage either. The closest thing Bernadetta has to plot importance is that her dad was one of the seven nobles that betrayed the emperor. And, honestly, if there's one thing that holds back Bernadetta's chances, it would be her lack of story importance. The other archer characters, such as Ashe and Leonie, aren't as popular, but Ashe does have being the adopted son of minor antagonist Lonato who was the unwitting pawn of a group that themselves were unwitting pawns of the Flame Emperor and TWSITD; not much, but it is something.
  5. Bernadetta is extremely popular, and she would have a lot to contribute. The one issue I see with her likelihood is that there are other archer characters who have plot/character-dynamic reasons for being included instead of her: Ashe because of Lonato's revolt, and Leonie because of Jeralt. Those admittedly aren't much, but they're something, and Bernadetta doesn't really have any ties to the overarching plot of Three Houses or the more plot-relevant characters. I'd say her likelihood is a 9/10.
  6. Sounds good. I can't remember how many snipers I had; I think I put four on the map and quickly found that many to be overkill, so 2-3 should be enough. I see. Since explosions only ever seem to scratch them, I ended up resorting to having one person shoot at them to get their attention, then have someone get right behind them and shoot them, repeating multiple times until they were both defeated.
  7. @henrymidfields Speaking as someone who has read a lot of Arthurian texts written in the middle ages, I can say that whether dying in battle like that was noble or not was a topic of heavy debate back then. A lot of texts lean towards not, but a lot of those texts were written by clergy. One thing I can say is that the "not" answer became a lot more common after the plague, the Hundred Years War, and the War of the Roses. One thing to note about knighthood in the Middle Ages was that chivalry was not a standardized set of rules; it was a topic of debate and discussion, with everyone having different ideas on what it meant to be a true knight.
  8. The character thinks of a way to use pictures to scam people... yeah; I'd say that show predicted NFTs.
  9. Yeah; I can definitely see that happening. Honestly, Black Eagles is the only house with any reasonable likelihood of being at least somewhat equal; Ferdinand and Linhardt are standout characters and, since Raphael is unlikely to happen, Caspar would probably have to be included to be the gauntlets-wielder, but at the same time, Bernadetta, Dorothea and Petra are also popular characters with a lot they can contribute, so Black Eagles is probably the only house where there's a chance of it being somewhat-equal number of male and female characters included.
  10. I may as well list some that I think are underrated: 1. The Speed Racer movie. I unironically enjoyed this movie when it released and thought it was a weird, but pretty good movie overall, with some good social commentary about what can happen when there's too much money in organized sports. I admit I was rather young when I first saw it, but I have rewatched it a couple times and still thought it was good. Imagine my surprise then to find out years later that I was one of maybe three people to see it and maybe two people to see it and enjoy it (I'm obviously exaggerating with those numbers). 2. Record of Grancrest War: a fantasy war anime about a continent in chaos. It's not the best story ever written by any means, and there's one particular moment that even the story's fans tend not to like, but it's overall an interesting story with a neat set of characters, and it's basically Fire Emblem meets Lodoss War. To anyone disappointed in how Game of Thrones ended, I would suggest Grancrest as a fantasy war story that actually manages to stick the landing. And yet, even in a post-Game of Thrones world, very few people seem to have seen it. 3. Golden Kamuy: a genre-defying anime set in Hokkaido in the year 1907; it is a really fantastic story with a great set of characters and it does something I almost never see historical fiction actually do: actually bother to do some research. I should point out that, in Japan at least, it is very popular. Here in the west, however, it isn't, and I honestly find that rather surprising because, despite being an anime set in Hokkaido, it has a lot in common with the Western genre.
  11. If I recall correctly, the mission where you protect the ship from paratroopers and bombs is the only mission with paratroopers. I don't remember minding the paratroopers that much, though that's mainly because I had multiple snipers on that map specifically to shoot down both them and the bombs. I do, however, remember those assassin girls that eventually appear on the map being annoying to try to bring down, but they're always annoying unless you bring the smokescreen.
  12. I'd say that he is likely to be a playable character in the game. Hubert and Hilda's confirmation suggests that retainers will be playable, though of course Hubert is the most plot-relevant retainer, and there are other reasons they would want Hilda to be a playable character... Another thing that Dedue has is that he is the obvious choice to use as the Heavy Armour character (other than Edelgard of course). I'd say that the likelihood of playable Dedue in Three Hopes is 9/10.
  13. As the title says, what stories, be they a TV show, movie, novel, etc., do you think are particularly underrated? It could be underrated in the sense that you think it was a lot better than people said it was when it released, or it could be underrated in the sense that you think a lot of people would like it, but almost no one has actually seen it or read it.
  14. I didn't say that they couldn't; just that it's a lot easier to create a selection of open wildernesses. Since the cities aren't supposed to have wild Pokemon in them, I could see it with multiple hub cities, but then they'd probably have to scrap the Monster Hunter-like expedition gameplay loop and replace it with something better-suited for a game with multiple cities.
  15. And here I thought internet cat videos were a relic of the not-too-distant past.
  16. One problem I can potentially see with this idea is that the explanation in Legends Arceus for the wide open areas and for Pokémon having different reactions to the player is that the area is a wilderness; a frontier region. Kanto, especially in a time when Oak is alive, would already be very urban and the Pokémon would probably already be very used to humans. The idea could work, but there would be a number of added complexities.
