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Everything posted by StinDuh

  1. Alright, I accept this as the best explanation. I guess I never saw it that way.
  2. Putting it this way, it's not a side story at all. Still, I don't like the story of Part II. And it still doesn't fit with the main enemy of Begnion thing.
  3. Doesn't it though? The point of a story is to build up to the ending. Part One and Three build up to part 4. Part two... just kinda... sits there. I'd put money on it. It seriously looks like they put it in to give the Crimean Knights some time.
  4. No. I was just playing through Radiant Dawn again. I was on Geoffrey's Charge when I posted this. That's what I thought. There's not much real story to Part 2. I can't say I agree with you here though. I don't care for the gameplay of Part 2 just as much I don't care for it's pointless story. Except for the awesome sky battle, like you said. None of the Crimean Knights were my favorite. The chapters are freaking annoying to play. Part Two is definitely my least favorite part by a longshot. I dread finishing Part One because I enjoy it so much and dislike part two so much. I wish I could just skip it and go straight to Part Three so that I could have Ike and the bad ass Greil Mercenaries again.
  5. This is kind of what I think, I guess you could say. It kind of looks like IS created Part Two to give the Crimean Knights play-time they couldn't give them elsewhere.
  6. Hm... I guess I can't say we share the same viewpoint then... Because I see the game as one huge story, not separate entities.
  7. But you don't think it's weird, at all, that Part Two is the only part without Begnion as it's primary enemy?
  8. Then what's your interpretation of it? All parts stand alone as separate entities in themselves with little connection to eachother at all? To me, the reason of splitting the game into parts is to show how a common enemy is fought by separate groups of armies. Part One and Three have the exact same enemy: Begnion. Part Four introduces a little more depth, since the overall enemy is Ashera. But the enemy of Part Two is Ludveck, a rebellious Crimean Noble, seemingly untied to the Begnion Senators, which makes Part Two an outlier. Unless, as you imply, I am missing the overall point of Radiant Dawn. In which case, I ask you explain your opinion a little more.
  9. But aren't they? The Begnion Senators set up Part 1. They had Izuka find Pelleas and use him to take Daein away from themselves, but created a bond between them when they forced Pelleas into the Blood Pact. This set them up as "allies" so Daein could think they had their own country back, while Begnion kept them on a leash. Part Three revolves around the Begnion Senators and their interests in obliterating the Laguz Alliance. They fight the Laguz, quite ruthlessly, in order to take control over them. They also use the Blood Pact they set up in Part One to help them fight this fight. It's obvious the Begnion Senators want to destroy the Laguz Alliance so there is no more contesting over their freedoms. To do this, they imprison the Empress, cut off Sephiran, and manipulate Zelgius. Part Four it all comes together. Sephiran awakens Ashera because the world wont stop fighting. Ashera uses her beloved Begnion to pass judgement against the followers of Yune. The Blood Pact(or pacts, concerning Naesala's) end up becoming a liability, since now that everyone is stone, Daein and Naesala have no reason to fight for Begnion, but now have perfect reason to fight against them. The Begnion Senators(ironically, if I must say) essentially caused all the fighting because they put their dirty little hands into everyone's business. Everyone's except, it seems, Crimea's. It's like creating a game about The American Civil War, and then adding a random bit in the middle about Canada.
  10. I've played through Radiant Dawn countless times. And every time I get to Part 2, I'm still confused on why it's included into the story line. It's all about Crimea in a story that's all(save Part 2) about Begnion. Part Two focuses on the political instability of Crimea, three years after Elincia's ascension. Parts One, Three, and Four all have to do with the Begnion Senators abusing their powers to influence as many people as they can -- Daein, The Laguz Alliance, eventually all of Tellius. So where does Part Two fit in this story? Did the Bengion senators have something to do with Ludveck's rebellion? Was Ludveck another noble, influenced by the Begnion senators to take over Crimea, giving them more land to control and power over more people? I just don't understand the point to Part Two in the overall story of Radiant Dawn. I may have missed something; I don't pay attention the story all that much after I've played it a couple times. But this always intrigues me.
