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Everything posted by Esaka

  1. I'll import, hack mah 3ds into being region free. Then I'll eat popcorn in front of NoA in NY while playing this game and laughing maniacally.
  2. He's terrible. His stats are worser then Lakche at level 30. I don't count the holy weapons since they are cheap and don't count. But in all seriousness 9/10
  3. *hears part 1 map melody* The start sounds so much like Midnas theme. Regardless, it's a hit and miss. Love the Convo 1 theme. But Alvis is done rather mehishly.
  4. Aran is no hero, he is only a soldier. 7 +1 bias so yeah, 8/10 Because speed problems are far and few and defense is ZOMG
  5. 0-o... That's just ****ing with the vote scale, kinda annoying, really wanted Elthin.
  6. I don't really care about the quality, I care more for the character itself, I need my fave to be repped, as long as it isn't disgusting, I really am OK with anything.
  7. Best: Sigurd "Celice, forgive your father, grow up big and strong" I dunno, but Sigurd just seems like at that point he'd give up anything but his kid. Worst: Elthin freaking idiot.
  8. I shall vote for Sety if we keep Fin in the top three.
  9. I prefer Bartre *flame shield* But yeah, she is not doubling for too long, but for when she is, good crutch. 7/10
  10. Fin, you have to Win. I freaking mean it.
  11. All bad archers have green hair. Rofl takes the cake, he has no actually pros and using him is like signing a death warrant. 1/10
  12. INB4 Smash BROLAN! Oh yeah, Tarvos and Earth :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD 9.5/10
  13. Meh, you get what you expect out of Mist, by that I mean feed her bonus EXP for massive pony power. 7.5/10
  14. Best Warrior in the game. No competition. 6.5/10 +1 point bias because he is one of the few FE6 characters with that personality thing
  15. Kawai no desu :3 Also, she isn't terrible by any means, better magic options then Soren. 6.5 + 1 bias
  16. "Not Zihark" :DDD Ok, but seriously, speed isn't a big issue in FE9... and her other stats are meh. She does help a bit though I guess thanks to being around for quite a while. 5.5/10
  17. Fee, what a fun word... 8/10 She really wants DAT HERO LANCE
  18. Males: Fin (Gen 2/FE5), Lex, Leaf females: Lakche, Bridgid, Mareeta
  19. Oh thank god for the Knight Ward. Oh thank god for earlygame contributions. Oh thank god for coming back earlier then Shinion Oh thank god for coming back still with reasonable stats Oh thank god he's so damn likable. But he's still a knight with some mehish combat at the start 6.5/10 + 1 because I just love him :3
  20. He promotes to get continue... but he already has it... ballz. He uses the pursuit ring better then most subs. 4.5/10
  21. ZOMG Skill. Yeah... no happening. 3.5/10
  22. If Shinion never left... he'd be reasonable. But ehh... he helps earlygame at least and if you want an archer he's still way better then Rolf considering he is far easier to baby when he comes back. 4/10 +1 because I love how great of an asshole he is. so yeah, 5/10
  23. Looks like I now to have to do a full Capcom boycott now, joy, I did enjoy the games, just not Capcom. Do you know how much of a pain it is to find everything new BTW? Ugh... So yeah, region locks are easy to hack, this? WTF. VG crash come now.
  24. I like him. Easy to raise with WTF hax hp! 43 on HM at level 5? I can has? YEEEEEAAAAAAAAH!!!!! Also, he is blind. 6/10
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