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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. Ice Climber: It was an NES 2D platformer of the kind where the horizontal edges of the screen are connected, like Balloon Fight. I'd revive it as a single-player 3D platformer (with maybe some potential for optional 2-player co-op) that incorporates actual mountaineering into its gameplay. Kid Icarus: I'd revive it as a 3DS game with a much greater emphasis on story and funny moments, with each level being divided into a flying section, a ground section, and a boss fight.
  2. Yeah, Mikazuki is probably going to die. The inevitable pain that comes with having a pet. EDIT: Well, you made a good guess, but ultimately incorrect. Anyway, on a happier note, what did you think of the most recent episode? EDIT: Based on the preview for the next episode, Himawari is finally going to enter the ninja academy. As someone who felt that she probably would've been a more interesting protagonist than Boruto, I've been wanting to see what they ultimately decide to do with her character. This should be interesting. And Kawaki having to take the same class as her... that's just hilarious.
  3. Almost the same as when I first played it, though I have perhaps warmed up to it in recent years. When I played it, I was largely placid towards it as it felt like a rather generic Fire Emblem: Greatest Hits, probably because a 'Fire Emblem Greatest Hits' is exactly what it is designed to be. Combine that with the fact that the first two FE games I played: Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, had set the FE storytelling bar rather high for me, and, while I enjoyed Awakening overall, I did dismiss it as a bit uncreative. Now, looking back on it, there are things that I do appreciate about the game a lot more than I did when it released. I like some of the support conversations a lot more than I did before; they generally aren't on the level of Three Houses or Path of Radiance support conversations, but a number of them are pretty good and show that the characters do have some depth. A number of characters are still a bit more bland than I would like, but they're not bad. Gameplay-wise, while just grabbing mechanics from past FE games isn't inherently creative, I will say that the game was creative in the ways in which it combined those mechanics. I like that the time travel was a proper plot point and not just an excuse to have 2nd gen units because Genealogy had two generations and we're trying to represent all of FE in one game. The game still definitely isn't on my top 3 FE games... but it is probably within the top 5. It's still bland, but it did everything it needed to do: be a Fire Emblem Greatest Hits that would be a good final note if the series ended. It played it safe, but it did so at a time when playing it safe really was the right call to make. All that said, I still think most of the armour and class outfits in the game look absolutely ridiculous.
  4. People are probably wanting to discuss Fates since it's the previous FE game. It's the Zelda Cycle: now that the new game has been released for a while and people have had the chance to talk about it, now people want to see if thoughts on the previous game have changed.
  5. Yes, there are, but none come to mind at the moment. Sorry in advance that this one is a bit longer than four minutes; you can watch/listen to just the first four minutes if you want:
  6. Largely the same way I felt about it when it released and I finally played it. It has a lot of really interesting ideas, but it fails to really utilize them well. Gameplay has a lot of neat ideas like shuriken/throwing knives being debuff weapons, but the many gameplay ideas that the game juggles don't really go together well; the gameplay honestly comes across as if the developers had the mentality of throwing everything at the wall to see what would stick, rather than coming up with gameplay that works well together. The story is a mess that is full of writing issues. Easily the worst Fire Emblem plots I've seen so far. It's as if they just wrote one semi-coherent first draft and never went back to redraft or proofread it. I don't want to blame the writers; they were basically told to write three games' worth of story in the time usually given to write one game's worth of story. Normally, with an FE game, even if the story isn't that good, at least the characters are generally interesting, and this is perhaps the place where Fates is at its weakest. The vast majority characters are one-note and completely lacking in any depth whatsoever, and those that do have depth are usually reduced to plot devices. One example of this is Corrin, who one could say is proof that making the custom character the protagonist is a bad idea, but Corrin is basically a fixed character as far as the story is concerned, and they still made Corrin uninteresting. They failed to find the interesting protagonist in a half-human half-dragon hybrid that was born to one royal family, raised by another, and is forced to see the two kingdoms go to war with each other.
  7. I'm glad I'm not alone in wanting to see ballisticians return. They have a lot of potential. Yeah; they were really fun in Shadow Dragon; their only real problem being their extremely low movement. Obviously, a dedicated long-range unit should have some sort of drawback, but I think their inability to double-attack and the fact they can't fight back at close range was enough.
  8. The fast-forwarding through the dialogue was a little annoying and almost ruined the punchline for me. That said, it was still a little funny to see Byleth irritated.
