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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. did 65% to PKL new record it's really cool actually playing against someone who knows what they're doing though, holy shit
  2. I assume we just post in the thread or something when we're done? I have advanced (vs dandragon) to be vanquished by PKL next round!
  3. I'm still super confused on the unlocks. I got ROB after clearing 100 man melee (with 79 trophies) and Wario after classic mode 6/7 or 8 One of my friends got Game & Watch before Duck Hunt Dog too. Regardless had a good time. Yoshi seems really really good (even if I can't play him) and Shulk and Wario seem beyond awful in my opinion anyway.
  4. my guess is that he's just raising her staff rank for later.
  5. base saleh takes 2 damage from him if you attack from range his hit isn't very good but you'll win eventually.
  6. I agree with the mentality of having tournament based on rankings once they're established, it's no fun for some people if they just get thrashed first round every tournament because they have to play somebody who's been hardcore into smash for years or something. Like the top 4 or 8 would be prohibited from joining a lower level tournament (I'm sure there will be enough that they wouldn't feel excluded) and maybe visa versa if you're a casual like me be prohibited from tougher tournaments, although that is a way to hurt some people's feelings, so maybe it's not such a great idea. I agree with the idea anyway, and it doesn't mean every tournament should be like this anyway. LESS THAN ONE DAY HYPE regardless.
  7. I imagine I'll be able to start around 2ish at the latest, and its not really something I can just tank. Thanks!
  8. yo doof, you listed your tourney starting on the 4th at 11pst and ending at 9pm pst on the 5th, I just wanted to make sure this means that we don't have to immediately start our matches at 11 right? Like I should have no issues completing it a few hours after it (i'm getting toured around the office at my job at 10 on the 4th, so i'll probably be avaliable at like 1 or 2), am I right in assuming that the time period is more expansive because of schedules and stuff right? If you guys really want to start at 11 I might have to sub out tho.
  9. Rescuing, opens up a whole new aspect to the game. I guess most things do that though, so I don't really have a reason for it I guess!
  10. that actually makes a lot of sense (the chapter 4 thingy), I kinda thought you might have forgotten about the arena. I just find Lachesis doesn't ever need the elite ring because staves. Beowulf getting it is still a pretty good idea though, if I ever do that again I'm gonna try to do the thing I suggested earlier in the thread and have Delmud inherit it so he can have Elite in Chapter 7 (although it's really not needed...) since Lex!Leen has elite anyway and the bargain ring is wasted on her
  11. why wouldn't you rig prayer fights though? It doesn't even require any rng abuse unless she's getting oneshotted or something, which is honestly really unlikely if she's been clearing the other arena stages and actually dancing. If you're going fast, I can understand a little more though. I don't really know if he did or not, since for whatever reason sylvia got to round 7 in the Chapter 4 arena but failed to beat the first arena guy in chapter 3 (wut) I usually just give her the Bargain ring in chapter 2 so she can just use the elite ring during all the chapters pretty much, other units don't need it as much other than in the arena. 100 dances gives you 20 levels, and 9 arena levels isn't too hard, but I guess not everyone does that.
  12. im really confused how you managed to almost max everyone but failed to cap sylvia's level, she's one of the easier units to cap out. who got your bargain ring?
  13. http://youtu.be/RqWy9UGOB4s?t=7m27s its really underwhelming, it's from about 727 till 734
  14. i bought it on release and played the hell of it for about a month and a half then I got extremely bored with it and haven't played it since. I think it's a fun game, but as a FE game, I don't think it's designed very well, if that makes any sense.
  15. honestly i think it was pretty clear she wasn't trying to insult the country, just sounds like she's jealous that canada got some games before the states sure the wording could have been better, but there was pretty clearly no malice in the post that being said i hope the break the street dates here again so I can get another game early :)
  16. pkl is a scrub 16th seed hopefully I actually unlock everyone before the tournament, hahaha.
  17. did you download the modules? It tells you how to do it step by step there. It can be kinda confusing though, so.... you need a program (the notepad recommends dslazy, google it) to decompile the rom, which is pretty self explanatory. once it's done, you should get a folder called NDS_UNPACK with two folders, data, and something else I forget that isn't relevant in the data folder, there's another "data" folder, and in it is a file called the database, you have to decompress that file using nintenlord's compresser (which I believe comes in the nightmare module downloads, otherwise it's in his topic in hacking resources i'm sure. once you have this file, open it in nightmare, and load the "character module", and it should be good to go. Note that the growths seem lower than normal, because they're the units base growths, without factoring in class growths. Same goes for bases. When you're done changing stuff, you have to recompile your edited "database" file using nintenlords compressor, and replace the old database file in the data folder of the NDS UNPACK, then use DSlazy to recompile the rom, at which point it should be useable.
  18. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26737&hl=nightmare they're there, they're a little harder to use than the gba ones, but they're explained well enough I find.
  19. from my limited experience in fiddling around with shadow dragon, its definately possible to change weapon hitrates and where units spawn, and you can add some units without breaking the game, but you have to be careful about it (I added Athena to chapter 6, and Horace to 12 without reprucussions) I'd think the weapon triangle would be hardcoded, but someone more knowledgeable than me would know more about it. I think there are some dropdown options in nightmare that can give classes +hit/crit, but I forget if avoid is an option.
  20. These sound like fun, I'll join! If you want a free win fight me in round 1 My internet has been wonkey recently, but I should have it fixed by then. If not i'll let you know before Oct 1st or w/e. I'll retrieve my FC in a minute. FC: 5300 8613 2871 im not a smash expert, but im a little more familiar with tournaments, and single elim is kinda cheesy, but BO3's partially alleviate the problem, and like you said, it's a good timetable for how long they'll take for future tournaments.
  21. azel still really struggles with the chapter 3 arena, speed ring or not. I usually just toss someone the hero sword and elite ring (like ayra/holyn/beowulf/noish/alec) and let them go to town
  22. shots fired anyway I've heard what I wanted, good luck! I really hate FE6 but your videos make it bearable to watch.
  23. dat production value but honestly its great that you provided a bunch of links and explained everything beforehand for people that don't entirely know what's going on. also i hope the low play time doesn't interfere with the low turns at all and is just making the videos as fast as possible so they're nicer to watch
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