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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. Ingrid... is there anything against her? She's fairly popular last I checked, she's part of Dimitri's group of childhood friends, and she has basically no competition whatsoever for Pegasus Knight. The only reason I can see her not getting in is if they instead decide to use Mercedes simply because she's the Death Knight's sister. Overall, I'd say 9/10.
  2. Ah; he was in the base game; that would explain how I had no idea. Never mind then. Discount everything I've said about the DLC characters (I'm serious; it was all built on incorrect information).
  3. I see; I don't know enough about Persona; I thought the later edition of the game (i.e. royal) would be the canon one because that's how it normally is with games. Wait; the monk was added to Age of Calamity? I saw all the DLC trailers and such and never saw him be announced as a playable fighter.
  4. Being a DLC character already greatly reduces his likelihood for me. Persona 5 Strikers didn't include Kasumi/Sumire, and Age of Calamity didn't include Monk Maz Koshia, so I see no reason to believe that Three Hopes will include any post-release characters, even as DLC. @Fabulously Olivier You're far more familiar with these Warriors crossover games than I am; am I right in saying that there's precedent for Warriors crossovers just flat out not using any characters that weren't included in the original game's initial release (Persona 5 Strikers not having any Royal-exclusive characters, Age of Calamity not having any Breath of the Wild DLC characters, etc.)? Balthus gets a 2/10 from me. It would be a 1/10 if not for lack of there being any likely brawler.
  5. I only have my first impressions of the current demo right now, but I really have not been enjoying Terrible Name (I know the game's called Triangle Strategy, but with a terrible name like that, I refuse to not call it Terrible Name). There's already a thread about Terrible Name, so I won't go into too much detail here, but I wanted to like Triangle Strategy; I was skeptical about the game revolving around a moral choice system, but the game otherwise looked really interesting; I like turn-based strategy RPGs, so I wanted to like this. I really have not been liking it so far. EDIT: Forget what I said here; the game has grown on me a lot since my first impressions of it.
  6. I see. Honestly, I don't really want to farm points; I just want what my choices represent to make sense. If I play the game, I will play through it relatively blind (I say "relatively" because I know about the golden ending). Thanks for letting me know that the voting system is straightforward. What did you think of what I said about the controls?
  7. I finally tried some of the demo for Terrible Name (I know the actual name is Triangle Strategy, but with a name like Triangle Strategy, I refuse to call it anything other than Terrible Name). I didn't get past chapter 1, so this is all just first-impressions, but I had to vent about my experience trying the game for the first time: (By the way, feel free to tell me if I missed something or I need to 'git gud') Gameplay: The Moral Choice System:
  8. Shamir... she's not exactly story-relevant, nor is she exactly popular. That said, she is definitely the most obvious choice for a non-mounted archer as Bernadetta is likely to be a bow knight. I'd say 5/10.
  9. He was ordering food; it was just a ludicrously complicated order. In fact, everything he said can be translated into an actual menu order (a truly monstrous menu order, but a menu order nonetheless). As for the video, â€ĶI don't really understand what's going on. I'm guessing a poor kid at a rich people's school?
  10. Hm... Lorenz isn't particularly popular, and the Dark Knight class has competition with Death Knight in terms of gameplay role. However, Lorenz does have plot relevance in the form of being heir to the second-in-command of the Alliance and being the main foil to Claude. I'd say... 6/10.
  11. Unfortunately, this scene is heavy in dialogue, and I couldn't watch it with the volume on (I was in an area with other people and I did not have my headphones), so I have almost no idea what was going on in this scene. I can say that a hat shot by a gun won't move like that; it'll just have a hole in it.
  12. You say that as if Ike didn't have a personality... Anyway, even Edelgard doesn't have many schemes, or at least, many schemes that make any real sense. She hires bandits to kill a group of students among which she is a part, then every scheme we see for the rest of part 1: Lonato's rebellion, Flayn's kidnapping, the village, etc., are all that of TWSITD, while she largely just stands around in her Flame Emperor armour to insist that she was not the one behind those schemes, all the way up until near the end of part 1, where she breaks into the tomb and then lays siege to the monastery, and thankfully those two plans actually made some sense.
  13. Petra... She is definitely a greatly liked character, she is very versatile and, depending on what they choose to have her class be, she wouldn't necessarily have much competition; I pointed this out yesterday with Felix that his only competition for a swordmaster unit is Petra and Catheriine, so Petra's only competition is Felix and Catherine. She is a bit lacking in plot-relevance, she is without a crest, and while I doubt that she's the least popular of the female Black Eagles, they all are indeed rather popular so she doesn't exactly stand out among her peers in popularity. Overall, part of me wants to say 9/10, part of me wants to say 8/10... and I think 8/10 is probably closer to the correct likelihood. So, I'm going to say 8/10.
  14. I see. Yeah; that sounds like it really wouldn't help Felix unless it gets rebalanced, since Felix is almost-certainly going to be a fragile swordmaster.
  15. I see. Yeah; I could just see them adding rings, shields, etc. to that slot. By the way, if Felix gets in, how do you think Aegis Shield's ability will be handled? Will it still semi-randomly halve damage from attacks?
  16. Oh, yeah; Catherine. Allow me to correct myself: the only other swordmaster student I can think of is Petra. I didn't play the original FE Warriors; how did equipment work in that game?