  9. Oh; I completely agree that it's almost meaningless in the context of Three Houses; my original statement included that but was a lot longer and I didn't want to have a wall of text. I'm just not sure how enthusiastic I am to play through more of it after going through soon-to-be four routes (I say soon-to-be four as I've only just started Silver Snow) already. My main reasons for going back to play all four routes of Three Houses, besides the sake of completion, is the strategy RPG gameplay and experiencing different maps and characters. Does that make sense? EDIT: I just changed my original statement to better reflect what I meant.
  10. I played through the Scarlet Blaze route of the demo, and I'm torn on whether or not to get the full game. I'm glad that the game really is just a harmless what-if story that, from what I've heard, doesn't try to have a golden route or make any of its routes outright better or worse than the routes in Three Houses, and I liked that Scarlet Blaze has Edelgard immediately remove TWSITD from the empire. However, I'm not particularly enthusiastic about playing a what-if narrative after having essentially played four what-if narratives when I played Three Houses. If I get this game, I'd probably only end up playing Scarlet Blaze and maybe Azure Gleam, and playing a game like this only to play one out of three routes does feel like a bit of a waste. As for the gameplay, I normally dislike combo-based combat and real-time strategy; I'm not really a fan of combos because I prefer combat that's more about making decisions rather than mindlessly pressing buttons in a specific sequence, and I'm not a fan of real-time strategy as I prefer to strategize at my own pace. But the game handles both of these in such a way that I can't really dislike it; the "combos" are just press a certain button a given number of times before pressing the other attack button, and there are also abilities, spells, blocking and dodging which all have at least some usefulness. As for the real-time strategy, I'd be almost hard-pressed to even call it real-time strategy, as, while you react to events in real time, you pause the game to give characters commands, so I do have time to think through what I'm doing. But even then, I'm not sure if I actually like the gameplay or not. I should probably point out at this point that I've never played a Warriors game until now.
  11. Definitely Halberdier and Sentinel. Another I'd like to see return that wasn't in Three Houses is the hero class. The hero class is generally a really cool class when it appears in Fire Emblem, and it is a real shame it never appeared in Three Houses. Baron would also be interesting; a general-like class that can use magic would be cool. That's something that Edelgard could've been if the armoured lord and emperor classes allowed the use of magic; it was a real shame that they didn't. I'm probably in the minority, but I would like to see ballisticians return; they're a cool concept and I don't think that the concept has ever reached its full potential, so I'd like to see IS give ballisticians one more try.
  12. The most recent episode of Boruto was a bit of lighthearted fluff centered around Konohamaru, and the moment I saw the preview for it, I was thinking, "I am going to be counting the seconds until Konohamaru is hospitalized in order to prop up a new villain; aren't I?" Thankfully, that wasn't the case, but it wasn't like Konohamaru really got to show off any new skills or anything either because it was just a bit of fluff. I honestly didn't think too much of Konohamaru when watching the original Naruto, but I liked his character overall, and the moment he brought down one of the Pains was pretty cool. I wasn't expecting Konohamaru to be a copy of Kakashi or anything like that, but I was expecting more than him repeatedly losing fights over and over again without ever getting the chance to show how much he's grown. It doesn't help that, where enemies that bested Kakashi showed respect for his abilities (both Itachi and Pain were impressed by him), the villains Konohamaru kept losing to showed nothing but contempt for him and were completely dismissive towards him.
  13. Shortening "Three Hopes" to "3H" would probably create confusion as both games are "3H": Three Hopes and Three Houses. The war does continue on in Three Hopes, but it has only been going on for two years as opposed to five, so we don't actually know which timelines actually have a shorter war.
  14. Yes. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is a fantastic show; there's a reason it's very-highly recommended. I still have fond memories of watching the show for the first time; it was the second anime I watched, with the first being One-Punch Man, and the third one I watched was Violet Evergarden; all three of them are brilliant. Same here, though I haven't watched either of those two shows. The rom-coms I've been watching have been ones about two people who are already in a relationship, such as Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie.
  15. They used their blood as Nabateans to give their crests to others and then those who received crests from them passed it down. Byleth doesn't have the crest of Seiros because it is impossible for the body to naturally have two crests, and because he has Sothis' crest stone inside him, the crest of flames was the crest he inherited.
