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Everything posted by Frenzify

  1. In the event that I draw a +Def Beruka she'll be updated, but as things stand now, the beast has been completed!
  2. At +9. I'm currently sitting on two Berukas and enough feathers to promote her. I was just wondering whether or not I should wait for a +Def one, but I've been thinking I'll just merge her anyway.
  3. I wouldn't go as far as saying it shouldn't exist, but just question why it does in the first place. Because who is it harming? Like I said before, the number of people who would then go on to transfer their affinity to such characters to real kids is negligible at best. What harm is there in people liking these characters besides some people being uncomfortable with it? This is another case of a reasonable person knowing the difference between fiction and reality. In these anime-styled fantasy games, you would have to be very disconnected from reality to take to heart many of the nonsensicalities in these games. You're agreeing that violence in games don't influence violence in real life, yet go on to say that male viewers are likely to be influenced by male characters who are rewarded for their aggressiveness. This is pretty contradictory. So to say this to then support your next point on sexualisation doesn't hold much weight. If people view sexually overt things in games and then think that behaviour like harassment is acceptable, then that person already has a skewed moral compass to think that harassment is acceptable in any way, shape or form. Rather than fantasy games with a history of flimsy-armoured women, that don't rely on realism, things like pornography give a much more harmful influence on the unrealistic expectations of sex. The alternative is true, too, and is far more frequent, or louder, at least, when it comes to characters like Camilla or Tharja. "Fanservicy" charactes, if you will. Saying that one hates fanservice and using that to dismiss any and all positive aspects for a characters. I have seen that so often on the subreddit, that that place is essentially a hotbed for anti-Camilla/Tharja propaganda. I have seen so many people dismiss positive character points "because fanservice" and refuse to acknowledge that there's anything positive with those characters, and that they're only feature is boobs. That side is far more problematic and dismissive. And to refer to your final point about trying not to turn off new players, I would say disregarding ones reasons for liking a character, and dismissing their opinion entirely is far more unwelcoming to new players. Is giving a character a sexualised appearance undermining that characters other aspects? I don't want to be dismissive of start throwing accusations, but if one can't look past a characters sexualised appearance is that not just being prudish? Having said that, for sure I'd say it's problematic for people uncomfortable with such designs, but who like the actual character beneath. For sure I'd say that fanservice becoming the defining aspect of a character is problematic, but with all the complaining of fanservice going on recently, I have to wonder whether it's the characters' fans defining them by the fanservice, or the characters' dissenters. On Nowi, if she were dressed more presentably, why then would marrying her off be a problem? In fact, when it comes to Nowi, I think the issue is her design combined with her personality. If it were only one or the other, she wouldn't attract such controversy. And on Tharja... yes, socially awkward Tharja is much better than stalker Tharja, but is "stalker Tharja" not just what people call her who write her off as a one note character who's only about Robin? In Awakening she was never just a stalker. With Camilla I would definitely say her obsession is overplayed. With Tharja I'd say it's only slightly, if that, overplayed. There's so much more to her character that it does a disservice to her to claim that she purely exists to fulfil the players fantasies. She's not so overtly sexual in her character portrait in Awakening, and many of her supports get across her social awkwardness nicely. It's fine to take issue with aspects of her character, but pretending that there's nothing else to her character and focusing solely on their negative aspect, which I will admit exist, does more of a disservice to them. With Faye... I understand the criticisms of her. My issue with them is that she's not treated as much as a fanservice character like Tharja or Camilla. She doesn't feel like a yandere for the sake of being a yandere. She feels more like a teenage girl with an obsessive crush on a celebrity. She feels more real to me, and that's probably why I take issue with her sometimes being treated even worse than her predecessors. Let's not pretend getting into the top 10 isn't an accomplishment. The difference between Camilla and Veronica is small. Camilla came third. She performed better than round one. Loki, despite what many may say, definitely got such a high rank due to her certain appeal. I hate that argument, but it's difficult to avoid with her. Tharja still made the top 10. I can't quite remember, but was the first CYL conducted prior to the game's release? Take that into account, take into that people have become fans of characters due to either having them in the game, or ignored other characters entirely due to not having them. Take into account that this game has drawn new players to the franchise who haven't played a Fire Emblem game before, take into account that I have seen people say they voted for Veronica to stop Camilla from winning. Yeah, some people dislike fanservice, so will take an aversive stance to such characters, but let's not pretend that these characters aren't still popular, and even attract players to the game. At the end of the day, whether one likes it or not, sex sells.
