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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. I see. For me, it's my morality and liberty stats are probably my two highest stats. I had to rely on Anna for the vote in chapter 9 as well, but she would always side against me every time I tried the chapter 9 vote until I narrowly managed to farm enough utility points. Chapter 8 was a close call for me as well, though largely because of my own indecisiveness for that one (I ultimately chose to reject that noble's offer since it was an obvious trap). I see. Out of curiosity, what did you choose to do in chapter 9?
  2. Thanks for the info. I will definitely watch the last couple of episodes.
  3. A Monster Hunter anime could be interesting. Netflix has already made a Monster Hunter animated film (I haven't seen it, so I don't know whether or not it's any good, but surely it has to at least be better than the live-action film), but the more I think about it, the more I think that the Monster Hunter setting and format would be better suited to an episodic series rather than film. Think about it: a series of episodes each centered around a particular hunt, with a bit of intrigue and mystery building up to the inevitable reveal of an elder dragon; that could work really well for a straightforward TV series.
  4. I see. Interesting. I expected that there would be choices that would be harder to make, but I figured that they'd be the kinds where you have to find the right info beforehand to sway the majority towards them. Thanks for agreeing that points shouldn't really matter for the persuasion. By the way, in chapter nine, did anyone else try to pick "transport the salt"? How hard did you find it to persuade people to that choice? I'm genuinely curious. EDIT: I just completed the version of chapter 10 that happens if the player chose to transport the salt in chapter 9. Mercifully, it was much easier to persuade everyone in this chapter to go with the choice I wanted; namely:
  5. Lysithea is extremely popular, she has serious plot significance in knowing a bit about the TWSITD from having been Edelgard's prototype, she's the most obvious choice for Gremory given her equal skill in both dark magic and white magic. 10/10.
  6. I recently reached chapter 9. I figured based on the dialogue that the decision to try to report the salt transport was the obvious solution that goes poorly while transporting the salt is the seemingly bad idea that ends up a great idea; something that reinforced that idea in my head was that the three people in opposition of it all had "it would be easier to convince a brick wall". Unfortunately, I also figured this from (spoilers): So, I tried to go for that one, and not only did all three of them reject my persuasion despite being "deep in thought", but even the originally-undecided Anna voted against it despite having certainly sounded thoroughly convinced (though she also said "deep in thought"). So, a little googling revealed that I said the right words to persuade Anna but my Utility must've been too low (I only unlocked a character that apparently requires 275 utility at the start of the previous chapter and I need 400 to convince Anna). First of all, what's the point of listing her as "undecided" if she's going to side against a particular decision by default; isn't that basically lying to the player? Second, there have been extremely few opportunities at this point in the game to significantly raise utility through votes and such, so demanding 400 utility is basically telling the player "we don't want the player to do this until new game plus". Third, the site said I could farm utility points by doing a couple of mock battles and making sure to grab loot, exploit weaknesses, and use quietuses. After doing that for a long time, I still didn't reach 400 (I know because I didn't unlock two characters that are unlocked by having 400 utility), so I checked another site, and it said that doing that stuff only raises utility by one or two points. So, I'm basically stuck: I can't have the vote go the way I want it to go unless I farm points for hours if not days; sarcastic "Yay!". EDIT: After multiple hours of farming utility points, I got just enough to be able to persuade Anna, and only Anna. I also learned that, apparently, for every losing vote made, the player loses ten points in that vote's conviction. …What?! That doesn't make any sense. Anyway, is it clear that I really don't like choice systems in games where the game assigns arbitrary numerical values to those choices? If they really wanted this conviction system, then they should've kept the scales and ditched the numbers.
  7. Jarod and Valtome are good, but they are not minor bosses. Jarod is the main villain of part 1 and Valtome is the main villain for much of part 3.
  8. Jeritza, as far as I'm concerned, is pretty much guaranteed. Given that his loyalty is to Edelgard, he is almost certainly going to be an ally, and if he isn't made playable in the main story campaign, he will undoubtedly be made playable as a bonus character. Overall, 10/10. For me, the real question is this: will he be playable as Jeritza, or as Death Knight?
  9. I've been playing Triangle Strategy. There's another thread specifically for that game, so I won't say too much here. I'll sum up how I feel about the game like so: + I like the strategic combat; it's very different from other strategy RPGs I've played, so it took some getting used to, but once I did, it has become rather fun. + I like the story and the characters so far. -- I don't like the conviction system; moral-choice systems that assign numerical values to your choices are dumb. -- I really don't like its name, so I simply refer to the game as "Terrible Name".
  10. Mercedes is definitely plot-relevant, given her relation to the black knight. That definitely gets her a lot of points. However, she's not one of the "Dimitri's childhood friends" group, and she does have lots of competition for white magic user (Linhardt, Lysithea, Flayn, Marianne, etc.) Overall, I'd say 7/10.
  11. That really is a good show. That reminds me that I really need to finish watching it (they had to release a couple of episodes earlier this month for some reason after leaving things on a cliffhanger that definitely did not come across as an intentional cliffhanger, and I haven't gotten around to watching those episodes yet). I've mainly still been watching the brand new anime Love of Kill, but I also recently rewatched Golden Kamuy. Honestly, I'm surprised that Golden Kamuy isn't very popular in the west; sure, it is very much a show about Japan (specifically the island of Hokkaido and its rich history), but it is a really good story with some great characters, and it surprisingly has a lot in common with the Western genre. I've seen some fans blame the CGI bear in the first episode for the show not being popular in the west; can one bit of questionable CG really turn a lot of people off a show? Given that it's set in Meiji-era Hokkaido, which is the time and place that the Hisui Region in Pokemon Legends: Arceus was based on, I wonder if maybe that might help the show's popularity in the west in some way; it certainly has sparked at least a few jokes online comparing the game to the show.
