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Everything posted by Esaka

  1. Oh, now I feel really stupid, derp. Apologies there. Still it's weird how that day is just there while this is a huge freaking deal, that's all I'm saying.
  2. Well, do we have Black Plague day? Nope. Do we have holocaust day? Nope. Do we have 9/11 day? Yup While it's sad they lost their life, the patriotism in this is kinda annoying, in a hundred years no one will care I swear.
  3. Because FE6 IS THE BEST FE EVAR! ...rite?
  4. Might as well bring Thunder up to where it was in FE9, IMO. Also mage speed growth/cap buffs everyone :P
  5. Swap Aran's skill and speed base. Have him start with 12 speed and 10 skill instead of vice versa. Perhaps increase his speed growth by 5%, but I don't know if it'd be needed.
  6. They can't finish before christmas? NINTENDO IS DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED! But it's likely due to competition and stuff, ok then. Anyways, chances are we'll get it a month or two later, maybe around the same time if we're lucky. THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS DAMN IT!
  7. What inclines people to talk about DLC before the game even comes out...
  8. EH GARY OAK IS NOT MENTIONED ENOUGH. Let us all acknowledge Gary Oak's gar.
  9. Bought it for 15$ yesterday, pretty damn good so far.
  10. Gecko is a program you use to run games with the wii. It allows you to use codes via an SD card while still owning the game. It also allows you to get past the region lock. So... put in the Japanese game and have the codes in the SD card, then it should work perfectly.
  11. We need a poll to decide who truly is the worst.
  12. Hmm... try getting gecko and buying a Japanese one.
  13. Best use of my time ever Sorry to say, but I think I won
  14. Seeing as how there are thousands of people capable of doing hacks on Brawl EG: http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Moderated=1&Reported=All&Wifi=0&Name=*cloud*&ByUser=*&Credit=*&Info=*&Thumb1=*&Type=**&TypeAlt=* No, Wii games are just really easy to hack, like the amount of stuff on Brawl proves that anyone with Brawlbox can hack, granted it seems they're making entirely new tools for Galaxy 2.5, good stuff. But once normal people get the tools, it won't look so talented. Hopefully 2.5 will be really fun however, I'm hype.
  15. HeyguyzyoutalkingaboutGBAgamesonthe3DS? I got them and plenty of them are wicked fun, FE8 is a pretty good time waster, I bet they'll come out eventually, when Nintendo feels like they want money and such /Flaunting asshole.
  16. Best: FE4 It threw everything that was left at you Worst: FE6 lol
  17. I misread the tittle as raw children. Naturally, that was far more fun.
  18. No, no you aren't. Because I hate you, everyone loves Mary Sues, so by me hating you I have unperfected you.
  19. Spotpass characters get conversations too hopefully? Paris conversations AWAY!
  20. Is it open? I guess I should look into it :P

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