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Everything posted by mai

  1. What? I think IS are pretty reasonable about that particular subject. Most of the female characters in Fire Emblem have reasonable-sized breasts, and most of the time you can't even see them because they wear armor, and there's loads of lolis (like Sanaki), so... yeah. This is kind of a weird conversation.
  2. Really? Women with small breasts exist. "Marth" could be a flat-chested woman, or she could be binding her breasts. I mean, I'm pretty sure it'll end up being Marth, but come on, that's a ridiculous argument.
  3. Isn't Sumia the spear-wielding girl (the one next to the black-haired female mage)?
  4. Cima is Spanish for summit (as in, the summit of a mountain) or peak, for all it's worth.
  5. Best: RavenxLucius Worst: IkexSoren because I can't stand them Nominating Best/Worst way to get a Game Over.
  6. Hardest: Chapter 1 of FE11 (H5) Easiest: FE7 Prologue. Nominating Best/Worst Yaoi Pairing. It's only fair.
  7. Soren. I'm tired of hearing that he's the best mage ever or whatever (he's not even the best mage in any of the games he appears in!). I used to hate all the Nino/Lilina praise, too, but it's so ridiculous it doesn't even bother me anymore.
  8. Really? 'Cause I think the FE10 portraits look a lot better. Different strokes for different folks, yeah, but still... I mean, the shading is way better in FE10.
  9. I also like the FE5 system, especially when it comes to staves. One use of the Brave Lance or the Light Sword might not be a big deal, but one use of Warp/Rescue definitely is.
  10. How is Raven/Priscilla canon or almost canon? They don't even have an ending. Best: Um... Alvis/Deirdre for being canon. And they both were brainwashed, so... Worst: Whatever, Ephraim/Eirika.
  11. Best: Machuya. Honorable mentions to most FE5/FE4/FE10 females, Leaf and Percival. Worst: Catria. Paola and Est also count, but I'm going by FE12 and Catria is the only one who has official art. Also, nominating Best/Worst mage.
  12. FE12 has support conversations, though, so the characters aren't completely bland.
  13. Not really; neither Rhys nor Laura have Thani. Besides, Laura's healing is far better than Micaiah's (at least before part 3), and Rhys isn't even in the same team.
  14. Japanese. Japanese and Spanish phonetics are pretty similar. EDIT: Well, the 'r' is different, but the 'o' sounds the same.
  15. To me, it sounds like he and Krom were fighting and Liz got in the way, or something like that. Who knows. Liz sounds kind of annoying, unfortunately. Also, since Sumia speaks like a knight, perhaps she's a cavalier/social knight? She kind of looks like a Pegasus Knight, but her armor looks too heavy for that... Anyway, thanks for the translation!
  16. ... But you can do that if you want to. Just the same way you can use bottom tier characters to make the game more challenging if you want to. No one, no one is keeping you from switching between units. In fact, I think it's worse if they added Fatigue and they made you play that way. What if I want to beat the game using the same 5 or so characters? You can't do that in FE5, because your characters would get fatigued every three or so chapters. In fact, all Fatigue does is restrict the player's freedom. Without Fatigue, you can do whatever you want: you can have different teams, you can solo the game with the Lord, you can just pick a team of 8 or so characters and beat the game with them... I like having the freedom to play the game however I want, and Fatigue doesn't give me that freedom.
  17. Nothing is keeping you from using different characters/teams if you want to. You don't need Fatigue to switch teams.
  18. Why bother with that when you can just call them FE12 and FE13? I mean, I don't really care what people call them, but I can't see any good reasons not to use numbers. And FE3 DS and FE 3DS are sort of easy to mix up, while FE12 and FE13 aren't.
  19. Uh, I'm not. I'm just voting for what I'd like to be the next poll. Is there anything wrong with that?
  20. Best: FE11 Worst: FE6 Nominate Most Overrated/Underrated FE game.
  21. Well, if she didn't even try convincing them otherwise, then yes, it kinda is her fault.
  22. Why does it bother you? It's just another pairing.
  23. Best: Light and Dark (FE4) Worst: Wind Across the Plains (FE7)
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