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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. The State of Play just happened; should we discuss it here or create a thread specifically for it?
  2. I feel like this poll has happened before; I'm getting Deja Vu. Oscar and Kieran are my favourites. They're very fun as individual characters and they're very useful in Path of Radiance, and then their dynamic is just hilarious with Kieran being loud and bombastic in a complete contrast to Oscar.
  3. I prefer the turbo jet dragon mascot as well. I didn't expect that, as, while I like both history/fantasy and sci-fi, I prefer history/sci-fi, so I would expect to prefer the legendary that represents the past. A train Pokémon would be really cool. Steel/Rock would work as a type combination for it, but perhaps Steel/Fire would be better because of the engine, or Steel/Electric if based on a modern electric train.
  4. I see. I really didn't like it. The puzzle aspect of it was fine as a concept, but I never 100% got used to using the morph ball in narrow mazes, so it was grueling for me, though not as grueling as the trek from the last save point before the fight to it; I lost to it the first time, and the trek to it from the save point is agonizingly long.
  5. This game is definitely going for a past & future theme. That's especially clear with the legendaries. I wonder if this means those two legendaries will be connected to Dialga in any way. I like that you actually see Pokémon instead of encountering them randomly; that's definitely good. Lechonk has to be descended from the pigs from Outset Island in The Wind Waker; that is uncanny. Interesting that gen 8 Pokémon such as the snapping turtle and the coal Pokémon are returning for this game, though every time I see the coal Pokémon fully evlolved, I still think it should've evolved into a steam locomotive or something like that; its first form has a wheel, its second form is a mine cart, and yet its final form is a generic rock ogre; what? Playing with friends in the overworld... how is that supposed to work? It seems to me more like they would get in the way than be a help.
  6. Yeah, I didn't have any problem with the boost guardian either. What did you think of the spider ball guardian?
  7. I can see it now: Villager and Isabelle would fight much like they do in Smash Bros., but 3D and far more OP. Tom Nook would attack enemies by saddling them with housing debt. The owl will attack opponents with long speeches that go on forever until the opponents fall asleep. m not sure about the rest; the last Animal Crossing game was the one on the Wii. Normally, I would point out that you're supposed to say why you think the spinoff is pretty much guaranteed to never actually happen, but this one is very self-explanatory. @whase @Lord_Brand @Yexin @Use the Falchion @Shanty Pete's 1st Mate Interesting ideas; I will just point out that you're supposed to include the reason why you think the spinoff will never happen.
  8. Create a spinoff of a Nintendo franchise that you think will never happen; bonus points if it's a popular franchise or at least one that has had spinoffs. Be sure to say why you think it will never happen. Here's mine: The Legend of Zelda: Into the Zelda Timeline Basically, a 3D Legend of Zelda spinoff that takes the main premise of Into the Spider-verse and applies it to the Zelda universe. After a Link is killed while trying to stop Ganondorf, a young hero must save the day despite not being chosen. Fortunately, he isn't alone: Links from across the Zelda timelines have ended up appearing in his time period and are ready to help save this Hyrule so they can return to their time periods. These Links would look just like they did in their original games while still integrating into this game's art style, and they each would utilize a unique ability based on their respective game(s). The playable Links from other timelines would include the following heroes (one for each major component of the Zelda Timeline): Skyward Sword Link (initial timeline): just like in Skyward Sword, this Link would utilize motion controls. Ocarina of Time Link (the Link who caused the timeline to split): this Link would utilize the masks from Majora's Mask. Wind Waker Link (adult timeline): Um... this one can pilot a ship? This one can utilize cartoon logic? I'm honestly not sure what to do with this one. Twilight Princess Link (child timeline): This Link can turn into a wolf. I thought that using the Four Swords Adventures Link would be more distinct in gameplay, but Twilight Princess Link is more visually distinct and more representative of the child timeline. Original Legend of Zelda Link (downfall timeline): This Link would be 2D and 8-bit, in a 3D game (it would sort-of work like Paper Mario). This means he can, among other things, hide by pretending to be a wall painting as a joking reference to the A Link Between Worlds Link. Breath of the Wild Link (converged/Nintendo has officially given up keeping track timeline): This Link can scavenge enemy weapons and random items only for them to break quickly. Apart from obviously copying Into the Spider-verse, the reason I think such a spinoff would never happen is that I think Breath of the Wild demonstrated that Nintendo wants to wash its hands of the Zelda timeline going forward.
