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Posts posted by Cyas

  1. Non-hypothetically(Do) finish the turn-downing (Not) of those who would not not (Do) wish to see the tower and ruins left undone (fill the wishes of those who want me not to do the tower)

    That is the correct option.

    Huh, I originally made a second analysis in my post that explained why this option is the correct one but I had to delete it because I left out a not. Though, apparently I made two mistakes:

    "finish the turn-downing". I simplified that as "stop rejecting". If you stop rejecting something, you'll start accepting it. In short, I misinterpreted that part as a "Do".

    Not that it really matters, I want this hack to end as soon as possible.

    Oh well, at least the next chapter looks like it's going to be interesting.

  2. Whichever one gives you Gonzales that is level 5. I think that's Lalum's route, but I could be wrong.

    Yeah, it's the Lalum/A route.

    Most people seem to prefer Echidna over Bartre so I'd go with the A route. Though, take this with a grain of salt since I haven't played enough FE6 to really make an accurate judgement.

  3. In my opinion, a map being fun to play is reason enough to consider it well designed.

    There are many factors that can make a map entertaining:

    Clever enemy/terrain positioning, a turn limit (Thieves/Bandits going for loot/Villages, Citizens that need to be protected etc.), different approach options, enough enemies to avoid turns that solely consist out of moving, a reasonable map size, a gimmick (as long as its not overused and adds something to the gameplay), action in the whole map and not just at one place at a time etc. Reinforcements can make a map more enjoyable too but only if used correctly.

    Bad maps have very few, none or sometimes even the opposites of the traits listed above.

  4. I've been looking for that option too out of sheer interest.

    A lot of people seem to think that it's the last option but:

    Do not rescind the opposite action of discontinuing the idea to refute the principle of doing the tower and ruins

    "Do not rescind" we can translate that to something like, say, Keep going. "the opposite action of discontinuing the idea" means continue to have the idea. "to refute the principle of doing the tower and ruins" means don't do the ruins.

    So simplified: Keep going to continue to not doing the tower and ruins. Not the best English sentence I've ever made but this is just another "Don't" option.

    Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if there is no "Do the tower and ruins" option at all. (Unless we're supposed to interpret the Stop messing with us Moniker option as do the tower and ruins)

  5. That may sound a bit weird but I enjoy playing Chapter 2.You aren't going to keep everybody alive on L+ on that map without well thought out positioning.

    Chapter 5 on all non-L+ modes (on L+, this chapter is a bit too much this early on in the game) for the reasons that most people here stated.

    Chapter 6 because it's the closest Awakening gets to having a Defend objective (You can 2-turn Tiki's map in no-grind, you can't do that with chapter 6).

    Chapter 12 since its enemies are relatively strong and the map also has terrain that can be utilized in many different ways.

    Chapter 18 because there's a semi-turn limit and because it has no reinforcements, what you see is what you get.

  6. After having played Awakening, I moved onto FE8. At first I thought that the game is sub-par but after a year had passed, I considered it to be a decent game. Next on the list was FE7, which really got me into the older entries of the series since it was a bit harder than FE8 and had in my opinion a more interesting story. After that I played FE6, it looked like an unpolished version of FE7 with increased difficulty, which was a worthy trade-off in my opinion so I like it as well. FE11 was cool, there's not a whole lot I could say about it. FE12 was in my eyes FE11 but better in most ways. FE4 was amazing, I loved the atmosphere and (most) mechanics of the game. Until just now, I've been in a love-hate relationship with Thracia: It's really cool if you have gained a certain amount of knowledge about the game but the problem was that I was playing Blind so the game wasn't enjoyable at all.

    All in all, I like the old games more than the 3ds era but I don't think that they were that hard. Thracia's difficulty was overhyped in my opinion, it's just beginner-unfriendly.

  7. I think assassins should have at least the same str cap rogues have honestly.

    Also, Gerik having more con is nice, but same con than hero Garcia is a bit of a stretch.

    By the way, is there any particular reason you changed some portraits? Neimi actually bugs me a little...

    I think you got your numbers mixed up. Geriks Con was nerfed, it was 13 in the original FE8. Hero!Gerik also has +1 Con over Hero!Garcia in the original (Gerik 15 and Garcia 14, in case you wanted the exact numbers).

  8. Low-manning would probably reduce the difficulty.

    There are several other ways to make the game challenging:

    1. 0% Growths
    2. Increasing enemy growths
    3. eclipses suggestion
    4. No promotion, no prepromotes run
    5. Seth-less LTC/efficiency with added restrictions like no mounts/girls only etc. Just be creative with this one.
  9. I wanted to say Lances because I'm used to having them on Wyverns but ultimately my vote goes to Axes for the sake of weapon diversity.

    Lances, because Wyverns are already way too strong. Switching Wyverns from Lances to Axes amounted to a straight buff with no associated downsides and no real change in the way they played.

