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Everything posted by Esaka

  1. Can we just mention the few pieces of map designs look better then what Awakening usually threw in the entire game? No, just me?
  2. Nice to see Serenes still has class. I'm happy to see that. Anyways, no and no. It really hurts storytelling TBH.
  3. Well as straight up hector costume wouldn't be very smooth or streamlined looking. I think the mix was a very smart decision.
  4. Well, Serenes and Smashboards... they're two different sites Sometimes just spreading the news help bro. Hard to learn something if you can't find the book you need to read right? That's a horrible comparison, I'll figure out some better one later.
  5. http://imgur.com/a/NHtFe#0 Closest Hector will ever get to Smash
  6. No clue this was even a thing. Is the FE Smash community coming in full force? We should crew battle vs the Pokemon players. I hope you're all amazing, because there's a lot of those guys.
  7. Yes, but Lucina takes 1/6th the effort as other characters tops. Adding her in to make the roster larger feeling is fine. But 4 unique characters? Hahhah NO
  8. Yes, you can switch characters. They showcased it and it's... well still in development. Essentially, you pick character A, then pick someone else, and so on and so on. Every character picked will be in All-star, although I forget the ordering (think it's first -> last however)
  9. Hey everyone, it's been a while. First of all, sorry for bumping this kinda old topic. I don't like repeating a topic when I know there's an older one buried deep underground... I do however think you'll like this. So PM guys were announcing a new mode that made the game run different characters for each stock... with some alt costumes. And I think you guys will like this. Also the video for those interested...
  10. It took forever as a kid and I used every character possible. Redid it a little while back with Ganondorf on a box TV, did it on first try.
  11. Oh sh- Not home now, back at college where I can barely even get a connection on my laptop. I'll be coming home this weekend however and likely play Friday night. Can you guys, especially GC, wait for that?
  12. He offers Lon'qu's myridmon, but brings the cav class which is always great.
  13. Ah, should not be surprised. When I found it I was kinda too happy to think rationally. ...yeah...
  14. I found this somehow. And I must spread it. Everywhere.
  15. They said they expect one more "big" update and that they will be making a 3.0B patch that will fix 3.0's bugs ASAP.
  16. Yeah, 8 would be desirable. I'll ask some friends if they're interested when they come home from the holidays, no promises however.
  17. Well, whose to say Rosalina isn't another exception? She seems to have enough tools to compensate, despite her recovery still being better then Olimar's anyways.
  18. http://www.ssbwiki.com/Tier_list Well seeing as how Olimar is number 3 in Brawl and Falco is number 2 in Melee and they both have some of the worst recoveries in their game... yeah. I gave up on thinking recoveries meant anything a while ago.
  19. If she has as much control from as distance with her Luma as I think, she'll be able to do some impressive combos, plus the Luma could act as a second attack to make her next move more safe. She's like a better version of the Ice Climbers, because she has complete control of her backup. Coming from BlazBlue and competitive Melee, I compare her to Relius, but given Smash characters standard movement, she's not gonna has his problem of playing keep-away while not being able to use her puppet. Also, the more we see of Villager, the worse he seems. :(
  20. Surely double elimination. Great, now I need to download the Wifi patch >_>
  21. I'd love a P:M tournament, sounds like a hella fun. But I'm too lazy to organize it.
  22. Yes... well vaguely, sometime this winter. So December
  23. So yeah, Project M. http://projectmgame.com/en/about Anyways, they're about to release a new demo for the mod and they showed this... And a while back they showed this loser. Needless to say, I think it's worth acknowledging. (Wasn't sure if to put this hacks or Smash, but I settled on Smash)
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