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Everything posted by StinDuh

  1. I'm on chapter 8. I'm going to have Franz S Rank swords, Kyle go GK and S rank Axes(spam it A LOT) and I'll figure out Forded and Amelia when I get to them promoting. And I'll use Seth because he's good and I can split my units easier on maps where I need to.
  2. Unfortunately, Seth already has S on Lances. I didn't plan it that way, it just kind of happened. I had been using both Swords and Lances evenly with Seth and... well his Lance stat just met the S rank slightly before his Sword did. On the notion of cavalry/Calvary.... Well. We all have minor screw-ups and dyslexic moments at times. I actually DID know the difference, I guess I just didn't catch myself. No wonder Firefox kept putting a squiggly under it and recommend it be capitalized. As for the Dues., I know that he'll most likely S axes, but I plan on training Kyle/Forde/Franz to be way stronger than Duessel by the time I get him, in turn having one of them be a much stronger GK than Duessel. Turncounts aren't a priority to me. I'd rather have fun beating the hell out of the enemies than racing to the finish. This is the reason I never compete in draft tournaments.
  3. I need help deciding which units to promote to which classes in my Calvary Run. I normally LOATHE Great Knights because of their subordinate speed and movement to Paladins, but in this case, it's probably a good idea to promote at least ONE of Franz, Kyle, Forde, or Amelia to Great Knight so I can S rank in Axes and have someone for Garm at the end. Anyway, I need some help deciding which one to promote to GK. Also, if later in the game(probably like two or three chapters) I realize that it'll be extremely difficult to succeed using only Seth, Franz, Kyle, Forde, Amelia, and Duessel, I might decide to include all mounted units, including Vanessa, Tana, Cormag, and Serene. Are Tana and Vanessa best as Falcon-Knights, or should I make one of them a Wyvern Knight?
  4. Hey everyone, just so this isn't taken as "this guy just up and quit", I haven't been working on my playthrough because I've had Marching Band camp the past two weeks. Next week I have a lighter load, so hopefully I can get a chapter or two in sometime soon.
  5. Hey, I just want everyone to know that I will still be working on this PT. The past couple days I've been helping my brother and sister move into a new apartment, so I haven't had any time to play. I'll try to get a couple chapters done this weekend, but starting next week I have Marching Band every day for most of the day. I might get a chapter or two in every couple of days, but it'll be scarce. So yeah, I just didn't want anyone to think I've given up(or RAGEQUIT as a couple people put it). I appreciate anyone who's still at least mildly interested in the PT. Thanks for checking in and everything. Edit: So here is Chapter 14: Units out: Ephraim, Gilliam, Ross, Neimi, Ewan, Amelia, Rennac Turns: 31 Marisa was not brought into the chapter because of the way the units are set up at the beginning. I would have had to split my team, and it just wasn't plausible to do so. Anyway, my team was sent up the eastern side. I had to get through the door by about turn 4 or Rennac would have not been recruitable. With a little luck, some savestates, and some really random RN wasting, I managed to recruit Rennac(with Ephraim) and not have someone put to sleep, or beserked into killing my own guys. Ross did get beserked later on, but my units were far enough away. Ross practically soloed the top half of the map anyway. Neimi, Ewan, Amelia, and Rennac were sent to the center treasure room while Ross and Gilliam took the throne room. Ross killed Vigarde with a hammer. The Angelic Robe Chest was not opened, but all others were. And the secret shop was also not touched. Stats: Name Lv Class HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank Gilliam 6 Great Knight 45 17 12 8 12 20 9 Lance: S, Axe: D, Sword: E Ross 10 Journey(3) 46 19 18 16 24 13 17 Axe: S Neimi 7 Sniper 32 20 20 24 16 8 5 Bow: S Amelia: 10 Recruit(2) 30 8 9 13 13 9 8 Lance: C Ewan 8 Pupil(2) 27 7 10 8 11 4 10 Anima: C Marisa 10 Myrmidon 26 7 14 16 10 5 3 Sword: C Rennac 1 Rogue 28 10 16 17 5 9 11 Sword: B Knoll 10 Shaman 21 12 9 8 0 2 10 Dark: C