    Switching from Lances to Axes does have a downside. Drop Chrom on a mountain/forest in chapter 7 with the Falchion equipped and he can trivialize the Wyverns on all non-L+ difficulties. Lance!Wyverns would at least be a small threat in that case but Axe!Wyverns get completely trivialized. You can deal with most Wyvern Riders by throwing a well-trained Falchion!Chrom at them. At least up until Ch 24, Swordbreaker kinda rules that option out.

  10. Lots of questions here. But before I get to those: I've been lurking this thread since its creation and I have to say that this LP is super informative. I'm looking forward to more.

    To be honest, this is the first time I have seen a screenshot LP with this much effort put into it. You provide Gifs, music, translation tidbits and strategies that I'll probably also use in my FE4 Max Rank run. Sorry, no criticism from my side for now. If I can think of something later, I'll make sure to edit my post.

    FE, all sorts of Pokemon, Mother 3 and some more. I don't know about the rest of the viewers but I can relate to that. There might not be an XP rank in that game but a substantial amount of my strategy in my PMD Sky challenge run consists out of running away.

  11. I have yet to play Fates but as far as I can tell, the gameplay is a lot more balanced than Awakenings. IS should add some old stuff like Canto or maybe even Fatigue/Capture (won't happen but it would be awesome) but I don't think it's necessary to completely go back to the old formula. A mix between new and old would be much more enjoyable in my opinion.

    Though, I'd like to see children gone.

  12. I do not despise it per se but chapter 5 on L+ is always annoying to deal with. Wyverns with Hawkeye/Luna+ are really threatening, same goes for Counter!Wyverns.

    I have yet to find a reliable way to beat this chapter without resorting to Interceptors turtle strategy (Last time I played offensively and somehow got away with it but I got lucky with the skill distribution and the Barracks boosted my Avatars stats a bit too).

    Chapter 2 was, for some reason, never much of a problem for me. It's a difficult map for sure but not hard enough to really make it memorable, at least in my case.

  13. I remember that he was a dodgy pain in the neck in vanilla - Ephraim with Reginleif had something like a 56% hit rate, even when he was "weighed down" with the Longbow. I think what I did was use the Killing Edge on Seth, while mini-Seth (Franz) was busy up north.

    I actually tried to take him down with KE!Seth as well (I only mentioned the Horseslayer hit rates because I thought that you were supposed to use that against him) but somehow he missed 3 times in a row. Oh well, I guess I can't expect much from a 62% displayed Hit.

    - Bertrand:

    Ya, he was a dodge/def tank in the vanilla too.

    Hardly had to touch hist SPD/Luck.

    However, he receives that evasion from the gate bonus he is standing.

    Had the same issue with Gheb: wanted him to have the same stats with Binks

    but Gheb has throne bonuses

    and he resulted in being quite weaker than Binks

    to balance things out.

    Could reduce his SPD-1 or -2 which with True Hit will give 3~6% more Hit% to your units. But i really don't want to nerf him more than that.

    - Ch10 reinforcement:

    I see. It is easy to make them appear 1 or 2 turns later, but that means they will keep the player busy for 2 more turns

    taking that time from Bertrand.

    It would be essential to extend the turn limit at least by 1 turn unless it is easy to handle the Commander with Bertrand together.

    Yeah, -1 or -2 Spd sounds like a reasonable change.

    Technically speaking, you'd only need Halberd!Duessel VS. Bertrand since he 2HKOes, has WTA (and after a small Spd nerf hopefully acceptable Hit) and doesn't get much damage in return but I think you might want to give the Player a bit leeway. In the end, it really is up to you but giving one extra turn would probably be the right course of action.

  14. Out of the ones I've played (FE 4-8, 11-13), it's probably Rutger. The points that the above poster has made might be true but Rutger's contribution is still much bigger than the one from guys like Shanan/Shiva/Guy etc. hence why my vote goes to him (or rather would go to him if the poll would allow it. Oh well.)

  15. - The Commander at Emphraim-Ch10:

    Yeah, i found him too somewhat beefed.

    But because he was still weaker than Bertrand(?) (Boss Ch.10) I thought it should be OK.

    The "problem" is that he is either joke weak or somewhat a respectable commander.

    At least his SPD sucks so he won't be able to kill any frontliner.

    Maybe i should reduce his Lv. to 1 which will bring all his stats -1 and HP -3.

    In 1 run, I killed all his squad first and then him,

    in another run i killed him first and tanked his squad.

    It works both ways but yeah you need your 8 best units (including 2 mages) with D~C rank weapons to do that.

    The turn limit of the chapter has been extended but if you feel too pressed to do everything

    maybe i should extend the chapter turn limit by 1 or 2 more turns.

    Wouldn't it be more effective to derail the reinforcements by ~2 turns?

    I used Seth so much in the beginning because the reinforcements arrive relatively soon. Derailing their arrival a little bit would make it more feasible to beat the early enemy rush with non-Seth units.

    The main reason as to why I countered the reinforcements only with Seth was because there were still a lot of enemies in the south: Cormags Wyvern Riders, a bunch of Mercenaries and some pirates. My main army was busy dealing with those so Seth went to the north and dealt with those guys alone. If they would arrive a bit later then it would be more feasible to face them with your full army and beat them as you described.

