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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. I read the title and thought this would be a comparison between the bases (as in the shops, base conversations, etc.), not the characters' base stats.
  2. I see. I need to charge my 3DS and purchase Oracle of Ages then (I already bought Oracle of Seasons on my 3DS but not Ages a long time ago... but I haven't used my 3DS in years). I figured something like this was going to happen; it's one reason I purchased the Metroid Prime Trilogy on the Wii U eshop a few months ago.
  3. Point 1 was meant largely as a joke; that's why I opened point 2's paragraph with "a more serious problem"; sorry if that wasn't clear. Reducing the repeats down to essentially a single-episode montage could definitely work.
  4. I was thinking the same thing. Anyway, as much as I think that the only two well-written pairings in Naruto were Naruto x Hinata and Shikamaru x Temari, I don't think Sakura x Lee would've been any better than what happened. Besides, if Sarada x Sasuke didn't happen, then we wouldn't have Sarada: one of the few good things about Boruto, so I'm overall positive about the Sakura x Sasuke pairing.
  5. I have never seen this show, and it honestly doesn't seem like something I would want to watch. …/10 This is slightly more than four minutes, so you can start watching at 0:16 to skip the intro sequence. One thing to bear in mind is that it's a joke review; the game did not exist yet when he made this video:
  6. Okay... You and I are probably just going to have to agree to disagree about the Tellius games. I don't think those would really work. They certainly have plenty of story, but I see a few potential problems with it. For Bravely Default 1, one problem would be it ending up as a five-season long anime where seasons 2-5 repeat the events of season 1 over and over again. A more serious problem would be that Bravely Default and Second were designed to take advantage of the 3DS hardware for serious fourth-wall breaks that made the stories more self-aware, so-to-speak, and I struggle to see how an anime would be able to recapture that kind of fourth-wall-breaking and have the same effect.
  7. I see. I didn't know that it wasn't an anime. Perhaps it was a timing thing? Battle Network and Star Force are the most recent two after all.
  8. I see. That's surprising; Mega Man classic had an anime, Battle Network had an anime, even Star Force had an anime; I'm surprised that X didn't. What makes Path of Radiance better than Fates (apart from better gameplay) is a coherent narrative with actual worldbuilding and compelling characters. Path of Radiance would be by far the most straightforward to adapt into an anime; no need to canonize pairings, avatar units, or specific routes, and it's actually a good story with the script right there for adapting. What's wrong with Ike?
  9. Interesting. I've been avoiding suggesting anything Mega Man (or Capcom really) simply because a lot of them already have anime adaptations. I remember the Mega Man NT Warrior anime, and now there's a Monster Hunter animated film on Netflix (I haven't seen it, but it has to at least be better than the live-action film that reflexively insists on being called "Monster Hunter"). Did Mega Man X get an anime?
  10. For Honor: a Netflix anime about endless war between knights, vikings and samurai, with the animation team working closely with Ubisoft. Just kidding; perhaps the last thing I want to see get the "Netflix anime" treatment is a Ubisoft game. For an actual suggestion, perhaps Xenoblade Chronicles? I've often said that I like the world, story and characters of the Xenoblade games, but I find the gameplay very dull. An anime would be a way to experience the story without having to experience the gameplay.
  11. I'm not really interested in this game, but I guess I am interested in seeing how Edelgard plays. She's a small emperor unit with a giant axe, a shield and magic; there's a lot that they can do with that. Plus, I still maintain that Edelgard should've been the one chosen for Smash Bros. Ultimate since she's the true mascot of Three Houses, so I guess it would be a neat consolation prize. As for who I would hope to see in the roster, I guess my list would really be more of a "having these in the roster might make the game get my attention" list. Here's my list: Black Eagles: Hubert Ferdinand Petra Blue Lions: Ingrid Golden Deer: Marianne Other: Jeritza
  12. I'd say yes, since this game is a Koei Tecmo project and IS was ultimately in charge of Three Houses. Besides, that was a joke-prediction.
  13. Yeah; that's what I thought. It would be hilarious though if someone created a mod that implemented it as a joke.
  14. With the trailer showing Byleth's sword breaking in a cinematic fight, I began thinking that perhaps a variation Three Houses' version of weapon durability might appear in this game: a weapon can break, and rather than have nothing, you have a broken weapon that's a lot less useful. However, I suspect that this would run counter to the 1 vs 1000 hack-&-slash gameplay.
  15. I know this review is a few months old, and I haven't played Ys IX, but I have played Ys VIII. It was pretty good; I'm not sure about masterpiece, but there definitely was a lot to like: interesting plot, compelling characters, the island is fun to explore (and in fact the context of being stranded on a deserted island does justify a lot of tropes that JRPGs usually take for granted), and the combat is definitely one of the better action combat systems put in a JRPG; it's certainly a lot better than that of, for instance, the Xenoblade games. It did enough right and creatively that even I: someone who is not normally a fan of story-driven JRPGs, really liked it. However, it and the first Xenoblade game share one major problem: they didn't know when to stop throwing in plot twists. Ys VIII is a fantastic game overall, but it's seriously brought down by what has to be one of the worst post-climax plot twists I have ever seen.
  16. I remember Double Dash; my siblings and I absolutely loved racing together as well. It would be nice to see the Double Dash mechanics return as well. A remaster could be interesting; there are a lot of GameCube titles that deserve a second chance, and Double Dash is one of them.
  17. I see. I've never actually played the original Hyrule Warriors, so I wouldn't know.
  18. Cia... that's the fanservice villain whose motivation was that she's obsessed with Link, right?
  19. I see. I didn't purchase any of the DLC, mainly because I bought Mario Kart 8 about a month before Deluxe was announced. Yeah; it's obvious that the only reason they haven't made a Mario Kart 9 is that Mario Kart 8 was a massive success and they want to milk that success.
  20. Funny enough, according to an interview, the Three Kingdoms influence was actually from IS looking over Koei Tecmo's past games when recruiting them for Three Houses, rather than being directly from Koei Tecmo.
  21. Speaking of racing, that Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC news was very interesting; 48 courses from past games. Meanwhile, I still have my copy of the obviously-unfinished-when-they-sold-it original Wii U version of Mario Kart 8. Yeah; Nintendo really enjoys making Wii U owners feel cheated; don't they?
  22. I'm going to guess right now that the purple-haired guy is Koei Tecmo's OC do-not-steal who uses time travel to save everyone, and someone uses a Silence spell on him to reveal that he's actually a robotic celery that's Terrako's fraternal twin brother. That, or he's a generic villain who acts cocky and arrogant in front of Thales and then gets eaten by Nemesis to complete his return.
  23. Who? There is no M. Night Shyamalan, nor is there a live-action The Last Airbender movie. Now, if you'll excuse me, the Earth King has invited me to Lake Laoghai, and I am honoured to accept his invitation. Oh: I just came up with another prediction for who he could be: a generic villain who acts arrogant in front of Thales only to get eaten by Nemesis in order to facilitate Nemesis' return.
  24. I think he's Koei Tecmo's OC do-not-steal that will use time travel to save everyone, and when you cast Silence on him, he is revealed to actually be a robotic celery that is Terrako's fraternal twin brother.
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