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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. If I don't mention a game that was in this showcase, it didn't really grab my attention: Elec Head looks interesting. I quite enjoy puzzle-platformers like Captain Toad and Boxboy, and the electricity mechanic seems rather neat. Totally Accurate Battle Simulator coming to switch is rather hilarious. I won't play it; I'm just saying that I find it funny. Gunbrella sounds inherently silly: a side-scrolling action-adventure where the player character uses a gun that's also an umbrella, and yet, it seems to be going for a completely serious and somber noir-punk atmosphere. It's rather bizarre. I probably won't play it, but I'm definitely curious as to how they'll avoid a clash of tones. Silt looks kind-of neat: an underwater puzzle-adventure game. I'm just not sure about the monochrome looks (not saying they're bad; far from it; just that they're not my cup of tea). Another Crab's Treasure initially looked interesting, as it looked like a cool cartoony 3D platformer which you don't see much of among indie games outside of Yooka-Laylee and A Hat in Time, but then the trailer said it's actually yet another Souls-like and I immediately lost interest.
  2. Interesting. Oh, yeah; I forgot about the Mana series. There's also the very first game in the Mana series: Final Fantasy Adventure, which pretty much is a hybrid of Final Fantasy and Link's Awakening. So, yeah; I guess it is a genre. Cool. I hope you're able to make it.
  3. I hadn't heard of this game until now; thanks for mentioning it. Are there enough top-down Zelda-like games to call it a genre? There's the 2D Zeldas, this, Blossom Tales; are there any other ones?
  4. The reason for that is the Switch joy-cons don't have an IR pointer so they have to rely on the gyro for pointer controls, and the gyro is slower, less precise, and loses calibration over time due to the lack of a reference point. At this rate, I really don't know why Nintendo doesn't make some kind of IR pointer add-on that can attach to the joy-cons. They made a bongos add-on. Anyway, I could see the Wii U Zelda remakes get ported to Switch, as there wouldn't really be any complications there. That said, they would almost-certainly just be ports with nothing added to them, but I'm sure they'll charge full price anyway since they somehow felt comfortable charging full price for Skyward Sword HD and locking a gameplay feature behind a $25 amiibo on top of that.
  5. …What is this? Actually, don't tell me; I'm not sure I want to know what this is.
  6. Okay. Glad we could come to an agreement as well. By the way, what did you think of the other points/arguments that I raised?
  7. I wasn't really being serious when I said "indisputably". I agree that each person's favourite FE game all comes down to personal preference.
  8. Emphasis on the "burns" part. Sorry; I couldn't resist making that joke.
  9. 1. That's almost every FE lord. Besides, he ceases being a "pretty boy" in Radiant Dawn. 2. A common mercenary/wanted fugitive living under an alias isn't exactly a man of high standing. Yes, Greil used to be a Rider of Daein; the key part there is "used to be". He lost all his standing when he had to flee Daein to get the medallion away from Ashnard. 3. Daein wasn't an empire when Greil fled it; it was a backwater nation that used to be a part of Begnion. As for "and the boy inherits his sword prowess", you're ignoring all the scenes of Ike constantly training as well as him starting out as a complete newbie rookie. 4. I'll give you that one. 5. I'll give you that one as well; Ike really should've ended up with Elincia; they had a lot of chemistry and their dynamic and conversations were actually very interesting. 6. Everyone does; it's the Middle Ages. Even peasant farmers largely inherited their farms. Social standing determined your inheritance and profession; this was true for the upper classes and the lower classes alike. The difference between Ike and Sigurd in this regard is that Ike inherits a tiny mercenary company that barely makes enough income to keep the lights on and mostly deals with bandits; Sigurd inherits knights. 7. Congratulations; it's a Fire Emblem game. You described a Fire Emblem game. Also, this removes all context from both games' plots. 8. This one is very weirdly and specifically worded as if constrained to fit both games. 9. Okay; you're just wrong here. Path of Radiance is indisputably the best Fire Emblem game. I'll give you him learning from the greatest swordsmen. "Lucrative royal contract"? "Obtained because of their reputation acquired under Greil's leadership"? Did we play the same Tellius games? If you're talking about the contract to protect Elincia, that had nothing to do with Greil; Ike found her, and Elincia hired them because she had no other choice as she just lost her kingdom and the knights that were assigned to protect her. If you're talking about any contracts they obtain in Radiant Dawn, again, those had nothing to do with Greil; those had everything to do with Ike's actions and victories in Path of Radiance. Laguz saving Ike from the Black Knight only happens once in the entire series, and when it happens, it's in Gallia: the Beast Tribe Laguz homeland. That's like saying it's lucky that Buckingham Palace guards saved someone inside Buckingham Palace. I don't understand that next sentence. What do you mean by "Ayra"? Ike is a good leader in FE9, and his growth as both a leader and a fighter is a big part of his journey in the story. Ike does "pull his weight and then some."
  10. I didn't even realize that; you're absolutely right. It does make them doubly weak to their default weakness. The funny thing is, there's isn't a way to rearrange it that doesn't make at least one of them doubly weak to their default weakness: Grass/Rock, Fire/Ice, Water/Ground: water starter becomes doubly weak to grass, and the ice isn't even super effective against water/ground. Grass/Ground, Fire/Rock, Water/Ice: fire starter becomes doubly weak to water. The one I originally suggested is the only one that's 'fair' in the sense that all three become doubly weak.
  11. The menus and some of the other controls can definitely be unintuitive; that is definitely an issue with the game. Now I'm picturing an in-game compass that looks like a Nosepass and I can't stop laughing. In all seriousness, a compass probably would've been a pretty good idea. I'm not normally a fan of mini-maps in exploration games and tend to turn them off since I often find myself looking at the mini-map instead of the environment, but adding one that could be turned on/off would definitely have been a good addition.