  12. I see. Thanks for the information. I wasn't really wondering about story consequences though; I was more wondering if there's important info/a specific character/a good item that you can only get with one particular path in chapter 8 or something like that.
  13. Okay. Thanks for the info. What about the first question (is there any particular importance to the choice in chapter 8)?
  14. Does the choice made in chapter 8 matter at all, beyond just points toward a particular conviction? I wasn't expecting a branching choice immediately following a branching choice; does that mean this chapter has four different versions?
  15. I just completed chapter 7 after choosing to protect Roland. I'm not sure what I was expecting; I guess I was expecting one of the loss conditions to be the enemy seizing the gate or something like that; it is a defense chapter after all. Instead, it's "defeat all the enemy units, you lose if all your units fall". For me, the entire fight was basically just Serenoa and Erador standing on the left stairs tanking the enemy attacks while everyone else supported them. I chose not to use any of the oil traps, so the archers were a pest. Still, outside the archers that are already on the far roofs, I don't see how the oil traps would be very useful; none of them were where the fighting ended up happening. Overall, I'd say that it was a very fun and intense chapter.
  16. I don't want to say that any character has zero chance whatsoever of being playable in this game, so I'll use 1/10 as a minimum. That out of the way, Nader is a 1/10. Him being a wyvern rider makes him already redundant as there's already Hilda and Seteth among others for that role, and he's just not very important; his only real purpose is to illustrate that Claude has Almyran forces under his command. Plus, it wouldn't be fun to play as a character that is programmed to run away the moment things become disadvantageous.
  17. Yeah... That isn't a good name either. 🤣 Anyway, as something of a medieval history enthusiast, I must say that I like a lot of the armor designs in the game; from what I've seen, nobody's running around in weird floppy leather armour like you might see in a 'historical' film; instead, characters are wearing stuff like gambesons (padded cloth armour), mail and plate, and the plate armour doesn't look ludicrously oversized or anything like that. There is of course still the problem of none of the named characters wearing helmets, but other than that, I'm honestly rather impressed by what I've seen in the game so far. I was especially impressed when I saw artwork of General Avlora holding her greatsword, and it actually looked like a proper zweihander; they didn't go the typical fantasy route of giving her a sword twice as long as herself with a blade the width of a door; it looks like an actual greatsword one would see in a museum.
  18. Yeah; I'm still early in the game and I can say that Roland's damage output is underwhelming. I think they reduced his damage output because of his high movement and because he's built around being able to hit multiple enemies with his attacks, and that's mainly how I use him: a high mobility unit that can strike multiple opponents so long as those opponents are all in a line.
  19. No apologies necessary. My main hope for any sequels is that they stop using the name 'Triangle Strategy' and come up with an actually decent name. What were they thinking? At least 'Octopath Traveler' had a ring to it; 'Triangle Strategy' is just a dumb name that makes one think the game's about trigonometry.
  20. Oh, yeah; you're right; I forgot that Abomasnow's attack and special attack are the same. I probably forgot that because I don't really use Abomasnow.
  21. Funny, that exact timing happened with me for two characters (the medic and the juggler; I forget their names as I just recruited them).
  22. Ah; I was interpreting this "wood type" idea as not being about anything alive; simply "wood" as in the raw material. That's why I said that I don't think wood type would work for Torterra, as the tree on its back is alive, whereas for something like Grookey, the stick it uses is just a stick; just a piece of wood. Anyway, you're right that Torterra does gain leaf blade in Legends Arceus and it could simply keep that. As for Torterra and Abomasnow being fine on the special side, the problem with that is that their special attack stats aren't great; in fact, they're rather bad.
  23. Catherine seems decently likely. She has strong competition for swordmaster in Felix and Petra, but if church units are playable in this game, which I think has a reasonable likelihood of happening, then she's very likely to be one of the playable ones. Overall, I'd say 5/10.
  24. So, basically, "grass" would refer to living plant-life, while wood type would refer to the raw material? That could work, though I'm not sure what Pokémon it would fit. I suppose Sirfetch'd could be changed to wood/fighting since they use a dead leek as a weapon. I suppose maybe Trevenant as well. Oh, yeah; I forgot about the Grookey line; since they use dead branches, that could work. I'm not sure about Hisuian Voltorb though; it doesn't use timber; it just looks like it's made of wood. Another problem I can see is that this would nerf Pokemon like Torterra and Abomasnow by making their strongest grass-type move: wood hammer, no longer grass type, and it's not like those two are in desperate need for more nerfs. I saw the suggestion that Torterra be changed to grass/wood, but I don't think wood type would fit Torterra; Torterra may have a tree on its back, but that's a live tree; Torterra's back is a haven for life and small Pokémon (incidentally, it would've been really cool to actually see a Starly on a Torterra's back in Legends Arceus). Torterra's ground type is because it is essentially a living island with an ecosystem on its back.
  25. I just started chapter 5, and I unlocked both the sage Narve and the smith Jens. One thing I can say is that I'm guessing that the writers for Jen's recruitment story weren't expecting players to unlock him at the beginning of chapter 5, since Aesfrost's invasion has only just started, yet Jen's story acts as if it's been happening for a while.
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