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Everything posted by Esaka

  1. Anyone know his HM stats? Because from what I heard, they're really green.
  2. I don't think it'd work, it doesn't compliment the core system There are better ways to work classic elements of a fighter in Smash Just look at Project M's Lucario
  3. Nothing, you'd have to drink it black MWA HAH HAH! I AM SO EVIL!
  4. More Gotoh! :D He kinda kills everything... Forever. Which isn't that long actually. 4/10 +1 Bias 5/10
  5. He's Gotoh. Like the best Gotoh ever. Staves + Lolsety, it's like there's not even a point for Galzus. 9/10
  6. It's more annoying when you actually go on because you want some BRSTMs...
  7. Hey! It's that super mellow guy from FE4! You know, he's like one of the best children you get! Oh... this is FE5? 5 PCC, charisma, pony, beo sword. Oh and bias. 6.5/10
  8. Dude is vital for the Cecilla route 10/10 So good.
  9. .5/10 Yeah, she brings nothing to the table and is just so useless it's painful... Mage Knight or not, she sucks.
  10. Silver Card That's kinda nice. 2.5/10 What, crap is pricey in FE5!
  11. Probably the best last minute filler you gets, not saying much, but Stefan is pretty solid considering how little investment you need for him. Also, Dat hair. 4/10 Bias included of course.
  12. Sorry, but we actually aren't that stupid. On the general boards yes, plenty of FE noobs, but on the specific FE boards, plenty of us are competitive and actively celebrate Seth's win. Granted, the Gamespoters...
  13. Master Hand and Crazy Hand, MK, Luigi, Pit, Kirby, possibly others but too lazy. NOICE. NINJA'D
  14. http://gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=180479 MARTH!!!!!!!!!1! OMG! OMG! MARTH IS IN THIS GAME GUYS!!!one1one!!one!
  15. King of Fighters has a song called Esaka, or at least Esaka is in the name. Like "Goodbye Esaka" or "Esaka Continues" anyways, it's a BAMF song every time and yeah, the name is just cool, even if it is just based off a train station.
  16. Pretty solid growths for a Laguz, really good growths for a Royal, pretty solid bases, flight, DAT THEME SONG, royal gauge, etc, etc. But availibility and lack of a 1-2 range hurts, so yeah. 7/10 +1 bias 8/10
  17. These aren't SSB4 polls, this is a Nintendo popularity pool, Sakurai put it on his twitter because Pit was high. This has NOTHING to do with Smash.
  18. 1.5/10 Better then Sedgar, and he looks cool, so yeah .5 + 1 bias.
  19. You should be banned sir, what you done was soooo wrong, I'm offended on ED levels. But yeah, no Super Star Saga? You should BE ASHAMED.
  20. I feel at this point, you have plenty of stavebots, many of which do just as well. So she isn't bringing anything new, plus her late promotion and the fact she may have to compete with Sara... huh. But she doesn't cost a seal if you want to promote her, she has utility, levels nicely, and has decent combat. 7.5/10
  21. Are we playing the same game here people? Because last time I checked, bow users WTFpwn in Gaiden. 8/10
  22. Dragon Spear Flight Solid Bases. Nice. 8/10
  23. Please oh god no. With only finite resources, those character slots should be used on deserving Nintendo characters... and Pac-Man. But seriously, if we only have 50 slots, why use them on 3rd party characters when this is a Nintendo crossover, not saying no to third party or anything, but please. Also Tales is mediocre and Xenoblade is where its at.
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