  4. Can't really say I care at all about these winners. Probably even less than round one. I might only really go for Veronica.
  5. So, I know there was a little bit of an aura of disappointment surrounding the rewards this time around, but as I was tweaking my team and changing skills around I was looking for a defensive spur skill for my NY!Azura to boost my Beruka. And then I realised Drive Def was exactly the skill I wanted. At least while a Ward Fliers seal doesn't exist.
  6. You know, I understand the discomfort when it comes to the sexualisation of prepubescent looking characters, but can we not spin the narrative that these drawings are as abhorrent as the sexualisation of real children, or that there's some sort of causal link between the two? Even more so when these characters are explicitly stated to be of legal age. I know that sounds like a flimsy excuse for what some may consider paedophilia... of drawings, but there is a very big difference, a very big difference between the intended appeal of these characters and how they're written, and what I can only guess is the draw of real, naïve, innocent children who adults should hold a position of trust over. Is it an icky thing to be pushing, regardless of whether it's fictional or not? Yeah. Sure. But just like people wouldn't commit the acts in games that glorify violence, due to their conscience being a powerful thing that limits how much of a terrible person they're willing to be to actual, real people, games that push overtly sexualised characters, some of whom may be of a very questionable age, won't push people to be that scummy towards real kids, unless there's something already messed up in that person's head. Concerning your post critiquing the defending of Nowi, and other sexualised characters as spouses as a way to justify or ignore the impacts of their design, I hope that you would be aware that people may like these characters for other reasons than their appearance. And that some fans may defend her, in spite of her appearance. I've seen the joke so, very often that even just being a fan of characters like Nowi will have the fbi at your door. And this just disregards so many of the fans who may like them for personality reasons. And even if people like her for her appearance, like I said in my previous paragraph, this wouldn't have an impact in the real world, if dealing with someone with a reasonably sliver of a conscience. And if it would affect someone who was already on the edge, the game wouldn't have been the problem. If people like Tharja for her appearance, why is that an issue? If people like Camilla for her appearance, why is that an issue? I say that knowing that if the mass popularity for such characters keep up it could bleed into future games, which may split the fans of the franchise even more, but from a societal point of view, liking an attractive, overtly sexual character in a video game is so incredibly insignificant to anyone who knows the difference between fiction and reality.
  7. Well done localisation is great and all, and this video certainly does nothing to convince me not to get FE Switch, but on the topic of Fates... This game is not set in modern times. We're fighting with swords and sorcery, we have kingdoms and dragons, values are clearly different. Soleil's female infatuation being treated as a phase being in a game released in the west doesn't mean the values are representative of western values. Incestuous under... well, overtones aren't exactly approved in the west, but Fates has that in abundance, and it's not like we're saying that's representative of western values. Offensiveness isn't the be all and end all, despite what the current political climate would like to believe. Localising to be more culturally appropriate/change things that wouldn't make sense translated is fine. Localising to censor isn't. I didn't care about stuff like skinship, but that doesn't make censoring them under the guise of localisation okay. Sorry this turned into a rant. I don't mean to get on your case, or anything. It just sort of happened.
  8. 2.8? 2+8=10. 10 has the numbers 1 and 0. 1 and 0 makes the number 1.0. Maribelle is number 1? Why thank you. xD I would have voted for Beruka, but I wanted to go all in for my favourite FE character, to at least give her a chance to get in the game.
  9. Time to throw in a vote in CYL for Beruka, so she can win and get even tankier. Anyway, I do kind of want Myrrh, too. Maybe it's because she's another flying green tank, and I like my flying units, or maybe it's because she's an adorable flying manakete. Who knows? It's also pretty funny that people are talking about how the story has gotten better, whilst this was the one chapter I decided to just skip through, so I could get my orbs. My bad, I guess. xD
  10. It kind of baffles me that even now with a dragon flier, Beruka still has the highest defence amongst the fliers.
  11. Maribelle because I find her to be a really amusing character, whilst also being kind in an unorthodox manner. Sometimes her choice of words may be... uncouth, but at the base of it her intentions are pure. People judge her on her introduction, and think that's all there is to her character, but it doesn't even take much digging in her supports to find that she's not such an aristocratic snob. Or rather, she tries her best for her "social inferiors" in spite of the impression of her elevated status. I just like seeing how prim and proper she's supposed to be, and then seeing her shake off the initial impression her kind of character initially gives off. From a personality perspective, a design perspective and just an overall perspective she is my favourite FE character.