  9. That actually would be really cool, though it might be a bit OP even if it is situational.
  10. Matt Smith is normally a good actor; why did his first time in a superhero movie have to be Morbius?
  11. Yeah, I remember that arc being really long as well. It was still good, but it was really stretched. I think the problem is that, even though these arcs are "anime canon" rather than filler and are supposed to provide additional character exploration (especially for the supporting cast) and stuff like that, they still exist at least in part to buy time until they can continue the manga content; a problem that is magnified by the manga being both a monthly release and extremely inefficient in its storytelling. Yeah; I agree that this arc has been extremely uneven; there's a lot of good, but then there's also a lot of bad. The conflict being ninja's vs pirates is an old trope, but this is an interesting take on it, and pirates are definitely more interesting than the Otsutsuki. Yeah; the village part of the arc did drag on a lot, and it was weird how a Funato's subordinate got three fights while each of the Funato got one fight with the main characters at most. I agree that the Funato really aren't sympathetic in the slightest; they're pirates, they enslaved people, and they go on about revenge when they struck first. Boruto and Kagura injured Seiren in self-defense and that one guy decides to try to kill them in revenge; what? They establish later that Seiren was unlikely to recover from her injuries, but that's not enough to make me sympathize. It especially doesn't help that the ones that have been killed so far seem to have died from going out of their way to be stupid; the death of that adopted Funato with the crab claw being such a blatant example that the characters in the show called him out on his stupidity. Credit where credit is due though; I don't think the show is really trying to make them sympathetic; just make them understandable, while also highlighting that just stopping them isn't going to be enough to stop the actual conflict. My two main complaints about the arc are the following: 1. The arc began with an interesting topic of how humans treat the sea (not just from an environmental standpoint, but how we view the sea in general), and it so far has just abandoned it and only brings it up occasionally. The arc began with that machine that generates power by essentially destroying ocean currents, and there were lots of protests about both the environmental and economic damage that could cause. That machine never got mentioned again until the most recent episode, and only because it's the location of the big battle. Characters have off-handedly mentioned sailors being dissatisfied with the Land of Waves and flocking to the Funato as a result, but we never see any of it. If they wanted to extend the number of episodes, actually exploring this stuff would've been a good way to do it. 2. Needless character deaths. (Spoilers ahead obviously)
  12. I'd highly recommend it; it's a really good show. It's a spy comedy where the spy has to create a fake family for a mission and, unbeknownst to him, both the woman who agreed to be his fake wife and the child he adopted each have secrets of their own (the mother is secretly an assassin, and the daughter is a telepath that escaped from a lab, so the daughter is the only one who knows what both her parents actually do for a living). As for the video above, I vaguely remember this cartoon. I'm not sure if I ever actually watched the cartoon itself, but I know that I did see the direct-to-video movie that started the series.
  13. No apologies necessary; I knew that it was a case of ninja-ing. I just wanted to let you know what happened. Loid being absurdly crazy-prepared is a running gag in the series, as is Anya saying "Mama and Papa are flirting" whenever she sees Loid and Yor blush; it is hilarious. The video below is one of the best examples of the former. As for the video: I honestly don't find #3 scary, probably because it is so obviously a costume; it really needed a little bit of uncanny valley to really be terrifying. That said, #1 definitely looks creepy, though it's mainly just the head; once it shows footage of the whole thing, it no longer looks that scary; it just looks ugly.
  14. @Randoman I replied to that Mario credits video just before you did. Anyway, as for your video, I've never actually seen a Jackie Chan movie. Him using a ladder as a weapon was kind-of cool.