  11. This sounds like it belongs in the FE10 board... I've never seen this though... Interesting. disregard, im dumb
  12. Alright. So even though it doesn't seem like anyone is interesting in my drill writing, I'm still trying to get my name out so I'm going to continue to promote myself. Pretty sure no one still cares but, new video....
  13. I'm not sure how many other marching band guys are on Serenes Forest, but I know I'm one. Anyway, I write marching band drill using a little website called Micro-Marching Band. It's pretty fun, and you can find my specific profile here. My first three shows are all small corps shows. You can find them by clicking "shows". My current Work-In-Progress is a large band show titled "In Memory" which I am writing to music written by my friend Brandon. The you can see it here without music, or I have some of it synced and videoed on youtube: Anyway, if you're a band nerd(or not!) please check out my stuff and tell me what you think. Thanks!
  14. Excuse me, but I already stated the juxtaposition confused me.
  15. Follow the right people, its all over the place.
  16. Found this on tumblr: (Original Blog Post) Discuss.
  17. With that logic, so can Natasha and Gilliam. But I decided to include Amelia because her 1st tier could be a Cavalier. So I went ahead and used her. L'Arachel isn't technically a cavalier, but I wanted a healer. And she happened to be on a horse. Although Lute would have been a much better Mage Knight. Edit: I could have also been using Eirika and Ephraim this whole time. But that would just be too easy.
  18. Oh whoops. The juxtaposition of Bloom and Ziyi on the original post confused me. Bloom would make a fine Ephraim, though!
  19. Orlando Bloom and Zhang Ziyi don't look very much alike. I think they need to look pretty similar to be twins. Besides that, you're going to talk about great things Bloom was in and not even mention playing Legolas in Lord of the Rings. Blasphemy. Christian Bale as Seth. Why: He's a badass. That's really everything we need. I would say Heath Ledger as either Valter or Lyon. He could work as both. But since we can't have him, possibly Johnny Depp, because he does well in freaky roles like that. Probably Valter because of age. I think Logan Lerman would play a good Franz. He was alright in the Percy Jackson movie even though it was horribly adapted. And there would have to be someone very serious but very sassy to play Innes.
  20. I don't think it's a post for help.... I think it's just a playlog...
  21. I ended up promoting both Kyle and Forde to Great Knight. Franz and Amelia are Paladins. I wanted to keep the ration equal, 3 Paladins and 3 Great Knights(the other Paladin is Seth and the other GK is Duessel). I chose Kyle for GK because he has intense strength. Franz is a paladin because... Well I didn't want a Great Knight that early, I thought I'd do better with a Paladin. Amelia it didn't really matter, same with Forde. Those two are kinda par compared to Franz, Kyle, and Seth. This is for a cavalry only run, so Amelia had to go Cavalier and then either Paladin or Great Knight. I usually make her a General as well, but Generals don't ride ponies :P Ross is usually my premier axe user as well, but again, Ross doesn't have a horse. Although, seeing Kyle own with axes is changing my thought about GKs.
  22. Yeah I'm on chapter 14(Ephraim) and she's at level 8. And I'm definitely promoting her the second she gets to 10
  23. What level should I promote L'Arachel? I don't think it's plausible to wait until level 20, and her main function will be healing anyway, which really doesn't require that high a magic stat to make a good hearler. I was thinking like level 12 or so before I promote her.
  24. Normally, there's no necessity for a healer. But as this playthrough is for fun, there's no reason not to train one. I'll go Mage Knight for aforementioned reasons. Edit: And you should play FE8 again. Despite it's easy difficulty, it's one of my favorites and is still plenty of fun.
  25. I also decided that L'Arachel can be defined as cavalry(she's on a horse, close enough. I need a healer). Should it be accepted that she makes a better Valkyrie than Mage Knight?
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