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Everything posted by Paris

  1. Which Cordelia should I promote? +ATK/-DEF, +ATK/-HP or +SPD/-DEF? I'm planning on giving her Firesweep + and unsure what to do regarding her B slot. Would Hit and Run be a decent option or should I give her sword breaker. I was considering replacing Nowi with Cordelia but not 100% sure. Micaiah can take over her task of tanking magic and dealing with red armor units. However, Nowi is more physically durable than the rest of my team which might be useful for maps with defensive tiles. My arena team is: Ceada +1, Micaiah, Ryoma +1 (Bonus Unit) and Cordelia/Nowi (pending).
  2. This banner has been incredibly stingy with green orbs... Didnt get Legendary Lyn but I did get 3 of the units which is an improvement from the last legendary banner (why only 2 focus units). Notable pulls were: * FH! Celica: -ATK/+RES (Damn it) * SM! Eirika: -SPD/+HP/DEF/RES (forgot her bane) * SM! Eirika: +RES/-DEF/HP (forgot her bane but it finally wasn’t -ATK/-SPD :) ) * Micaiah: +RES/-DEF (Not the exact IVs I was looking for but it’s not -ATK/-SPD so I’m fine with that) * Micaiah: +RES/-SPD *4 Tiltyu: +SPD/-DEF (Sightly better than my +SPD/-RES one) *4 Sothe (fodder) *3 Cordelia: +SPD/-DEF (surprised this banner didn’t hand me more Cordelias like the last legendary banners) *4 Chrom: fodder *4 Raven: +SPD/-ATK * 4 Nowi: +DEF/-SPD It seems that the banner wanted to give me SM! Eirika and Micaiah the most. Disapointed that I didn’t get the other units I wanted. However, it I did get the unit I wanted and needed the most (Micaiah). Overall, satisfied.
  3. He is? Huh. Never noticed. I think it’s because: A: Other characters such as Ike and Lyn are more popular. I’ll is the most popular male lord while Lyn is the most popular female lord. Lucina is most likely #2 and a popular character from one of FE’s most well known games. Same thing for Azura, Camilla and Chrom. Azura is a dancer which can bring in revenue because dancers are useful. Chrom is well liked. Camilla has fan service and popularity (albeit controversial). Hector is well liked as well as Ephrai and both get bonus points for not being lords with swords. Eirika as generally we’ll liked. Celica has the remake, good voice acting and nice design to back her up. B: FEH’s market in general which is mostly male. Therefore IS prioritizes them. Why pander yo the minority when they’ll bring in less revenue? As a result, they’ll have more females. I doubt this would be any different if FEH’s fan base was mostly female. They would still prioritize the majority. So they will have more male characters.Whi C: The other popular characters are from well known and generally liked games. Marth’s games are either too old for most people to have played them or regarded decent at best with the exception of one which dint comeback out of Japan. Additionally, the other popular characters have the advantage of their games having support conversations which helped flesh out their personality and interactions. New Mystery of the emblem had that but again, wasn’t localized. While Marth has Smash, so does Ike, Roy and Lucina. From my knowledge, Ike and Roy benefit from Smash more than Marth. In conclusion, I think those are the reasons why he hasn’t gotten an alt yet. My assumption is as about as good as good as anyone else’s so take it with a grain of salt.
  4. XII. Which FE characters do you think gets judged too harshly? XIII. Do you think that the FE fanbase judges lords (male vs female lords) differently? XIV. Which FE game do you want to have a remake first? XV. How did you get into video games? XVI. Least favorite anime trope? Favorite? XVII. What is you moral alignment?
  5. If he does get another alt, it should be later. At the very least, there should be time for the too many alts discussion to die down. Unless they release more alts which is what will most likely happen.
  6. Doesn't she already have one more alt than the others not counting Chrom and Lyn?
  7. Agreed. We don't need another Lyn. In fact, we don't any more alts of her, Lucina, Chrom, Camilla, Ike and Azura. Give other popular characters a shot at having an alt. I would think that the law of decreasing marginal utility would come into effect but apparently not. By now, I think IS has something against Marth or just really want to show off Ike and popular female characters in general. After all, isn't most of the FEH community male? So why not target that demographic? As annoying as that decision can be.
