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Everything posted by mai

  1. Wow, so Skasaher is supposed to be Scathach? Then why did they change it for Ulster when there was a perfectly usable option? Seems pretty pointless, especially since it could create confusion since there's also Alster and Manster and all that... also Scathach one of my favorite SMT demons, so...
  2. Didn't Skyward Sword come out in 2011? Maybe they could have made Skyward Sword in HD and released it as a Wii U exclusive (along with the Wii U) in 2011... I mean, it's not like they were doing anything after 2010, really... On-topic, 700k doesn't seem so unrealistic anymore for FE. Hard, yes, but not impossible (as it would have been before Awakening). I still like FE better in handhelds than home consoles, though (even if FE5/9/10 are some of my favorites in the series). People talk about SMT x FE, but do we know anything about that game? We only got that 20 second trailer, and Atlus is in a pretty bad position right now, isn't it (since Index filed for bankruptcy and all that)?
  3. Mostly Awakening. The rest of the games are fine when it comes to character design, but most of the battle models in Awakening look ridiculous. I mean, most of the female rider classes don't wear pants. Or even skirts. Or shorts. Or anything.
  4. Female character designs done by horny 14 year old boys. Gameplay-wise, removing 1-2 range from lances/swords/axes would go a long way in balancing the game. Probably.
  5. Those are the worst examples you can find from FE10? Really? Well, that kind of proves my point, doesn't it? The worst examples from FE13 can't even compare to those. I don't even see what's wrong with Ilyana. Yeah, she's wearing a skirt, but she's a mage. Mages are squishy. They never wear armor (in FE at least). At least a skirt is more comfortable for moving around. Same with Nephenee. Sure, her outfit shows that little bit of skin compared to the male outfit, but it doesn't hinder her or anything. The problem with the standard pegasus outfit is that it makes no damn sense. You're riding on a horse; you should wear pants when riding on a horse. Ooh, I see your point. I can definitely agree on that. I was just talking about the actual outfits, but yeah. Some of the females are just making "cute" poses or something (hell, Nowi, Panne and Severa are making the exact same pose in their artworks...). But even then, I don't think most of them are like that. Off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure Say'ri, Flavia, Miriel, Maribelle, Noire, Nah, Kjelle and Cynthia (possibly more) have decent artworks in that respect?
  6. I assume you're talking about fanservice (just ignore me if you're not), in which case, what's wrong with Lissa, Maribelle, the pegasus knights (since skirt+thigh high is a standard for pegasus knights, except in FE5/9/10), Miriel, Anna, Say'ri, Flavia, Female!Robin and literally every Second Gen female character (okay, Noire's cleavage is dumb, but at least she's wearing pants)? I mean, I agree that the females in FE13 are terrible compared to the rest of the series (especially the amazing designs in FE9/FE10), but people act like every single female character is a walking pile of fanservice, when it's actually just a few of them. Honestly... I'd say only Nowi's and Cherche's outfits are inexcusable. Olivia is half naked, but almost every dancer in the series is, and at least she's not a little girl unlike Sylvia, Feena, Leen and Lalam; Panne is half naked too, but so is Yarne; Tharja wears a see-through outfit, but that's the default outfit for dark mages, both male and female (then again, Henry is wearing a shirt...). I mean, the fanservice is still dumb, but at least it's equal opportunity in most cases. Of course, this is just talking about official designs; when it comes to the actual game, most females look freaking ridiculous. Why the hell would you wear nothing over your damn panties when riding on a horse (it's really outrageous when you compare Cherche to Gerome)? Why do female assassins show massive cleavage? Why is every female design so damn fanservicey when compared to their male counterparts? I mean, I'll take FE9/10 designs over FE13 designs any day, and I wish there weren't any fanservicey outfits at all, but come on, the official designs aren't as terrible as some people make them out to be. The in-game models are a complete different story though, unfortunately...
  7. I think a Gaiden remake would be great. A FE4/5 remake would be cool too, but those games haven't aged badly at all, while Gaiden could really use a makeover (the interface for it is awful). It's one of my favorite FEs too, it has some interesting mechanics and it's more traditional RPG-ish than other FEs, so I'd like to see how they'd handle that in a remake.
  8. Aww, I can't get these yet because I'm saving up for Animal Crossing :/ oh well
  9. Yeah, basically this. I don't often play LTC, but IMO it's much more fun to think of ways to 1-turn a chapter (whenever possible) than just go ahead and throw your units at the enemy and overpower them. Some chapters are so easy they're just mindnumbingly boring, but they get a lot more challenging and exciting when you're trying to figure out how to beat it in the least possible amount of turns.