    You could extend the turn limit but I don't think that you really need to. I got everything except Bertrands (btw, he is stronger than the commander, in case you were asking that) Knight Crest and that only because I got RNG-screwed (missed 4 out of 5 ~60% hits and the enemy somehow kept blocking me from getting to him for a turn or two). Furthermore, my strategy wasn't optimized, it was mostly improvised because I beat it during my second attempt (resetted once because I thought that Cormags group moves immediately and my plan was kinda screwed when I found out that it doesn't) and I didn't know how everything would develop at that point.

    By the way, was Bertrand intended to be so dodgy? I just checked a save I made before trying to take him down and he has 65 Avoid and nothing weighs him down. My Seth has 52% Hit with a Horseslayer when he has the Longbow equipped and much worse hit rates VS Lancereaver. Duessel has 64% VS Lancereaver.

    If you want to make it easier for the player to accomplish all side objectives, consider nerfing his AS so that the player can hit more reliable/double/steal the Knight crest. Adding a turn would work too but I think that players who are better at planning ahead of time than me could get bored in the last few turns because the only hing they'd be doing would be fighting Bertrand.

  16. Wait, is the lethality formula based on crit, or based off of skill?

    According to the site it's half your crit rate. The patch notes didn't mention any changes with regards to skills so we can presume that it stayed that way.

    Leaving that aside, I've been playing this hack for a few days now and really enjoyed it so far so thank you for creating it.

    I'm playing Ephraim Hard mode without grinding and just finished chapter 10.

    Chapter 10 was the most intense map so far since so many things were happening at once and there were also many side objectives adding to the difficulty and making everything more entertaining but I still have a problem with the design of said chapter:

    It's too much of a Seth/Duessel solo.

    Reinforcements spawn in the starting area at the beginning of turn 5 (if memory serves) so you want to move as quick as possible. However, there's a wall of Fighters/Mercenaries in your way. Fighters are easy to take down but Mercenaries have 15 AS at that point. The only thing that ORKOes those guys gets 2/3RKOed in return, except Seth who can solo that part without any problems. It's definitely possible to solve this puzzle with weaker units but you don't have the time considering that reinforcements will spawn soon and there's generally a lot going on in this chapter.

    The reinforcements themselves suffer from the same problem:

    The Great Knight commander is pretty strong and he brings 6 or more cavaliers with him. The player will most likely just throw Seth/Duessel at them and call it a day. I mean, I know that it's possible to take them down with weaker units if you plan things out carefully (it's still kinda hard, though. The Commander has WT control and a Physic!Troubadour is nearby) but the player has other tasks to accomplish (recruiting Cormag/Duessel, rushing to the boss so that you can get his Knight Crest, possibly taking down one of the Ballista to get the stat booster/3000G etc) so he'll just make this one as simple as possible.

    To sum it up: I think that chapter encourages the use of Seth/Duessel to trivialize puzzles that were supposed to be hard too much. That's at least what I think about this chapter.

    Don't take this criticism the wrong way, though. The hack was great so far and the things I've mentioned are the only things that bug me. All in all, the hack is really good so far.

  17. Nah, I wouldn't say that Miriel is underrated. She can be a good unit in L+ provided you give her enough kills in chapter 3 and the Lunatic club acknowledged that the last time I checked (which is admittedly a while ago). One could fault her for being so squishy when you get her but that applies to the whole cast sans Fred/Robin.

    Maybe she is underrated outside of SF but to me it doesn't look like people underrate her here.

  18. "Longtime Lurker Joins -- Gets Warm Welcome", end quote. *sickening minty-fresh smile*

    Welcome to the forums, Cyas!

    How do you feel about Gyakuten Kenji 2 and Dai Gyakuten Saiban never getting overseas translations? Personally, at least GK2 has a fan translation, but the fact we're never going to get DGS is absolutely ridiculous to me.

    It's unfortunate, and that's putting it mildly. I didn't even know that the second one isn't coming overseas.

    Man, I really wanted to play that game.

  19. Hello everybody!

    I've been lurking this forum for more than one year, possibly even two. I decided to finally join because I started playing the FE8 Master version and wanted to thank the creator and give him constructive criticism. Also, I've always wanted to participate in a FE draft and this is a good place to try one out.

    I got into the series with Awakening. I played that game for a year on pretty much all modes (except Hard, I jumped straight to Lunatic after Normal, for whatever reason), sometimes in a casual way, sometimes with added challenges. At some point I decided to try out the other Fire Emblem games and now I've played eight of them (FE 4-8, 11-13) and am loving the series. My latest FE experience was a Blind and Savestateless playthrough of Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. Don't be stupid like me, inform yourself at least a little bit about FE5 before you start playing it. Seriously, that was a pretty frustrating FE experience. I finished it a few days ago.

    Other franchises I enjoy: Mario, Pokemon (non-competitive, sadly), Zelda, Phoenix Wright, Layton etc.

    Anyway, that's all I got. Hopefully I'll enjoy my time here.

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