  8. It's probably because they're going basing this off on characters who were the lord or one of the lords of their game. While Takumi and the other royals are important characters, they're not lord units. Then again, they could turn around and make Camilla #4. That would most likely cause even more salt than Lyn. Lyn is generally well while Camilla is controversial.
  9. Red: FH! Celica: not in need of any more sword units but don't mind getting her L! Ike: content with my neutral IV one so prefer to not get him. SM! Eirika: could replace my -ATK nature so don't mind Blue: L! Ephraim: like to get him Micaiah: hoping to get her because she has nice artwork and a cool personal tome. PA! Shigure: Dancers are always nice but won't be disappointed to get him. Green: L! Lyn: Definitely want her, mainly because of her gorgeous artwork. H! Henry: need more armor units PA! Inigo: same thing as Shigure Colorless: L! Grima: don't mind getting her Genny: please stay away from me, already have 2 of her H! Jakob: don't mind. It could go either way. Some people have bias against certain characters (Camilla for me) while others might stop complaining. As much as I like Lyn, I think they're using her too much. The characters who don't need any more alts IMO are: Lyn, Lucina, Chrom, Camilla, Ike and Azura.
  10. VI. Favorite FE class? Least favorite? VII. Favorite character from SoV? Least favorite? VIII. Best memory when playing Fire Emblem? Worst? IX. Assuming you would survive, which planet would you visit and if you bring an FE character with you, who? X. Despite you opinion on Kingdom Hearts, which game was the most enjoyable and which was the least? XI. Which video game/book/movie did you find the most disappointing?
  11. I. What is your MBTI personality type? II. If you couldn’t travel back in time, which time period would you visit? III. Favorite subject at school? IV. Favorite mythological creature? V. Favorite and least favorite fire emblem villain?
  12. At this rate, it's going to be a while or when Marth gets his alt, seasonal alt or CYL alt which may or may not happen in the distant future (poor Marth). That would cool to ensure that they're unique. Would they have their own specific class buffs (Hone bird) or will it be classified as one? Who knows.
  13. Same here. Why have Ryoma be a legendary bow unit when only one of his class option uses bows? He could have a cool axe. Really? From what I can remember she doesn't attempt to kill allies for simple mistakes (Felicia), doesn't drag down other characters by making them act out of character and is for the most part, a normal person.
  14. It depends on his skills and his popularity. Is it just me or does Hinoka look weird when she's attacking. Either way, I can safely skip this banner and save my orbs. Hopefully Kaze has good art and a decent base kit.
  15. *4 Ogma +ATK/-RES (free pull) *3 Caeda +RES/-HP Not bad. Hopefully this means that my -ATK/-SPD curse ends here.
  16. Leon has better accuracy than Python. Delthea is a better mage than her older brother and their relationship is different from the typical FE. Faye has a cute design, her ending could lead to some interesting head canons, admitted that she was being rude to Silque and isn't rewarded for her obsessions. Soleil hires decent NPCs and has a nice design. To add, her supports and personality are so bland and one note that I have no guilt over not pairing Laslow with anyone. Ophelia is a better mage than her father or Nyx, her map has some very nice items and her personality is more tolerable than Soleil's. She's pretty much rule 63 Odin/Owain in personality so I won't miss much from not recruiting her. Iago's outfit is much better than the default sorcerer design. It's amusing to watch Hans 'die' in Ch. 3 due to his stupidity of attacking an opponent who is paired up, on a fort and has WTA against him. Female Corrin has better customization options than her male counterpart, support with Scarlet and a child unit isn't lost if you pair her with a first gen character. Male Corrin has the better class design for Nohr Noble. Both Corrins make me appreciate Chrom more. Peri is a good cook and her outfit design is better than the standard female cavalier design. Camilla is a good unit and most of her design was well done. Odin can utilize Nosferatu better than Nyx. Miriel and Laurent are decent mages and are smart? Grima has an interesting backstory. Est has Mercurius in her inventory, a better design in Echoes and can be used as canon fodder. Heather has a nice design. Makalov is a good cavalier and has a likable sister Riev has the irony of being a Bishop despite worshiping an evil dragon. Despite being (mostly) braindead, there are rewards for rescuing/protecting NPCs.