  10. ... Black? He does have a black beard, right...? You can marry him as female Robin and still get Morgan, right?
  11. Well, I really like Lucina's design. It's refreshing to see a flat, adult (or almost adult) woman in a videogame. Most flat-chested girls in videogames are little girls (like mature women can't have flat chests, that's ridiculous!), so I appreciate Lucina's design for that. I'd say the same about Cordelia if the game didn't make such a big deal of it...
  12. How is Micaiah a Mary Sue? One of the most important traits of Mary Sues is that everyone (except the villains, most of the time) loves them. My personal rule is that a character can't be a Mary Sue as long as there's at least a couple of characters who don't like them, and there's plenty of characters who hate Micaiah, and with a reason, because she sometimes makes terrible decisions. Sure, she has some Sueish traits (magical healing powers, the whole Yune thing) but she's in no way worse than Robin, Kris or even Ike. But that's just my opinion; "Mary Sue" ha pretty much lost its meaning nowadays. It seems like everyone has their own definition of what a Mary Sue is, so I agree that this is kind of a difficult discussion.
  13. I think Brady's good looking, too :P Too bad I never use Maribelle so he always sucks when I get him... I'd find Severa one of the cutest if she wasn't such obvious pandering to tsundere fanboys/girls. Tsunderes are fine if done well, but she's pretty much a caricature... So Lucina, Nah and Owain at the top, then Gerome (Minervykins!), then Inigo (when he's shy, too bad he doesn't really show it too often), then everyone else because I don't really care. Oh yeah, Cynthia is pretty cute too I guess.
  14. Eeh, the FE 3DS is pretty cool, but I wouldn't get it just for the novelty. I have a 3DS XL and have played on a regular 3DS, and the difference is huge, the screens really do make a difference (plus it's more comfortable to hold if you have big hands). I don't think the FE 3DS is worth it, really. Maybe if you really care a lot about aesthetics, but I think the XL's advantages far outweigh that. Besides, you might want to pick up some other games in the future.
  15. ... Okay, ESL here, and I really don't get what Vaike's "looks like Teach just got tenure" quote means. Could anyone explain that to me? Is there something really obvious that I'm missing? I feel really dumb... Anyway, I really like Lucina's and Tharja's. "Rest in pieces!" made me laugh the first time I heard it.
  16. Hmm, are you familiar with the concept of master-slave morality? If not, you should look it up. You might find it interesting. I try to be a good person because that's the way I was brought up. Most of the time, being a good person hasn't been very rewarding, and as time goes on, I'm more inclined to believe that bad or immoral people have it easier a lot of the time... The only "reward" I get from it is feeling nice when I do something nice for other people and they appreciate it, but most of the time they don't even notice. In a perfect world, being nice to others would mean that they, in return, are nicer to you. But honestly... that's really not the case most of the time, at least from my experience. But then again maybe I've just met the wrong people.
  17. My first file was on FE8. It was pretty awful... I think I was missing some characters, but I don't think it was because they died (well, maybe some did) because I'm pretty sure I restarted when they did, but rather I failed to recruit a bunch of them, and my strongest units at the end were Ephraim, Kyle, Seth and Duessel. And maybe Tana too, I think I grinded on the Tower of Valni because I liked her and EphraimxTana a lot, heh. I used no healers at all.
  18. Wasn't RathxLyn pretty much confirmed to be canon in some artbook or something...? Anyway, I'll go for EliwoodxLyn, mostly because I can never find a suitable support partner for either of them, so they always end up sticking together.
  19. I liked Rescue better. Pair Up is way too overpowered; it doesn't really have any drawbacks. Rescue was nice because it let you do some cool rescue-give/take-drop chains (a dancer makes it even more fun), it let you take care of weak/dumb NPCs, and it served as a failsafe in case you screwed up with unit positioning. Pair Up gives the player way too many advantages. I don't know, Rescue just seems more... strategic, I guess? Overpowered mechanics don't really leave much room for strategy.
  20. My Kjelle was a Knight -> Cavalier -> Paladin -> Wyvern Rider (kind of a dumb setup i guess but whatever). The supports with Sully were hilarious. Doesn't Virion's support with Brady if he's his father have him saying that he knows nothing about tea or something like that...?
  21. Eeh, I guess you have a point, but still, I think it's kind of cheap for a character to have a "flaw" that has absolutely no consequences for them. Kind of a "show, don't tell" thing (but not exactly)? But that might just be me, I guess I'm kind of picky!
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