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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. What even is that? Also, I should probably point out that I don't drink pop (what the world outside the US calls soda); I mainly just drink water and the occasional hot chocolate when the weather's cold. I don't even drink sparkling water; I can't stand it, which was a real hinderance when I was in Germany as sparkling water is everywhere in Germany.
  2. …That's actually a lot better than my bad electricity pun. Maybe next time, but you know what they say; lightning never strikes the same place twice. But I really shouldn't be so negative; I probably just need to recharge. …Other electricity puns.
  3. Okay. I wasn't trying to ask for an analysis of it anyway; just your opinion on it, and you answered that. By the way, you remember that one character in the show who leads some of the tattooed criminals that are after the gold? The guy who wields a katana? Would it surprise you to learn that he's actually a historical domain character: Hijikata Toshizou: former vice-captain of the shinsengumi (an order of peace-keeping samurai in the last days of the shogunate). The story takes only one major liberty with him; namely him still being alive at the dawn of the 20th century. The real Hijikata was killed in battle against the Meiji restoration in 1869. That's the reason that characters in the show are surprised to learn that he's alive.
  4. I'd love to keep the Pikachu joke going, but I can't think of a punchline. I'm trying, but the lightbulb in my head isn't lighting up; there's no spark. As for Hanneman, he has a lot of strong competition from various students. Both archer and mage are filled with potential students, and there's Mercedes for a mage that can use a bow. Overall, I'd have to say 3/10.
  5. I see. Thanks for the information. Wait; Sakura appears as an archer? I only remember her using chakra-enhanced punches and kunai...
  6. Interesting. ...Now I feel a little awkward about saying that it's quickly become one of my favourite anime openings, both for its visuals and its music. By the way, sorry if I've been asking one question after another or anything like that; this is my first time being able to talk about this show with someone who has actually seen it.
  7. That was pretty much my thought on it (though I haven't seen Netflix' Dragon's Dogma; I didn't like the game's story in the first place). Apparently one reason the bear was CG was a stylistic choice to make it more unnerving. I'd say it succeeded, though not on the way they intended given how a lot of people reacted to it. Anyway, what do you think of the show's opening?
  8. Ah, okay. So, you're still in the first season then (there are three seasons, each twelve episodes long, and they just announced season 4). What did you think of the CGI bear in the first episode? I personally didn't mind it, and I was quite surprised to see that apparently a lot of people complained about it when the first episode originally released.
  9. True. Very true. Nintendo will inevitably do a series of directs that are basically everything they recorded for E3, I think Sony has begun embracing their own form of online announcements, etc., so... yeah; the announcements will definitely still happen; just not all at once.
  10. Linhardt. He's certainly a character that people remember, but so is basically everyone in the Black Eagles. He's a natural pick for a purely white magic character that focuses more on healing & support (do such characters exist in Warriors games?), but he does have strong competition in Marianne and Flayn. Plus, he hates combat, so I doubt he'd enjoy the 1 vs 1,000 combat that Warriors games are known for. Overall, I'd say maybe 5/10.
  11. Awesome; I watched that show for the first time a month ago, and it is indeed really good (I've even been recommending it at pretty much every opportunity on this site). One thing I particularly enjoy about the story, being a history enthusiast, is just how much attention to detail went into getting the historical context, and especially the Ainu Culture, correct. Out of curiosity, how far are you into it? I just want to know in case I accidentally say any spoilers.
  12. Yikes. The physical event had been cancelled some time ago; to hear that the digital events have been cancelled as well is quite a surprise.
  13. Yeah, I really hope Zelda has an active role in this game as well. The previous game ended on Link and Zelda finally being reunited after 100 years and setting out together; it would be a real shame and disservice if this game opened with them immediately getting separated and spending the whole game apart. That was one of the biggest disappointments with Phantom Hourglass.
  14. Yeah; those three are definitely well voice-acted, especially Frederica. I honestly hadn't thought about the voice-acting all that much; I'm not really one to commend or criticize the quality of voice-acting in a game unless it's really good or really bad; I'm more one to ask whether or not the voice-acting was really necessary or if it adds much to the game. In the case of this game, I think it does help a fair bit, especially early on since the cutscenes can go on and on, but that's less it enhancing the game and more it somewhat mitigating the problem of the early game's pacing. I probably could've gone the whole game with just text boxes, but I do think the voice acting does add to the game overall. Anyway, I just completed chapter 18 part 2 on the golden route.