  6. Thanks. It's nice seeing a post that isn't either "wow this is stupid" or "wow you suck". Thanks for appreciating it.
  7. I decided that Amelia and Ewan were just going to be a liability and of no help at all if I didn't train them some before the next chapter. I'm abusing using the tower to level them up to trainee(2). Edit: Name Lv Class HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank Amelia: 1 Recruit(2) 25 6 6 9 11 7 5 Lance: D Ewan 1 Pupil(2) 23 5 6 8 9 3 8 Anima: C Well... At least Amelia has somewhat good speed.... Chapter 13 Units: Amelia, Gilliam, Ross, Neimi, Marisa, Ewan, Ephraim, Gerik, Tethys Turns: Not even gunna... way too high Yeah this chapter was really boring. I trained Marisa a little bit, but not significantly enough to make anything easier. Yeah uh... sent everyone down the eastern path... Didn't make it to either village before they were destroyed. There wasn't much that happened in this chapter.... Oh the pegasus knights sorta gave me trouble... Amelia killed Selena(not by herself, of course. Neimi did the dirty work and Amelia delivered the final blow). Alright here are the stats.... Name Lv Class HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank Gilliam 5 Great Knight 44 17 12 8 12 20 9 Lance: S, Axe: D, Sword: E Ross 7 Journey(3) 43 18 18 15 24 13 15 Axe: S Neimi 6 Sniper 31 19 20 23 16 8 5 Bow: S Amelia: 7 Recruit(2) 28 7 9 12 13 9 7 Lance: C Ewan 5 Pupil(2) 25 6 8 8 11 4 9 Anima: C Marisa 10 Myrmidon 26 7 14 16 10 5 3 Sword: C Note:...Marisa didn't get any more Str...ajkdfklasdhf
  8. He wasn't arguing, he was just saying that it's not only prologue. And I'm now taking measures to see if it works from a suspend too... Edit: And it really doesn't matter much if the RN string is the same every time the game is opened. In most maps, no enemies are close enough at the beginning for that to matter. I didn't know this, but it's in the past now. Thanks for the tip.
  9. Chapter 12: Units Out: Neimi, Ross, Gilliam, Ephraim Turns: Didn't get to check The first part of the chapter I just hung out on and around my ship. It's not particularly hard at this point, and I'm convinced the rest of it will be easy. In fact, compared to the last chapter, this chapter is a nothing. The three gargoyles that appear in the south weren't even a problem because I could actually see them. At turn 11(I know it's a lot) I finally left the boat and took my units up the western path. I then used Neimi to recruit Ewan while I prepared to bait out Marisa to recruit. That's another unit to add to my team(never thought I'd be so happy to recruit Marisa, of all people). My strategy for recruiting Marisa was to use Gilliam as bait(no weapons) and then using Ewan to recruit(obviously). I then got ready for my assault on the boss. Ross used a silver axe, Gilliam used and Axe-Reaver, and Neimi got a critical to kill(that's why I didn't get to see the turns; I didn't think Neimi would kill him.). Overall a really really easy chapter. I would guess on probably ~25 turns.... Name Lv Class HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank Gilliam 4 Great Knight 44 17 12 8 11 20 9 Lance: S, Axe: D, Sword: E Ross 5 Journey(3) 42 17 18 15 23 13 15 Axe: S Neimi 4 Sniper 31 17 19 21 15 7 5 Bow: S Amelia: 3 Recruit(1) 18 4 3 5 7 2 3 Lance: E Ewan 1 Pupil(1) 15 3 2 5 5 0 3 Anima: E Marisa 5 Myrmidon 23 7 12 13 9 4 3 Sword: D Gilliam, Ross, and Neimi have the same strength... weird.
  10. No, because the strategy involves Seth killing two of the enemies.... I believe
  11. ...no, it isn't just because it's you. I have nothing against you. Okay, so the RNG may be fixed, but what's the point of putting this here then? I don't really understand what this has to do with anything, other than that I 5-turned the Prologue. And to that, I want to note that the aforementioned strategy requires the use of Seth. I did not use Seth. Still, what's this have to do with anything? Also... I FINALLY FINISHED CHAPTER 11!!! ...with heavy losses. Seth, Cormag, Dozla, and most importantly, L'Arachel died... UGH. But the chapter is over, and there's no looking back. Here's my chapter 11 Summary: Units Out: Seth, Duessel, Cormag, Gilliam, Neimi, Ross, Ephraim, Dozla, L'Arachel (Only Ephraim is stricken because he was rescued the entire time and did not face battle. All others, including Duessel, Seth, and Cormag all faced battle.) Turns: Haha. Way too many to matter. Alright. This chapter was beaten by breaking many of my rules. Frankly though, I don't care. The chapter would have been impossible otherwise. Ross and Neimi were promoted at the beginning of the chapter(each were level 18). I'm not going to look like this is total miracle that I finished this chapter. It's partly miracle, but it's also thanks to lots of Save-States and RN Wasting/Abuse(but it's the first time I've really used either, so whatever). The only thing I wish I could change was L'Arachel dying. This is a serious blow to my PT, but I also don't think I could have managed to keep her alive(Dozla died too, but for that I don't care). Yeah. So anyway, this chapter is in the past. Levels: Name Lv Class HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank Gilliam 3 Great Knight 43 17 12 8 10 20 9 Lance: S, Axe: D, Sword: E Ross 3 Journey(3) 42 17 16 15 21 13 14 Axe: S Neimi 3 Sniper 31 16 19 20 15 7 5 Bow: S Amelia: 3 Recruit(1) 18 4 3 5 7 2 3 Lance: E Note: Amelia didn't participate in Chapter 11, but I listed her stats here anyway.
