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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. knife won 3-0, gg's need to work on my offstage work wait, why did I need to report this, he made the tourney
  2. sorry dusk, I have to run out for a few hours, I'll be back in 3 hours, but that's probably SUPER LATE where you live so we'll probably have to play tomorrow... which works earlier rather than later for me. Post a time and i'll probably be able to make it work. I'm a really early riser too so if you wanna play earlier on I'll probably be awake.
  3. I've added you PKLucas if you wanna play now. I'm open for the next hour or so then i'll be around at around 730 MST (930EST) for the rest of the night.
  4. I'm around now actually if you're available fc is 5300 8613 2871
  5. warriors having bows is largely useless, they still are stuck with Irons and due to the way weapon ranks work they'll be lucky to get past D before endgame
  6. zuko's only around for another half hour anyhow, so I guess it won't happen. We tried I guess!
  7. gaiden has caps greater than 20, but FE3 still doesn't.
  8. Im pretty sure i've seen icesage around in skype the last few days, he might be around dunno, I shot him a PM. EDIT: Ice said he'd be able to play later, i'm guessing he'll post something here?
  9. im sure like 8000 people have asked but slowpoke = quint right? and yeah gg's elie asked for DA GANON and got the DORF in one game anyway and he almost came back after being down a whole stock more or less
  10. lets do thursday, what timezone are you? I can make time at some point between 4-10 MST if that works for you
  11. as long as you're avaliable on thursday evening sometime i'll be able to do it then, unless you're really keen on getting it done ahead of time in which case I could still play tonight in a few hours
  12. for whoever im playing, i'm avaliable for the rest of the night, but will be pretty busy wednesday and thursday so if we can't get at least the first round game done, i'll have to drop out
  13. my internet doesn't like me tonight, we'll get it done eventually.
  14. honestly its mostly been quint who's been unavaliable for the most part and im sure the weekdays won't do anything to alleviate that fact i'm generally avaliable from around 4-11 MST on weekdays anyway elie it also couldn't hurt to post when you're avaliable, quint posted something a little while back then never really said anything for the next few days also there's not much point in having tournament deadlines if they're not going to be anywhere close to being enforced, people sometimes do have to make themselves avaliable for these timewindows, and its really not fantastic to make yourself avaliable for something then not ending up having to do so in the first place i understand stuff can come up, but when it happens multiple times in every tournament, well, might as well not have any deadlines at all
  15. i'm now avaliable for a good majority of the night, off work now still really haven't heard from anyone else in the game i'm supposed to play in tho, will probably just drop out if a time isn't agreed on by tomorrow
  16. rfof won 3-2! someone teach me how to fight rosaluma DDDD:
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