  17. Most likely doesn’t count as an archetype yet but Lucius or “trap characters” and creepy stalkers with a crush. Nothing against Lucius, Libra or Forrest but the trap trope gets old fast. However, Tharja and Camilla suffer because one aspect of their character is the main focus or being overemphasized. Faye is an exception because at the very least, she’s not rewarded for her creepiness. Main antagonist who is almost always male and a dragon. Are dragons the only race that has a serious enough bone to pick with humanity that they want to destroy them? Navie/Calm female lead and hot tempered male lead. I get the reasoning behind this and it isn’t a terrible idea. Also, add the main lead rarely ever facing recuperations for their flaws (male lords) or not being able to recover from it on their own (female lords). Exceptions are Sigurd whose impulsivity resulted in his death and Micaiah. The lack of world building which reduces immersion because I can’t picture where I’m at in the game. Additionally, it negatively impacts the Camus archetype making them appear as lawfully stupid instead of having believable and understandable motivations for remaining with their nation. The lack of challenge in their quest to defeat the evil invading nation and stop evil dragon. It’s usually go from point A to point B to point C, defeat the evil dragon and the world is saved. I’d expect there be challenges and recuperations whether it be unit loss, territory loss or political when taking on another or other nations. Genealogy and the Tellius series are the only exceptions I can think of. The Jagen/Oifey being either Paladins or Great Knights. Nothing inherently wrong, but it gets boring. Also, it would make the early game more interesting and varied. Archers having terrible base states and 2 range locked. Why do mages have better base states despite also being ranged units who can counterattack at one range? Additionally, do snipers really need a skill that increases their accuracy? Braindead NPCs that keep running into they enemy line of fire despite not being able to survive. Knights supposedly being “tanks” but can’t even keep up with the rest of the army. Fate’s Seal skills especially Seal defense and speed. The fact that it activates regardless of who initiates combat is even more infuriating when it already drops a certain stat by six. Also, screw ninjas with seal defense and lunge. Everyone can support with everyone makes no sense becuase not everyone will fall in love or at the very least, like each other. Avatar sexual characters make no sense because it’s weird to assume that the only character they speak to is the avatar. While it’s not a trend (yet) characters being expies of other characters. It’s boring, not creative and at worst, bring back annoying character quirks/traits. I don’t need another young character bitching about how much they want to be or are an adult, a thief who loves candy, a creepy stalker, a perfectionist knight with unrequited love, Owain or rule 64 Owain unless they go a different direction with it. Anna or whichever Anna being presented having a money fetish. It would nice to have an Anna who is more down to earth but just happens to be a merchant. Is there a requirement that any and all characters with tragic plot line deaths have to die from being burnt alive by fire? Minor complaint but it would spice things up. Or at the very least, have more males die from fire to give Sigurd company. Another recent trend or possible one is the recent FE games (discounting Echoes as it's a remake) lacking a medieval fantasy vibe aesthetically, design and narrative wise. Whenever I play FE 13 or FE 14, I feel like I'm playing an anime version of a medieval fantasy game instead of a medieval fantasy game. The previous games did have some anime aspects but were rarely intrusive. Much of it has to do with designs (character and class) being out of place of the typical FE art style. Lissia's design is alright but I have a hard time believing that's something a cleric would wear. I have an even harder time buying the maid and butler class. Besides butlers not existing in the Middle Ages, the designs don't mesh well against the other class designs being modern. Narrative wise, I feel that FE 13-14 are severely lacking in focus on the world of the game especially FE 14 which didn't even bother to name the continent the story was happening in. In the past FE games, the main characters were concerned about their citizens and willing to put asides their desires to fulfill their duty to them. Meanwhile, Chrom cares more about saving ONE person than ensuring that Grima doesn't return to ensure the safety of future generations. Instead of attempting to think of another resolution like most people would, Corrin blindly follows Azura's plan like an idiot. He doesn't consider the financial expenses, damage and lives lost on either side or if all those are worth it to get one person to sit on a throne. At the very least, he could have attempted to find some other way such as figuring out what magical properties the throne has and try to replicate it before trying to invade.