  12. I'll try it. As for Amelia and Ewan, I'll train them via Valni after Chapter 12(theres no map movement after chapter 11 IIRC). It's not abuse if I don't overuse it. Edit: Compiling multiple strategies together: Promoted both Ross and Neimi(stats later) Brought Duessel, Seth, and Cormag to act as shields for Neimi(seems to be working...) Holding choke on lower bridge with Gilliam. Gilliam is able to double most units. It's totally breaking like five of my rules, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
  13. Neimi still died when I brought along Duessel and Seth at shields in tight spots. It's the unpredictable Gargoyles and Mogalls that kill me. Not to mention L'Arachel is hard to keep alive too. And she's on the other side of the map. Strategies I've tried so far are: -Holing up at the north end of ship. (Didn't work, Amelia or Ephraim died from Gargoyles/Mogalls) -Sending Ross and Gilliam across the ship to try and beat the chapter as quickly as possible(Didn't work, Ross died. And if he hadn't, the Gargoyles would have gotten to Amelia) -Bringing only Gilliam, Ross, and Ephraim, and having Gilliam rescue Ephraim. (Didn't work, Ross died) -Bringing along Duessel and Seth as bodyguards for Neimi(she still died...) -Scattering my units across the ship in hopes that the Gargoyles would not attack a single person(didn't work... they still all attacked Ross). So yeah. The Gargoyles are my biggest problem. If anyone has suggestions as to new strategies, they'd be greatly appreciated. Edit: I'm really not convinced that the RNG is fixed, either. And if it is, I'd be surprised if it's fixed on hard mode.
  14. Yup. It's exciting. Edit: Bagging Amelia for the chapter. I wish it were possible to bag Ephraim too... Deemed it implausible to complete this map without bringing meat shields. So... bringing meat shields.
  15. You have a point. My current strategy is having Gilliam rescue her... If I can't manage to finish the chapter this way, I'll bag her for the chapter then bring her back next. And as a rebuttal, I AM trying to play efficiently. It's just incredibly difficult
  16. Is it fixed on Hard Mode? Rule #3 is killing me. Amelia is forced, and I can't manage to keep her alive. I'm not really even using her right now anyway... Ugh, this is impossible.
  17. Thanks for explaining many of the things I couldn't manage to get across. Especially about healers. It's seriously hard to do anything without a healer. And Sacred Stones is packed so full of them, you don't notice how hard it is without one until you do it. Anyway. I've yet to successfully finish chapter 11. It is INCREDIBLY difficult. I can't go for efficiency at all on this one because I have to guard Ephraim and Amelia in a really tight fog of war map with many flying enemies that come out of no where. Neimi's effectiveness against the Gargoyles helps(she one-rounds, if not one-hits all of them), but it's not enough to not make this chapter the hardest I've done so far. Even harder than chapter 10, which compared to this is not hard at all. The only "easy" thing about Chapter 11 is that the revenants and wights do practically no damage to Gilliam. Amelia is the hardest to keep alive. Anyway that's all I have to say for now. Once I'm able to beat this chapter I'll update again.... sigh. EDIT: Gilliam can also, thankfully, double most of the enemies on this map. Also concerning healers, I do finally get one I'm allowed to use after this chapter. I also get Dozla, but he's technically in "Lower Mid" so I can't use him :/
  18. Its easier to rush through chapters that are "Defeat Boss". It's harder to rush through chapters that are "Seize Throne" because, even if I get to the throne quicker by leaving enemies in my dust, I still have to kill the boss, and deal with the units coming on my tail now. Like in chapter 8, about 15 turns were because Ross couldn't do more than 5 damage against the boss without getting seriously injured. And he would miss about 25% of the time. Edit: Although I am trying to be more efficient. Okay so I finished chapter 9. My turn counts are still pretty bad. I still don't know how I'm supposed to change that. Chapter 9: Units Out: Gilliam, Ross, Neimi, Ephraim, Franz, Amelia. Turns:26 This chapter is pretty straightforward. Franz only came to recruit Amelia. The priest with a sleep staff got Neimi and that slowed me down a little bit. Not much happened. Recruited Amelia. Sent Gilliam, Ross, and Neimi towards the boss while Amelia finished off that priest(gained