  16. I just started mu first Silver Snow playthrough of Three Houses. This will probably be my last Three Houses playthrough for a while unless I choose to start a second Crimson Flower playthrough after this. It's funny; despite the lack of chapters compared to other routes, I think Crimson Flower might still be my favourite out of all of them in terms of gameplay, as almost every chapter's battle is rather solid and creative. It definitely has the best version of chapter 12 at least; that's for certain. EDIT: I also started Super Mario Galaxy on the Switch via 3D All-Stars. I had finished the first two Mario games in the collection when I first got it, but I never finished Galaxy. There are two main reasons for this: one of them is that, by that point, I was a bit burnt out after playing two other Mario games in a row, and other games caught my attention. The other is that there is one thing they did for the Switch version that infuriated me to no end and made it rather awkward to play: I'm left-handed, and I always played Wii games with the Wii remote in my left hand because I find it much faster and more intuitive to control the Wii pointer with my left hand. With the Switch version of Mario Galaxy, despite both joy-cons each having a gyro, the pointer controls were mapped to the right joy-con's gyro, with no option to remap it to the left joy-con's gyro, so operating the pointer for me is far slower and more awkward as a result. And I know it's not that it was mapped to a gyro that's the problem, as in the brief moment I tried playing it with the joy-cons swapped, despite the extreme discomfort to my hands, I found operating the pointer to be far faster and less awkward in my left hand. I know that Nintendo has a deadly allergy to control options, but basic consideration for left-handed players shouldn't be too much to ask for. I decided that, since I already bought the game, and it is ultimately still Mario Galaxy, I thought I may as well at least try to finish it. But this is the reason that, until Nintendo smartens up and shows basic consideration, you won't see me talking about games like Skyward Sword on this topic. EDIT: I just obtained all 120 stars and unlocked the ability to play the game as Luigi. One thing I can say is that the game is a lot more padded than I remember it being: you essentially have to play the final mission twice to unlock the ability to play Luigi: the first time to unlock the purple coin challenges, and the second time to complete the playthrough. Combine this with the fact that you then have to 100% the Luigi playthrough to unlock the true final level, this means that you essentially have to beat the game four times (and you can't skip the cutscenes or the credits). How is it that, when placed alongside 64 and especially Sunshine, Galaxy is the most padded out of them? I guess at least it still isn't as padded as Mario Odyssey.
  17. Interesting. I remember first learning about the guidestones as a result of seeing a Last Week Tonight video that turned out to have been about the guidestones a while back. Honestly, given everything about the guidestones, and just how bizarre and ultimately rather underwhelming they are, I'm not surprised that they were destroyed. What I find kind-of funny is that one would expect a monument that was likely meant to survive a apocalyptic event would've been sturdy enough to withstand being torn down. Here it is:
  18. I already have seen Ashe and Petra's support twice (once from my Crimson Flower playthrough, and a second time from my Azure Moon playthrough), so probably Shamir. Yeah; I know to make him a brigand for death blow. And now I'm torn on whether to use Shamir or Leonie. Dark Knight? But she has a bane in lances and dark knight requires C in lances (I know you don't have to reach C-rank in lances, but it means the odds of passing are nonexistent unless at least D-rank). I'm not playing on Maddening.
  19. I have been considering different builds. The problem is that certain characters are only really suited for one particular build: Linhardt and Lysithea, for instance, are really only suited for bishop and gremory respectively. I was considering making Ferdinand a paladin rather than a wyvern rider, but the problem is that one pretty much needs a flier unit for the remire village chapter in order to save all the villagers, and the only other Black Eagle suited to being a flier is Petra, and making her a flier means missing out on an assassin (plus, I already made her a flier in my Azure Moon playthrough). I made Dorothea the dancer in my Crimson Flower playthrough, so making someone else the dancer might not be a bad idea. As for Bernadetta, I made her a bow knight in my Crimson Flower playthrough Yeah, if I do use any church units, it'll probably end up being Seteth and/or Shamir. I will probably recruit at least one of the teachers anyway for the paralogue as it's one of the only ways to get the rapier. I see. I'll be sure to train two archers then. Bernadetta will obviously be one of them, but as for the other, who to pick: Ashe for support with Petra (I recruited Ashe in Crimson Flower and made him a bow knight), or Shamir?
  20. Yeah; I wasn't planning to use Cyril anyway since he isn't a good unit, but thanks for the reminder about Catherine not being available until chapter 12. I might use Seteth; my main concern with him is that he's a wyvern rider with the Crest of Cichol, and I usually train Ferdinand to become a wyvern rider and he has the same crest. I see. Thanks.
  21. I already plan to recruit those that I need for the paralogues (Mercedes, Leonie and Lysithea), but outside Lysithea, I don't really intend to use them, so I'm looking for a unit that would be good to use alongside the Black Eagles.
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