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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Thany only turns Tate into an NPC after recruiting Klein. I think she was needed down south to get the village anyway.
  2. this is what i've figured out so far (note I actually haven't quite figured out how to kill some of the dudes, definately need to trigger kishuna earlier than turn 4, and Rath needs to kill the troubadour with the Brave bow because it has 12 speed, and nobody on the team has 16 AS from range) deployment: isadora has the devil axe to OHKO walls. Hector, Hawkeye and Fiora have the keys. I also didn't deploy Merlinus because the druid closest will target him when kishuna goes away, you don't need Merlinus anyway. The Bishop and Druid closest to the start also don't combine to KO a +6 pure watered Heath, and he ORKO's both of them with the short spear, which is pretty useful.
  3. I think you can still 4 turn with the berserk staff, I killed all enemies except the berserk bishop near the middle by turn 4 down a door key, so I essentially had to have Marcus waste a turn retrieving one from the druid. and there's no worse feeling than finding out you're short on something stupid like a 50g door key.
  4. Do you need the angelic robe for a specific unit later on? also I wish you had one more door key :(
  5. yeah kinda looks like you don't have anyone to use it, which is a shame, it's really good in chapter 24 too (that's the other rout before endgame right? The not Aversa chapter) although you can probably just get away with spamming magic with your dudes. I didn't think Basilio would be useful beyond maybe using rally strength though. I was really more referring to the 5 turn clear though, it just seems way too long for the chapter. You don't have to restart or anything, but I was just sharing my thoughts.
  6. 23 is the chapter with the huge purple wall right? 5 turns seems like a LOT for a small rout chapter, although I'm guessing its due to MU having most of the exp and being stuck in the top half of the map. Regardless I'm seeing 3 tops being more likely, I cleared it in 2 turns in a draft using more or less 6 units + olivia and no galeforce, so I'm sure you'd be able to get at least three. Though I did have Panne, and I doubt any of your non-MU units have combat that resembles hers in the slightest. Due to the restrictions of said draft I couldn't use MU either, so I only was able to kill the weak Validar on turn 2. EDIT: You probably should have got Helswath (if anyone can use it) since its 1-2 range and super strong.
  7. Fury can also use the return staff too, if you have the cash to pass that around, and Lachesis should probably inherit that anyway and she has lots of money to rebuy it if necessary. Seconding Azel/Aideen and Rescue!Sety too. Fee gets warp too, although I don't think that'll be that useful.
  8. thank god you got it, lucius mvp, 700 exp exactly is pretty crazy i might give 23x a shot tomorrow, but i'm pretty behind on some stuff I have to do around the house (namely an operational kitchen sink). i've played 23x like 3 times ever though so i might not be very helpful anyway who did you give the chapter 22 bosskill to instead of Rath? (it probably doesn't matter tbh though)
  9. You can only get elite in two ways, one of which is elite mode itself, the other is having the skill, and like sirmola said, the sword gives you the skill, so only a 4x multiplier is possible, which is still pretty ridiculous. Elite sword Nanna is the best since she doesn't have to use the sword to benefit from it, since she can just use staves while having it equipped.
  10. I don't think it's possible to reach the 700 exp threshold without rigging the wyvern stats. Rath should really only face death on turn 1, and odds are in his favour. That being said I don't think i'll make any more progress today EDIT: cleared it in 3 turns with 703 exp... the HP/Res of 4 wyverns needs to be rigged though, which is pretty annoying. Aside from Raven double critting the first boss, the rest of the chapter really isn't that bad either. I dunno if that's too much abuse for your liking though. I'll try to put some screencaps together at some point but I don't think i'll have time tonight.
  11. She does kill the elfire mage in Canas's way though (unless he proc's defence and hp or something when reloading for Wyvern HP/res) at the very least. I think I've figured out another three turn, not sure if it gets 700 exp though.
  12. Yeah, I rigged their hp/res so it works out obviously. The thwomps near Rath need to have proper HP/def so he orko's with a brave bow too. honestly at least fe7 enemies are lame enough that 10 magic and 11 speed orko's almost half the map anyway. EDIT: I think i can do it if Heath kills Paul with a javelin @ 40 hit. It does require a Raven double crit though.