a level). Ignored the chests up top, no reason to pay attention to them. Gilliam killed the boss with the help of the axe-reaver, Neimi gave support. I didn't lollygag on this chapter either. I was prompt with getting to the boss and still took 26 turns. Level ups: Name Lv Class HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank Gilliam 19 Knight 37 14 11 5 9 18 7 Lance: A Ross 17 Journey(2) 36 16 12 13 20 10 10 Axe: A Neimi 18 Archer 26 12 16 18 14 5 2 Bow: A Chapter 10: Units Out: Gilliam, Ross, Neimi, Amelia, Ephraim, Tana, Cormag, Duessel Turns: 10 Like always, Tana is only coming to recruit Cormag. Gilliam promoted to Great Knight(decided that more con and great shield were better than +2 Mov). Ross was sent down to the south village to get that Hero's Crest so he can promote later. Everyone else was left up north to deal with the Cavalier reinforcements. Ross, with luck, managed to get the Hero's Crest on the last turn and stay alive. I'm deeming this the hardest chapter I've done so far. It was a tough chapter. I restarted so many times. Here are the my units now: Name Lv Class HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank Gilliam 1 Great Knight 41 17 12 8 10 20 8 Lance: A, Axe: D, Sword: E Ross 18 Journey(2) 37 16 12 13 20 11 11 Axe: A Neimi 18 Archer 26 12 16 18 14 5 2 Bow: A Amelia: 3 Recruit(1) 18 4 3 5 7 2 3 Lance: E Note: Neimi didn't level up that chapter :( weird.
  19. Which she did not. Thanks for having my back. Chapter 8: Units out: Gilliam, Neimi, Ross, Eirika, Seth Okay so Gilliam is sent West while Ross and Neimi are sent North. Ephraim's team comes in. They're horribly under-leveled, and I can't do much about them getting attacked, so... Whatever. I don't have very many vulneraries. So this will be tough. Seth is rescuing Eirika so that they can stay right behind Ross and Neimi. That way Eirika can take the throne quicker. Gilliam's speed is not allowing him to double a fellow knight... that's just sad. I'm ignoring the chests. They don't contain anything I want. The boss took forever to kill because of his high HP and strong weapon.... I'm scared of listing my turn count in case I get more heat for it. I guess I suck because the boss has a silver lance and Ross took 18 damage from it.... 29 turns I got quite a few level ups. Gilliam's speed FINALLY went up. Not that it makes a difference. Name Lv Class HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank Gilliam 17 Knight 35 14 9 5 9 17 6 Lance: A Ross 14 Journey(2) 33 14 12 10 18 9 10 Axe: B Neimi 16 Archer 25 12 16 16 13 5 2 Bow: B Edit: Didn't mean to double post. Sorry.
  20. Ah. I see now. Thank you for correcting me, I apologize. I'm still looking into it. I think all three are going to trainee(3) though. No. I'm first going to tell you that I first sent off Ross and Neimi to take care of the fighter and Mage up by the ballista. It took two turns to kill both of them, and then about 3 turns to get them to where Gilliam was, just across the first bridge. There's a lot of trees in that area. It probably took me 3 more turns to get around to the mercenaries just above the ridge. Those mercenaries gave me some trouble, even using the forests as cover. I should also point out that since my units were taking pretty heavy damage, my turns were mostly made up of correctly positioning my units so that the enemies attacked the ones I wanted them to, and then healing my units with vulneraries so that they weren't completely obliterated. Killing the two mercs and the archer took a little while because the merc kept target Neimi. Then Ross's WTD and low skill were making it hard for him to hit the mercenaries. After I killed those guys, I headed north towards the boss. Ross and Gilliam were targeted by the archers, Neimi killed one of them by herself, and Ross and Gilliam finished off the other. I took the units near Murray(not in his attack range) and healed up my units. Next turn I started attacking him. I was actually quite surprised that I took as many turns on that chapter as I did. I had thought I had taken 10-15. Go ahead. I wouldn't be surprised if you got completely different results. The RNG has hated me this entire time. I've had horrible stat-ups, and I've been getting hit by people with 35 hit. I don't think it's my fault. I don't see how it could be. Good for them. Refer to "getting hit by people with 35 hit" for response. Edit: It really may look like I'm just making excuses. I'm really not. I'm sorry that my turn counts have not been favorable.