  18. Alm seemed a lot more interesting in the Awakening DLC. Python has bad accuracy. Luthier is a weak unit. Forsyth isn't a good unit (at least in my playthrough he isn't). Sonya's art in Heroes is terrible with abdominal/thoraic areas being too thin. Mae looks like a generic moe blob in Heroes. Leo has the weakest legendary weapon and is a pathetic boss. Sakura doesn't have much story presence and like her sister, she's either insane or an idiot for forgiving Corrin. Azura is a terrible strategist and an idiot for not saving the crystal ball to show to the rest of the siblings. Kaze's belief in that Corrin will bring peace is very questionable. Flora has terrible taste in men. Marth had his spotlight taken, gives too much credit to a generic self insert/character and his voice isn't the best (especially early on). Linde's art in Heroes is atrocious with an unnecessary wardrobe change and looks like a child rather than adolescent. Catria looks like a generic anime girl in Heroes. Abel has terrible taste in women, screwed priorities and left to find his wife who was too immature to be an adult. Ike's character received a downgrade in Radiant Dawn and both his VAs aren't that impressive. Pelleas lacked some development thanks to RD support system. Elincia looks like a sailor scout in her Awakening DLC art and to a lesser extent, Heroes art. Despite her reason being understandable, Eirika giving the stone to Leon is still pretty dumb. Ephraim faces little recuperations for his actions when his impulsiveness should have had harsher consequences and received the wrong VA. For a "brilliant tactician", Innes is stupid for telling Eirika to stay behind him in their support conversations.
  19. Unlucky: Dauntless Crimeans. Spent around 200+ orbs to get none of the focus units. Other than that, can’t recall. Luckiest: December legendary banner. Most of the focus units I pulled had good/optimal IVs. Love Abounds TT banner free pull was +SPD Ninian which I wanted. Sacred World free pull was +ATK/-DEF Innes. Hinoka and Takumi BB banner (I think?) free pull was +ATK Hinoka. Refinable Weapons (Leo, Eirika and Soren) free pull was SM! Eirika who was -ATK. Lastly, February Legendary Hero banner with 4 S! Corrin (albeit with mostly terrible IVs), three Sothe and a +SPD PA!Olivia.
  20. Valkyries because I don’t recall them using magic. Dark Knights also make no sense because they’re unable to wield dark magic. I get that strategists wouldn’t be on the front lines as they’re more valuable as intel than combat. However, wouldn’t they at the very least have more physical defense? It seems unwise for an army to loose a stargetist just because s/he died to a faint breeze. Cavaliers were supporters of King Charles I during the English Civil War. And somehow, nobility and commoners can be cavaliers despite horses being expensive. Or maybe it only applies to certain breeds.
  21. Don’t care for female Grima but wouldn’t mind getting her. At least she has nice artwork and skill. Looks like I’ll be pulling from blue, red and colorless. Already have summer Elise but better IVs would be nice. Unfortunately, she’s not my main focus. Hopefully my -ATK curse goes away because I don’t want another -ATK Brave Lucina. Shouldn’t have watched Pheonixmaster getting a -ATK Innes for laughs. Retribution I guess. Lute would be nice as well as Zeligus. Even better if I manage to get H! Nowi without -SPD or -ATK. I’d like H! Sakura as well. This is the same game where women in a bikini and a dress are considered armor units. Maybe she’s a flying unit because Grima is a dragon? That or it’s some other weird reason.
  22. In Awakening, it’s Virion usually. In Fates, it’s a tie between Nyx and Odin. Almost every run I’ve had, Virion gets speed screwed despite having a 60% speed growth. Meanwhile, Nyx prefers gaining skill or luck over speed despite having a 60% speed growth and having atrocious growths in luck and skill. Elise’s growth rate in speed is only 5% higher and somehow, she gains much more speed than Nyx. Then there’s Odin who is one of the earliest benchwarmers for my team. The most level ups he ever got was six. He gained one point of magic and three points of strength in six level ups.
  23. I will never understand the reasoning behind Odin, Selena, Laslow and Subaki's stats. Subaki: A tanky flyer is fine until low strength is added. Also, his class doesn't do much to highlight his main strength, defense.
  24. Overall, had better luck with this legendary banner than the last. Although, the greater amount of green orbs would have been better appreciated on the Jan Legendary banner. *5 Shiro (+SPD/-HP) wish I could switch his IV with one of my S!Corrin *5 PA!Olivia (+SPD/-RES) didn’t expect to get her but can’t compalin. She’s a dancer and has better art. 4 S!Corrin however... 2 were +HP/-SPD 2 were +DEF/-ATK *4 Tilytu +DEF/-SPD. 3 Sothes 4 Cordelias About 4 or 5 *3 Odin Around 4 Felicias that were mostly *4
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