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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrGqcz7iaUU&feature=youtu.be last defence chapter, (kind of) I hope you're all hyped for 31x.
  2. I don't know why, but I thought FE8 weapons only gave +4 for some reason... I was just looking at this image and Lute had 4 con, I assume your body ring is still hanging around somewhere though. She does get oneshotted though.
  3. I'm pretty certain the statboosters exist in the main story in the japanese version can you set up chapter 4 so that you break a javelin on the EP so the when the boss attacks he gets killed by a stronger weapon?
  4. I've definately had Lyon use Nosferatu for some reason, no idea what causes it though. How's Lute going to double Fomortiis? She only has 20 speed with Excalibur.
  5. just wanna say that having a template for these kind of topics is totally awesome. Recruitment Theme: FE4's for sure. FE9's is good too though. Map Theme: FE4 Chapter 5. Preparations Theme: i honestly only remember FE8's because it was in brawl. Battle Theme: Last Dragon, Jahn's theme in FE6. If its generic battle themes, I have no opinion since I play with animations off thus I don't get to hear them. Arena Theme: Uhhh I only really remember FE11's so i'll go with that one. Final Map Theme: FE13's hands down. Enemy Phase: Verdane Army from FE4. Event Music: Descision 2, also from FE4.
  6. Well, I think i've managed to get priscilla 7 levels in sands of time, which puts her up to 24 magic, along with Pent, and Canas hit 26 magic, which I believe is good enough to 3 turn Victory or Death by just looking at the map. It only costs two warps and a rescue as well, leaving me with 2 rescues and 5 warps for endgame which is uh, alot. I'll try to make use of them though! EDIT: I finished Sands of Time, and added a poll just for fun. If you pick other, you're probably gonna be wrong, and bear in mind that the total doesn't include Lyn mode!
  7. im pretty sure you can't use nils in chapter 30, and you definately can't in chapter 31 because he's like IMA HELP and the generic soldier is like NO YOUR SISTER DIED GO HIDE And i'm gonna be dead honest, I figured out Cog on my 2nd run, I just had to switch Kent's and Marcus's positions because the staves would hit Kent but not Marcus since he had 5 more res. All the staves were like 43 hit at best, so it really wasn't too bad since I think there were only 6? attempts by the enemies? I had a really favourable run with the RNG though for sure. I'm still gonna slog out Sands of Time since I want more magic levels on Canas and Pent and I want other units to be able to kill stuff in endgame other than Kent and Heath and Canas I guess.
  8. once i finish this run i'll see if I can help out, hopefully I'll finish this by the end of the week, but I might put it off because of sands of time just pm me/post your save and i'll have a look at it probably next week since i'm actually pretty busy this coming weekend
  9. he probably doesn't even orko the sniper either, Heath needed the short spear and has higher strength, I imagine Harken needs at least one speedwing anyway to double some valks and Linus so I think he would double, I forget though. as for the eclipse druid, I have no idea honestly, because Heath was for sure in KO range. He did have existant hit with Eclipse, maybe his AI prioritizes not dying or something over killing enemies. and godammmit sands of time definately kills my will to play fire emblem here's chapter 30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCFC9MKSiQE&feature=youtu.be
  10. i honestly have no idea how one would even 5 turn in 0%, does Harken have to kill Linus too?
  11. Its only 8% crit, but he has 4 attacks. Its not realiable by any means, but I just really don't want to do BBD again, and honestly its more reliable than some of my past bosskills, so I'm just gonna roll with it.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eei-i29g3Cs&feature=youtu.be 4 turns I left animations on for the first two turns just to showcase that the staff hit really wasn't that high, and to show what Heath and Ninian faced on turn 2 EP. On another note, I kinda fucked up and Hector is one square short of Killer Axing the Chapter 30 boss, so i'll just have to rig a handaxe crit. I could theoretically backtrack to chapter 28, but I have no desire at all to play that hellhole again, so I'm just gonna rig the handaxe crit.
  13. JUST KIDDING I THINK I DID IT I think it only involves one staff dodge too thats over 40%.
  14. Canas isn't doubling or taking damage from anything but Luna in cog anyway, speedwings would be wasted on him. The Valks have anywhere from 23 to 16 AS, most float around 20 though. Killing them isn't really a huge problem though. Hector will probably get one, idk about the second yet though. Pretty much impossible to do in 4 turns, 5 it is.
  15. Yeah, I think the only way I can get anyone to double stuff in Cog is by giving either Sain or Eliwood two speedwings, which isn't happening. I think i'll just sit on them for now, and unless I actually see a use for them, I won't bother. on the plus side...
  16. I also still have two speedwings left, dunno who should take them though. I'll post some screens of my team below and see if anyone has any suggestions. aaand nobody else is strong enough to be deployed anymore. I still have Vaida joining this coming chapter too.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckoy3wCy4G0&feature=youtu.be 3 turn clear Canas doesn't really face very high staff hitrates this chapter, its from like, 27-39 hit. Also for some reason the berserk bishop and sleep bishop would target heath if he didn't have a talisman, but ignored him if he did. Cog is dumb.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6plRXLmg-o&feature=youtu.be zzzzzzzz 28x up soon
  19. Jaffar only really has a chance to die on turn 3, and ironically if he gets super lucky and never gets hit, his chance of death goes up, lol. If he elixirs on turn 3, he's pretty much guarenteed not to die though, unless you leave him to solo stuff until his weapon breaks or something stupid. I never got it when people found it hard to protect Zephiel though, the almighty 6 move of Canas gets there in time lure the Mercs that ORKO him on time pretty easily. I think I dislike Dennings chapter more because of poison weapons and longbows
  20. ya, max res hector would have been worth it i hate chapter 28 so much, but i've finally got a way to finish it the way I want to, and it gets Canas the requisite 20 magic to do staffing in 28x, and the B staves too since he needs the berserk and rescue staves. Pent could have done it, but it'll be easier to get Canas to cap out his magic since he's a little lower level. 28x is ridiculously easy too, so i'll probably get that up afterwards too. I highly doubt you'll see Cog today though!
  21. while that is true, i doubt you'll get a whole lot of exp on some units since it pretty much involves leaf and Celice doing their thing and hitting level 30 way before everyone else and continuing to kill stuff while not getting exp there's a TON of enemies in gen 2 though, so you might be ok. now that this is active again, I might post my run as reference again,
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