  21. Fine. It's my fault Gilliam is missing with 69 hit and Ross isn't doubling. Edit: Okay, I didn't even notice it was taking me so long until I looked at the end. Seriously, it's not something I'm really thinking about. And seriously, it doesn't matter to me. I'm taking turn counts out 'cause you wont shut up about it. You should feel proud.
  22. Okay so apparently my luck sucks and my whole game is RNG screwed. No, I don't suck. Please refer to 8 turns on chapter 6, a huge, wide open map with fog of war. I took a lot of risks in chapter 6, but that was because I wanted the Orion's Bolt. Please look at the characters and stats I'm dealing with. I'm not necessarily trying to get low turn counts, but I am not deliberately trying to get high ones either. That's ridiculous. I'm sorry that I've had terrible luck. Excuse me that Gilliam and Ross are so terrible that they can't one-round anyone. Also, look at where Eirika is on the tier list. She's much higher than Gilliam, Ross, or Neimi. Even on the Ephraim Route tier list she's much higher.
  23. Once again, I don't see how I haven't explained it enough for you. Like I said, I want it to be hard for me, so why not make it harder for me, instead of doing something that would make this less interesting. dondon may be trying to help. I understand what y'all are saying. Y'all don't understand what I'm saying. I'm having a lot of fun with this run through actually. And no I'm not a masochist. I might regret it later. Okay. But again. The point of the play log is to see the difficulty of using the crappy characters in the crappy classes. So please. Allow me to continue without telling me I'm being an idiot. I get it. This doesn't make sense in any normal sense. This isn't normal sense. This is I'm bored and want to do something new sense. Edit: I finally finished chapter seven.... Chapter 7: Units: Neimi, Gilliam, Ross, Eirika, Seth Turns: 22 Again, Seth is only coming in case I need someone to rescue Eirika. I doubt I will since this is a relatively tight chapter if done correctly, but better safe than sorry. That and I won't have to wait for Eirika's 5 Mov to get her to the gate to seize it if Gilliam and Ross and Neimi take it before she gets there. That way I can have Seth just run her up there. So I started off sending Ross and Neimi up to quickly take care of the fighter and mage while Gilliam held the bridge as a choke point. After that, sent them eastward like you normally would. Ross needs to gain some speed. He's annoyingly slow. I understand Gilliam being slow, but... Ugh. Gilliam is still managing to miss almost everything and get doubled by almost everyone. He's level 12, I don't understand. Neimi is so far my best unit. She can one-round a good amount of enemies. She's my only unit who's consistently doubling. I didn't pack many vulneraries... and it's proving to be harmful. Well there was nothing special about this chapter. Neimi and Gilliam took the boss down. Nothing spectacular. A couple of level ups: Name Lv Class HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank Gilliam 13 Knight 32 12 9 3 8 15 5 Lance: B Ross 8 Journey(2) 28 13 9 8 17 9 9 Axe: C Neimi 13 Archer 23 13 13 15 11 5 2 Bow: B Note: Gilliam has not gotten a single spd increase. His base spd is 3. And he's only gotten +3 in skl in 9 level ups. That's what I call RNG screwed.
  24. Yes. That WOULD make sense. Why don't you go and do that? I'll do it the way I want. You can do it the way you want. After all, this IS my play through that I'm logging. It is following the rules that I made. So lets just say that I'll keep doing it this way. You're accomplishing nothing by continuing to tell me I'm making poor decisions. I'm going to continue the way I have been whether you agree or not. Thank you. Excuse me now, as I'd like to get back to actually playing my game.
  25. Exactly! I think you finally understand! The fact that they're so contradictory is why I said low turn counts are not a must, why they're not important at all, really. Again, it's just something to showcase, something I thought would be interesting to add in. If my units fail me and I get high turn counts, then I ain't startin over. I got a pretty high 35 turns on a chapter because Gilliam, Ross, and Neimi weren't hitting much and were getting hit by everything. Did I care? No. Why? Because it shows how hard it is to use those units.
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