  17. Felix is definitely getting in. He's popular, he has plot-relevance (I think; I haven't finished my Azure Moon playthrough), the only other potential swordmaster unit I can think of is Petra so he doesn't have much competition, and he has both a unique sword and a unique shield. He has basically everything that would all-but guarantee appearing in Three Hopes. Overall, 10/10.
  18. When I say he's the "2nd-trickiest" swordmaster to train, it isn't by much. He's available from the very first chapter in the game and throughout every dawn brigade mission; he's only harder to train than Mia, Zihark and Stefan because the first one automatically is part of the Greil Mercenaries' chapters, the second one comes as a promoted unit in part 1 (and can later be made to switch sides and take part in some of the Greil Mercenaries' chapters), and the third one comes fully-promoted in part 4. @NaotoUzumaki 1. There theoretically wasn't supposed to be a golden route for Three Houses; all of them were supposed to have their pros and cons. 2. That's a bit of an odd definition of a golden ending; the Nabateans ultimately didn't mean any ill will and they can see some of the error of their ways in some of the routes, and the church of seiros could be removed without getting rid of the Nabateans.
  19. You and I are definitely in agreement about this. He is the second-trickiest to train out of the five trueblades (the trickiest being Lucia), but he is worth the effort because of how extremely strong he is as a unit.
  20. Wait; Nintendo turned off comments for all their videos? I knew that they did that already for some of their videos, but them doing that for all their videos is a bit surprising. I honestly don't see any reason for them to do that; not even from a marketing perspective. At best, it's unnecessary because the comments that float to the top are generally positive or meant for humour, and at worst, it's just asking for negative responses. The timing's also rather strange; their most recent videos have been stuff like trailers for switch ports of indie games and the upcoming Kirby game, and the responses to stuff like that has been generally positive. If they did this just after the negative response to the Switch Online expansion pack, I'd understand the decision; I'd say it was a bad decision, but I'd understand the reason for them to do it. This is a bad decision that I don't understand; it's the Balan Wonderworld of Nintendo marketing decisions. EDIT: I just double-checked Nintendo's most recent videos, and only the 50-second long Kirby commercial has comments disabled; everything else in their most recent videos, including the "Kirby & the Forgotten Land - Take it all in" trailer, still have comments enabled. So, it looks like it's still that only certain videos (like commercials and such) have comments disabled.
  21. Yeah; I definitely misspoke there; I was really tired and didn't think that sentence through. My original example was going to be Age of Calamity being an alternate-timeline fanservice plot, but I thought I'd change it to something less divisive and more relevant to FE (in this case, the lack of non-Awakening/Fates/Shadow Dragon characters in FE Warriors), and I did so without thinking through the statement and whether or not it would actually work as an example. Anyway, Hapi... I don't know too much about the DLC cast, but I'm definitely going to say that there's an automatic reduced likelihood of her appearing because she's DLC. I honestly don't see any of the ashen wolves as being likely to appear simply because they were DLC; they were developed later. So, Hapi gets a 2/10 from me.
  22. Seteth is very plot-relevant and he has an obvious role as a standard wyvern rider. He also has a major crest and both a unique weapon and a unique shield for his crest. He also basically represented the playable church units, and while the church units are lacking in popularity compared to the students, I can't really see them go the "students-only" route. I could be wrong about that though; I have given Koei Tecmo the benefit of the doubt to not go 100% fanservice in the past before only for the doubt to be thrown back in my face in the form of Ike and others being absent from FE Warriors. Overall, I'd probably 9/10. It would be 10/10 if not for the fact that I could easily be wrong about Koei Tecmo.
  23. The Black Knight fight in Path of Radiance comes to mind. It wasn't very well-executed; you can't save before it, you only have five turns with which to beat him, and enemies show up on turn 3 to attack Mist. But the atmosphere of the fight and all the buildup to it makes it very memorable for me. Another memorable fight for me would be the morpheel boss fight in Twilight Princess, simply because the second phase should've been epic: you're fighting a gigantic armoured lamprey eel underwater, and the cutscene makes it seem like it'll be an epic fight, but once you realize it's just swimming around randomly, the fight's a joke. It's hard to remember a boss fight that's more disappointing without it being intentionally disappointing for a joke. Malladus in Spirit Tracks: fantastic boss fight overall with its atmosphere and different phases, plus Link & Zelda working together. But the most memorable thing about it for me was the final duet just before the final phase, and I could not play any of the duets in the game. I eventually got past it by giving the game to my brother, who could play the duets. For a boss fight that's memorable in a purely good way, Ganondorf in Wind Waker. The atmosphere as Hyrule floods, the relentlessness with which Ganondorf fights (which caught me off-guard since I played Twilight Princess before Wind Waker and Ganondorf is very laidback in how he fights in that game), and Zelda waking up and assisting Link with the light arrows, all made for a very memorable fight.
  24. There is almost no way Marianne isn't getting in. She's incredibly popular (I know it's a small sample, but she came second to Claude on this site's "most popular golden deer" poll), her combination of faith magic and a unique magic sword gives her plenty to work with, a variation of her sidequest would make for a great mission in this game, etc. The only thing she doesn't have is plot-relevance; not unless they decide to make her ancestor more relevant in this game's plot (which I could see them doing, to be honest). I'd say 10/10. It should probably be a 9 given her lack of plot-relevance, but I'm going to say 10.
  25. @Dayni The video you post is supposed to be four minutes long or less unless you want the person who watches it to only watch a specific part of it. As it happens, I saw the first bit of this video already anyway, so I can post my opinion on it: I saw the bait-&-switch coming a mile away.
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