  17. 1. In hindsight, my opening statement, "ambition has often been the enemy of the FE series" seems to be the source of the confusion. I had intended for the rest of what I said to clarify what I meant by that. 2. No disagreement here. 3. We're probably going to have to agree to disagree about whether or not Awakening should be considered an "ambitious" title. What I do know is that, if Awakening itself tried to argue, it has no feet to stand on. 4. I see. I don't know if Fates' plot would've been good had they made one game rather than three; no human can know that except maybe the developers. "Overreach" may be a bit far, but I do remember an interview where IS said that the completed game ended up twice as big as what they had envisioned, and what they had envisioned was already supposed to be one of the biggest FE games yet. I don't know what specifically they meant, nor can I say if a less ambitious game would've been better (especially since I like Three Houses); what I do know is that certain parts of the game do seem less developed than others as if they weren't able to give them as much attention. I agree that it is mainly the side-characters that suffer and the main characters do get some more focus.
  18. I said that they should avoid overambition; they should avoid biting off more than they can chew, and since Three Houses was very ambitious, I hope the next game (not all games going forward; just the next game) scales things back and focuses more on creativity than ambition. "Biting off more than they can chew" basically just means that they tried to do more than they could reasonably handle (i.e. overreached in their ambition). With Fates for instance, the plot and characters I feel show clear signs that the dev team couldn't handle writing three games worth of content all at once. I don't really know how I can clarify it further. I think that a lot of the problems that more ambitious FE games like Radiant Dawn, Fates and Three Houses have stem from overambition; Fates has a ton of problems that make various aspects, particularly in its narrative, come across as half-baked/underdeveloped, almost-certainly stemming from them essentially trying to make three games at once. Three Houses has similar issues but in different ways, with certain parts of the game clearly having gotten more attention than others. Radiant Dawn I think is good overall and mostly succeeded in being the 4-part epic they wanted it to be, but it has its moments, particularly in the new characters getting a lot less depth to them than the old characters got in Path of Radiance. I'm not trying to say that these games are comparatively worse than their brethren, only that there's a pattern of more ambitious FE titles tending to overreach and that those specific titles suffer for it to different extents regardless of their overall quality. I guess, the more I think about it, Genealogy probably was an ambitious title for its time, but I honestly haven't played it, nor do I know too much about its history or what they were setting out to do when developing it, unlike Radiant Dawn, Fates and Three Houses, where I have played those games and where such information about their development and goals is readily available, so I'm not the one to judge it on its ambition.
  19. I wasn't saying that Three Houses or any of them were bad because of their ambition; I just said that games like Fates and Three Houses show clear signs of biting off more than they can chew. Not once did I talk about sales or audience reception. I think you may have misunderstood what I said, even though I made clear what my point was by saying the exact words of my point; I literally said "bite off more than it can chew". Genealogy isn't the kind of ambition I was talking about though; it put a twist on the formula for sure, but it's not ambitious in the sense that games like Radiant Dawn, Fates and Three Houses are considered "ambitious". Again, Path of Radiance is an example of creativity on display; not strictly ambition. That's not turning my statement around at all; that's turning around your misunderstanding of my statement that I could not possibly have made more clear. I'm not even going to respond to your statements about audience reception or sales, even though I have plenty to say there, simply because you only brought those up to refute something I didn't actually say.
  20. Indeed. It was quite literally Fire Emblem Greatest Hits: the game. Its goal wasn't to be ambitious; it wasn't trying to be a grand epic or a multi-story game; it was trying to be a game that could include as much stuff from past FE games as possible in order to be a fitting final FE game in case it really did end up being the last FE game. They really were playing it safe when it came to Awakening. The funny thing about the plot arcs in Awakening is that, when you break them down, they're the same three plot arcs that are typical of FE games: first, protagonist's team fights evil usurper/traitor/warmonger that acts as a semi-personal foe (Gangrel, Desaix, Jarod, etc.), then they fight an evil empire led by a red-clad emperor, then they fight the evil cult and their mad dragon. It's a very typical FE plot when you look at its structure; the main difference (apart from time travel) is that the three arcs are more obviously distinct and disconnected.
  21. 1. I immediately followed my statement by saying that I don't think that the series should play it safe; I just think the series shouldn't overreach in its ambition, and that I hope the next game is able to be creative and unique without overreaching ambition. Creativity/uniqueness and ambition are not the same thing; they have a fair bit of overlap, but they are not the same thing. The kind of ambition I was talking about was stuff like Radiant Dawn, Fates and Three Houses. 2. I wouldn't call, "This could be the last FE game if it doesn't sell well; let's make a semi-generic 'Fire Emblem Greatest Hits Version' game" ambitious; almost the opposite. Awakening was a lot of things; ambitious was not one of them. In fact, IS was originally planning a much more ambitious FE game before they were told that FE would end if the next game didn't sell well.
  22. Oh; don't get me wrong; you can definitely see the effects of overambition in Radiant Dawn's plot & gameplay: Micaiah getting underutilized, the Dawn Brigade not getting the amount of depth that the Path of Radiance characters got back in Path of Radiance, etc., but I do think the game does overall succeed and telling the story it wanted to tell and the gameplay delivered overall; it certainly did better than other overambitious FE games.
  23. I agree that Radiant Dawn does succeed overall; perhaps I should've said, "with the exception of Radiant Dawn".
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