  12. She shined in my game, but I'd guess that partially had to do with how since I wanted to use her, I probably fed her more kills and stuff than average, without really noticing, to get her going. She turned out pretty great. But yeah, between her and Maribelle I would be absolutely content with this game if they just introduced those two.
  13. I don't expect Maribelle to come in the top ten girls at all, but I'm at least hoping she'll be high in the ranks of Awakening characters not yet in the game, to raise her chances to get in by the next Awakening banner. Basically, all of my votes are going to her... At least right now that's what I believe. There's still that constant pestering in my mind to throw in some votes for Nyx, too... which I suspect I'll eventually give in to.
  14. So this season I've had more defense wins than usual. I usually just throw my flier team out there if I don't have a bonus character built, or at all, but this season I threw in a +1 Fjorm. Also a +4 NY!Azura who wasn't previously on my main flier team. With those two, a +9 Beruka and Catria (both with water blessings), I'm at 8 defense wins. Probably less than many, but great by my standards. I would guess the existence of a dancer, and a distant counter weapon user is what's changing things up.
  15. As much as I want new units rather than seasonals now, I can't see them not doing anything for Valentines. Some people would probably be sick of it (like me) but it'll make them money, for sure. I hope they don't clog up the schedule with it, but I'm not hopeful. As for Charlotte, I would hope they would release a base version of her, before going into even more seasonals for her. :D
  16. I'd like to think now it would be less obvious who would rank high, since there are people playing Heroes who haven't played any other FE game, and also Heroes probably helped introduce more people to the older games (not that I've done gone to the older games, yet). With regards to that, it could go one of two ways; those people would either vote for units that have performed well for them, or units that they just like the look of... So, I feel like the competition is going to be between good meta units, and other popular characters... Alternatively, we could all just vote Maribelle, for more cavalry clerics/mages/whatever they decide to make her, because she's awesome.
  17. Please god, just not any of the characters that already have so many variants. Maribelle, assuming one vote, or if I'm feeling like dumping all my votes on her. Maribelle, Nyx, Orochi & Morgan, assuming more votes.
  18. Moved down to Tier 19, after getting into Tier 20 for the first time last week. Managed a deathless run, but man, double B!Lyn teams can all just die. On her own she's easy enough to deal with, but two... My flier emblem team can only manoeuvre about so much... :'( In my team below, I had originally had Minerva, but switched her out for Camilla, because after a certain battle, I decided I definitely needed to take some anti-mage measures. Also decided to finally give Camilla G Tomebreaker 3, after an embarrassing defeat by the hands of a single Gunnthrá... and when I went to check her after, I saw that I had only equipped G Tomebreaker 2 the entire time during my run, but even then, it was definitely useful. xD ~*~*~*~ Offense: 4960 Defense: 596 The team: +9 Beruka Slaying Axe+ (Def), Reposition, Ignis, Close Def 3, Guard 3, Goad Fliers, Close Def 3 +2 Camilla Carrot Axe+ (Res), Reposition, Iceberg, Distant Counter, G Tomebreaker 2, Def Plot 3, Atk Ploy 3 +3 NY! Azura Hagoita+ (Spd), Sing, Moonbow, Fury 3, Wings of Mercy 3, Hone Fliers, Iote's Shield Catria Carrot Lance+ (Def), Reposition, Luna, Fury 3, Hit and Run, Goad Fliers, Atk Smoke 3
  19. Oh... I forgot about Valentine's Day... The seasonals really do need to chill out for now... But they'll do a Valentine's banner for sure, probably with Tharja or Camilla... or both spotlighting it. Both characters I like, but both characters that are being milked for all their worth. I don't want them to do a Valentine's banner, but I would be really surprised if they didn't.
  20. Couldn't say. Considering it looks like anyone could edit that page, like Wikipedia and such, it might be nonsense, but considering we've yet to see him 9 days into January, I'd imagine it's probably right. Looking around, one dude on 4chan (a site I'd prefer to stay away from) said it was in the datamine, and didn't expand on that. That's all the credibility I could be bothered to find. xD
  21. So, on the FE Heroes gamepedia page, on the TT section it apparently has the name of the next one. I know some people don't like knowing content ahead of time, so I'll spoiler this, just in case.
  22. @mcsilas My bad, my bad. It just occurred to me to check if anyone replied to me. I've sent my Brave Roy out for now.
  23. Oh damn, just realised I still had Beruka out as my main when I moved on to team Lissa... I'll change her if anyone wants.
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