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Ken Masters

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Everything posted by Ken Masters

  1. Dammit, I wad starting to git gud ;-;
  2. Ehhh.... Day 1 purchases of anything are usually a bad idea. If the product ends up being sucky, you'll have no-one to blame but yourself for a waste of money :/
  3. I remember the time when Smash Bros had actual names instead of just "insert console here".
  4. Only the freshest 2010 memes on Far from God's Light, as usual.
  5. The first time I heard of Thracia 776 I thought it was some sort of ARG/creepypasta.
  6. I bet my current avatar and name at the NX having forced motion control gimmicks AND a VR-related perihalp AT LAUNCH. In power, barely reaching the Ps4. Real name? Nintendo Nexus O.O
  7. I mean... I thought the point of the thread was to post unpopular opinions.No-ones attacking anyone so far, only the games :/ It's all opinions, doesn't make'em true. Some people here called Wind Waker "horseshit". I heavily disagree, but you don't see me posting about it asking for fake courtesy.
  8. Pretty great tbh. It's like falling off the bridge in Mortal Kombat after being uppervutted by SubZero, expecting to hit the spikes at the bottom... but just pass trough them into the void.
  9. "Yeah, keep calling us cute... tonight we will feast on your blood :3"
  10. What? Gross, can't believe they would do something like that where I go to stroll. My disgust is unbearable right now
  11. Or you can always go to KnowYourMeme.com like a filthy normie
  12. But I'm no ordinary animal. I am Jhon Dracokiller, half dragon, half lion, half god, and I'm faster than Sonic.
  13. I?m glad you're a strong, independent man who needs no man to feel loved. Good shit, mate!
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