  15. Never actually played this game, or any of the Mario & Luigi games.
  16. Funny meme, but I didn't say anything about hating Warriors games; I just said that the gameplay footage I've seen has never grabbed my attention enough to make me want to play the games. The whole thing was just a misunderstanding stemming from me phrasing my opinion poorly.
  17. By "not a fan", I meant "not very interested in it/it doesn't look particularly appealing or interesting to me", not "I dislike it". It's never grabbed my attention and made me think, "that looks fun!" I don't hate or dislike Warriors games; they just haven't looked very interesting, and I formed that opinion on my own from trailers and gameplay footage.
  18. If I decide to buy this and actually play it, then yes; it will be my first warriors game. I've never really been a fan of Warriors gameplay (as in that it simply doesn't grab my attention or interest; I have no opinion on its quality as I haven't played the games), so a Warriors game would have to do something really interesting to grab my attention, and that hasn't really been the case. 1. Hyrule Warriors initially grabbed my attention from being Hyrule Warriors, but not enough for me to purchase it, and Xenoblade Chronicles X released at around the same time and the person at the store recommended that I play that instead. It was a smart choice as I ended up really enjoying Xenoblade Chronicles X. 2. Fire Emblem Warriors failed to get as far as getting my attention, as I was immediately disappointed by the lack of Tellius characters. It was the second of two crossovers to only use Shadow Dragon and Awakening characters, and it was frustrating. How does someone make a Fire Emblem Warriors game and not include Ike: the FE character best-suited for a Warriors crossover? 3. Then came Age of Calamity, and that game definitely got my attention: from the very first announcement video for it, promising a prequel to Breath of the Wild where we'd experience the events of the Great Calamity, I was hyped. I didn't care much for Warriors gameplay, but I remembered that flashback in Breath of the Wild where Link singlehandedly slew a small army of monsters that included several Lynels and I thought that the Warriors gameplay would be perfect for a BOTW prequel that would depict the events of the Great Calamity; the idea of essentially a Zelda version of games like Halo Reach, Final Fantasy Crisis Core and Torna: the Golden Country was extremely exciting. Then came the first red flag in the form of the demo, which showed Terrako travel back in time. I didn't actually play the demo because I was busy with other things at the time, but I heard about what was shown in the demo, and I immediately became suspicious of the game. Nintendo kept claiming on their website and in all the trailers that this was going to be a prequel and that it would show what happened 100 years before Breath of the Wild, so I decided that I would wait until the game came out and find out the truth before deciding whether or not to purchase the game, and I'm glad I did, as it meant I was saved from getting ripped off by Nintendo's blatant false-advertising. When I found out the truth, I thought, "Well, there goes the only reason I was interested in the game" and decided not to buy it, and I don't regret that decision. Three Hopes mercifully doesn't have any pretentions of being anything other than a what-if narrative, so there hopefully won't be any false-advertising there, but it does mean that the game is going to have to do something really interesting to get me to consider purchasing it.
  19. I see. That makes sense. In that case, they could probably make a new Star Fox Adventures game. Star Fox definitely deserves a new game after all the ways Nintendo has mishandled it in recent years.
  20. This is tricky, mainly because, even though Verdant Wind was my most recent playthrough, I'm having trouble telling the differences between most of the Golden Deer's Three Hopes designs and their Three Houses designs. I guess Claude and Ignatz have different outfits now? But Lorenz looks almost identical to his timeskip design! And for Lysithea, all they did was remove the purple cloth that covered the back of her hair. Anyway, my favourite would have to be Marianne simply for looking noticeably different and looking good. Her letting her hair down as a display of newfound confidence is a cool idea. Least favourite would have to be Lorenz simply for looking identical to his timeskip appearance with nothing different except for slightly-shorter hair. Dishonorable mention goes to Ignatz for removing the pen. I understand the rest of the outfit, but why get rid of the pen?