  12. That could be neat, but that just makes the advantages and disadvantages all the more extreme (much like X & Y had Grass/Fighting, Fire/Psychic and Water/Dark); I honestly would prefer for the second types to reverse the triangle. Something like Fire/Ground, Water/Rock, Grass/Ice might be better. It's not like they haven't reused starter type combinations; they did three fire/fighting types in a row after all. Thanks. Very true; there is nothing right now indicating that the other two would follow the pattern I suggested; it's especially unlikely in Sprigatito's case because it's a cat, and I don't recall cats ever being a fan of water. It might be possible with Quaxly, as Quaxly does have what appears to be a captain's hat on his head, so he could gain a fire type as part of a ship theme. It's unlikely, but it's possible.
  13. True, though it would probably be fine if it was saved for their final evolutions. No one really minded when Diamond/Pearl/Platinum gave Infernape fire typing and Empoleon Steel typing (although Torterra did kind-of ruin that secondary triangle by being ground type). In any case, I just think it would make the most sense for a chili pepper-themed Pokémon to be fire/grass (grass because peppers, fire because spice).
  14. Oh, yeah; its hair does look like a stem. I didn't really see it curving down to a point until I realized that the end of the tail would be the point. That said, even if it isn't coincidence, I don't really see it retaining the theming as it evolves; not unless it starts sprouting chili peppers on its neck or something like that. If it does though, I would like to see it become Fire/Grass type. Not only would it fit the chili pepper idea, but it would be rather hilarious to see every starter evolve to obtain the type that's weak to them: the fire starter gaining the grass type, the grass starter gaining the water type, and the water starter gaining the fire type.
  15. I see; I must've missed that part. I don't see the chili aspect to its design; it just looks like a red cartoon crocodile to me.
  16. I don't know; this is probably the first time I've seen an upcoming Pokémon game and not a single one of the starters stood out to me (remembers X & Y and Sword & Shield) never mind; I guess, more often than not, none of the starters really stand out to me, and this is no exception. I guess maybe leaning towards Quaxly because of its design, but honestly, if I wanted a water-type duck on my team, in most games, I would just use Psyduck. I don't really see what Quaxly brings to the table that's new.
  17. I was kind-of joking when I said "why wait?", but that is a very good answer. You have my sympathies. Seriously; that does sound draining, and I sympathize.
  18. Why wait? I can say right now that the odds of the Greil Mercenaries or Dawn Brigade appearing in a Warriors game are nil; the best we'll probably get is Ike and Micaiah as DLC.
  19. In addition to Spy x Family, I've been watching a romcom called Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie. I normally am not a fan of romcoms; in fact, for a long time, I really disliked the romance genre as a whole, because pretty much every example I had seen of it had been absolutely terrible. However, about a year ago, I watched an anime romcom called TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You, which took everything I dislike about most examples of the genre and threw them all in the garbage, and it instead had an actually rather wholesome story about two people who get married in episode 1 and spend the show navigating their relationship. So, I became more willing to watch romcoms so much as they have a unique premise and try to tell an actually creative story. Shikimori would be an example of that: it's about two people who are already dating before the show begins, and their dynamic is that the guy is extremely unlucky and accident-prone while the girl tries to protect him. It's a very funny and wholesome show.
  20. That was my biggest problem with Age of Calamity and was a massive deal-breaker for me. The only reason I was interested in Age of Calamity was that Nintendo falsely-advertised it as a prequel to BOTW; when I found out the truth, I thought, "There goes the only reason I was interested in the game" and didn't purchase it. To this day, I still don't understand why they did that; Torna: The Golden Country is proof that Nintendo is willing to make tragic prequels (yes; I know that game was made by Monolith Soft, but they're owned by Nintendo). However, Three Hopes is already presenting itself as a what-if story with a new protagonist and doesn't seem to have any pretentions of being anything more than that; I don't really see how they could've made anything else given Three Houses' narrative and multiple routes.
  21. Those definitely would be good tells, especially the last one. Still, I suspect that there are some who would argue that it being called "Paper Mario" would invite confusion, as it's been so long since a TTYD-like Paper Mario game that a lot of people probably associate the name more with the new games than the old games (especially after Origami King managed to be a surprise hit thanks to good timing & marketing). True; they are not ones to apply a particular theme to more than one of their series. That said, it's not like they're using the original storybook-like theming from the first two Paper Mario games anymore; the shift in Paper Mario games completely changed the theming from "storybook" to "papercraft", with the original titles having been called Mario Story in Japan, so that original storybook theming is available for one of their other series to use.
  22. I don't know if this would be unpopular, but I think it would be cool to see a crossover spinoff between Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy that used some of Final Fantasy 7 Remake's action/turn-based hybrid gameplay. IS did plan a party-based RPG spinoff of Fire Emblem for the Wii before cancelling it, and I think this would be a cool way to realize it. If Nintendo were ever to bring back the idea of that FE spinoff, they'd probably use Monolith Soft and Xenoblade to help make it, and I think that would honestly be a shame, as, while I really like the worlds Monolith Soft can create, the combat in their games have always been really bad. I think something like FF7R's combat would be a lot more fitting for an FE spinoff. A Fire Emblem game that utilized Ancient Celtic civilization (Gauls, Britons, Gaels, Picts, etc.) would be really cool.
  23. Interesting tune. It sounds like something that started out as an 8-bit tune but then was later remixed with actual instruments replacing the 8-bit noises.
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