  15. Okay; evidently I was wrong. I'll change what I said from "only character" to "one of the few characters".
  16. I was able to guess what you were responding to. Yeah; I wasn't a fan of Lionel as a unit, though I'm biased as most of my time spent using him was trying to rapidly get him from level 12 to high-enough-levelled to survive a defense mission with a recommended level of 28. His whip attack is terrible (you'd think that a whip would at least have 1-2 range like the spears to compensate for low lethality, but nope; it's just a bad one-range weapon) and his HP is good for tanking but his defenses really aren't. He does have some abilities that make him situationally useful: he can recover HP and collect money whenever he steps on loot, so he's one of the few characters in which it is strategically advantageous for him to prioritize him collecting loot. I don't think it's enough to make him a good unit, but it's something. He also has an attack that can charm enemies, but it isn't nearly as likely to succeed as the Milo's charm ability (gee; I wonder why a dancer would have a greater likelihood of successfully charming people than a former snake oil salesman).
  17. Well, I just watched the last episode of Love of Kill. It's funny; I originally watched the show out of sheer curiosity as the premise seemed so bizarre that I had to see if the story was taking it seriously or not, and now, here I am hoping that the show gets a second season.
  18. I'd say Cornelia's probably going to be in the game, but I doubt that she's going to be playable, even if she has fanservice on her side. She doesn't have anything to offer in terms of gameplay; shes just another mage. Kronya at least is a knife nut and Thales has both earthquakes and nuclear weapons on his side. I'd say 1/10.
  19. Fair enough. That one was supposed to be less of an argument and more of an interesting note; you're right that it generally only really mattered against Stalfos (and Odolwa in Majora's Mask). They had a chance to add a left-handed mode in the remaster; both joy-cons have the exact same hardware when it comes to the motion controls (both of them have a gyro and an accelerometer) and it likely would've taken less work to implement it than implementing button controls did. And yet, at the very start of the announcement trailer: "swing the right joy-con to use the sword, raise the left joy-con to use the shield." But, then again, Nintendo isn't exactly one to remember the left-handed when it comes to motion controls on Switch. Any game that's supposed to be played with detached joy-cons (Mario Galaxy, Pikmin 3 Deluxe, etc.) will default to the right joy-con's gyro with no option to map the controls to the left joy-con's gyro. Speaking as a left-handed player who preferred to play Wii games with the Wii remote in my left hand, it was very jarring and awkward to suddenly have to use my right hand for collecting and shooting star bits in Mario Galaxy. Thanks.
  20. Uh... I have no idea what I can say about it.
  21. Not to a great extent, but Link being left-handed when the enemies are right-handed can help a little, which I noticed when replaying Ocarina of Time after playing Breath of the Wild. I personally prefer when Link's left-handed, not because of gameplay (though the lack of a left-handed mode in Skyward Sword turned me off of playing it because of the motion controls), but more because of representation. Link is the only well-known left-handed protagonist; take him away, and all that's left is Alm and every culprit in mystery stories because too many writers think "the killer must've been left-handed" is a clever clue and not an overused cliché.
  22. I agree; the upgrade system requiring materials was probably not the best idea. At the very best, it encourages selecting one team of units and sticking with it, which the rest of the game does not encourage. And you're welcome regarding the bit about the golden route. Yeah; that process is rather inefficient/inconvenient. I definitely agree to that; the standard "raise this stat" upgrade all provide numbers; why don't the other skills? Yeah; the upgrade system is probably the area where the game drops the ball the most. There's a joke about the circus juggler Picoletta in there somewhere. By the way, when you quoted me, the text in the quote was the same as the Alastor15243 quote for some reason.
  23. I see. That makes sense. By the way, I answered your question about Idore earlier; did you see that answer?
  24. True. For me, it is hard to believe because it is a long time, and yet, at the same time, it is easy to believe because of the pandemic. In any case, how could I almost forget: there was just a little bit of new footage for the game, including the Master Sword being completely broken. We should probably speculate about the footage, at least a little bit. I once saw a reviewer suggest that it would've been better if Breath of the Wild had it that the Master Sword broke during the Calamity, leaving Link with just the hilt when he wakes up as an indestructible weapon with zero might, and then the player would be encouraged to explore, find the missing the pieces and reforge the sword, with each piece adding to the weapon's power. Looks like that reviewer might be getting something sort-of like what he was suggesting.
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