  21. Ah; I didn't know that. Interesting. I didn't know about those things either until I saw a video about motion controls that mentioned that Iwata Asks. Apparently, Treasure is a company known for making extremely difficult action games. A new Star Fox Adventures game could be interesting; there's one main problem I can see that could prevent them making it: Microsoft. Star Fox Adventures was the last game Rare made for Nintendo before Rare got bought by Microsoft; in fact, the purchase happened during the later stages of the game's development, contributing to its troubled production. I don't know who has the copyright for what when it comes to something like that; it could be that Nintendo has full control over everything that was in Star Fox Adventures, but it's possible that there might be something that they'd have to ask Microsoft for permission to use, and I doubt Nintendo would want to do that.
  22. Yeah; I forgot to add Animal Crossing. Animal Crossing would have to be 9th for me. I played both the original game and the one on the Wii, and while I enjoyed it a decent amount back then, nowadays, I'm really not a fan of that type of game anymore. Basically, it was that realization long after I played them of, "...Wait a minute; what did I actually do when playing this? What was the point?"
  23. Yeah; a common criticism of the game is just how absurdly slowly-paced it is in the first few chapters. As for the 'fight' against Ser Maxwell, the implication is that he bested everyone pretty much instantly; that's probably better conveyed through a cutscene than through gameplay.
  24. Yeah, it is a shame. I know very little about the Star Fox games (I haven't actually played any of them) but I know that it hasn't exactly been handled well by Nintendo. A bad Nintendo game that flops tends to make a series disappear for a while (just look at the silence that followed Metroid Other M after it flopped), but I do hope you get a Switch Star Fox, and hopefully one that's actually a new game rather than another revisit of 64. By the way, what did you think of that little story about Sin & Punishment 2?
  25. Is that really necessary now that the argument's over? Anyway, as for having the topic back on track, I already mentioned that The Legend of Zelda is my favourite series despite Fire Emblem having my favourite game. Of the franchises on the list, the order would probably be the following: The Legend of Zelda Fire Emblem Smash Bros. Mario Pokémon Metroid Kirby Pikmin Disqualified (as I've never played any game in the series): Donkey Kong I should note that this is not strictly a reflection of the overall quality of the games in these series (otherwise Metroid would be above Pokémon); it's more of a mix of personal opinion, opinion on my favourite games in these franchises, opinion on the overall series, and familiarity with the series. Kirby and Pikmin for example are at the bottom because, for each of them, I've only played one game: Kirby and the Forgotten Land and Pikmin 3 respectively. These games were quite fun, but one game is not enough for me to have strong opinion on a franchise as a whole. I definitely enjoyed the Metroid games that I have played: namely the Prime trilogy, Super Metroid and Metroid Dread. However, I only began playing the Metroid games about half a year ago, and even though I enjoyed these games a lot, I liked the Prime series despite them being FPS games, as first-person games are not my cup of tea. Don't get me wrong; making them first-person was definitely a smart choice and the games definitely utilize them well, every time I struggle with the platforming or lack of peripheral vision, I'm reminded of why I dislike first-person games. Even for the 2D games, while they're great fun, the Metroidvania format is not entirely my cup of tea. They're a lot like playing one huge Zelda dungeon, which sounds great on paper, but I love exploring Zelda overworlds as well as their dungeons; the two complement each other. Pokémon definitely loses points for me because of how the more recent games have been very rushed. But I still have plenty of nostalgia for the gen 4 games, the formula is still fun, and Pokémon Legends Arceus in particular definitely reignited my enjoyment of the series despite the game's shortcomings. When it comes to the Mario games, I've generally been more of a fan of the 3D platformers rather than the 2D platformers, and those are the ones that I've mainly played. I didn't enjoy Mario Odyssey as much as most people (the lack of a hub world, the more creative worlds often just being boss arenas, the lack of evolution in the sidequests, and the sheer amount of pointless moons all really dragged the game down for me), but I do really like Mario Galaxy, Mario 64, and Mario 3D World. Smash Bros. is up there mainly because of fond memories of playing it with my siblings. …Well, mostly fond memories (we could get competitive sometimes; we are siblings after all).
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