  13. The sages have 12 speed right? Promoted Heath wouldn't be able to do her job then, I assume. I'm pretty sure the other two uses definately aren't needed though. turn 1, canas used heal on Raven after he handaxed the mage near the start and was rescuedropped by heath/fiora the wyverns suicide on canas, along with the archer. And yeah, it appears that in this load while rigging the wyvern durability Paul spawned with 1 less defence. I'd have to figure something else out in that case. Raven can get into melee range of jasmine on turn 2 here though. WRT to Canas, the mage I have the cursor on is blocking him from moving ahead unless he's killed. fiora does orko him, but there's usually another mage next to Paul that she kills (raven had the handaxe equipped here because I forgot to equip the KE and killed him) and Heath needs the exp from said mage to reach 700 I think (in a successful run, I got 715 exp, not sure how fiora killing the mage would alter things, i'll try it out). Fiora has totally got attacked by a wyvern before, I think it's the turn 2 dude that spawns to the south though, he's normally not in range of anything so he probably flies towards Pent. But I did manage to three turn without the ring, heath hits level 10 so he's promotable for the next chapter if you need another 8 move dude. I think I might be able to get the ring though, give me a bit. Only if Paul spawns with one less defence though, otherwise i'd need a double crit I guess.
  14. Why exactly does Isadora need the body ring? I'm 99% sure i've found a way to 3 turn with 700 exp without the ring, I'm not sure if I can work getting it into my strategy. As for Heath's exp, he kills the first boss on turn 2, and a mage canas weakens on the player phase on the EP, along with countering a monk. He kills the other boss on turn 3, along with the same monk he weakened from before (Priscilla physic's him) Rath aggros the first nomad and cavalier after killing a knight on turn 1, and he kills the first nomad on turn 2 EP (he orkos with Brave) and draws the cavalier. Him and hawkeye can combine to kill the 1st cavalier (rig Hawkeye to not crit or rig a killer bow crit with Rath, one or the other). Raven orko's the other nomad with the hand axe on turn 2 EP since the boss breaks his killing edge. The last cavalier kinda sucks to kill, I needed a Hawkeye killer crit or two brave axe hits, not sure which is more reliable (1 52% crit @ 64 hit vs 2 54 hits @ 22 crit) i'm inclined to say brave is slightly better odds but i'm too lazy to figure it out. The only other stuff that really needs to happen is Raven needs a crit + hit on each boss with the KE, and Pent needs to tank a certain amount of damage so wyverns target him over Fiora on turn 3 (maybe, not sure where the wyverns show up on HM).
  15. affirmative i would expand on it but i've gotta catch a plane so if you have any query beyond that i'll answer it tomorrow
  16. I was just having ninian dance priscilla to spam for experience every turn with barrier and physic (I don't expect you need any more physic uses than what Pent's provides). NInian doesn't need to dance anyone useful to 3 turn. I had him use a pure water though, don't know if you need those for later, looked like you had lots. She gets 123 exp this way, I don't think any other unit would accomplish getting as much. also hilariously enough i had not switched everyone's growths to zero initially and Rath got a blank.
  17. Well that explains it then. Regardless even with Heath netting the bosskill its still only a three turn without 700 exp, and Heath gets about 2.5 levels and Rath gets 1.5.
  18. On one of my runs, he attacked Raven from 1 Range with the steel axe, and he doubled with the killing edge; hit + crit then Heath finished and Raven killed the stupid longbow archer the next turn. Not gonna lie I forgot Falcoknights could use swords. I don't really know what caused him to attack Raven at 1 range tho, he was full health. Maybe it's related to weapon uses? There were only 2 uses left.
  19. yeah me too, I never bothered restarting for stats so the wyverns always were left with 2hp for me. (who needs the body ring btw) But yeah I don't think it's possible unless you do something dumb like lure both bosses with Axereaver!Heath or Fiora (they double both of them) on turn 1 and then they get their support and their hit and crit increases and its scary shit.
  20. Canas can orko archers and has pretty good movement, there's a stupid archer that sucks at moving through the sand that's kinda of out of the way. Serra would only add three torch uses since she only has C Staves and can't use Physic. Barriered Fiora takes like no damage from mages, so she might be able to weaken them for Heath as well. I'm actually starting to think it's possible again. EDIT: fuck the longbow archer he ruins everything always
  21. the closest i could get to 700 in chapter 23 was 672 and that was with rigging raven hand axe misses so heath could kill some mages on the enemy phase, and with Heath getting both bosskills I think it is possible, but probably too reliant on Heath dodging a bunch of mages and archers or something lame. It also breaks your Killing edge too, which might be something you need for genesis, I'm not sure. and for reference, I deployed Raven/Heath/Fiora/Canas/Priscilla/Rath/Ninian. Maybe deploying someone other than Canas could get slightly more exp EDIT: Hilariously enough Legault might be able to do Raven's job and Hector can lure over a mage or something stupid
  22. man reading that tierlist was a blast from the past! Honestly a lot of the lower units are still considered bad (like you said, Wallace and the fighters) but guys like Karel (who's only low because of not getting Harken), Vaida (avalibility) and Farina (i honestly have no idea why she's that low, were people expected to not have enough money or something?) are all pretty strong units for when they're around, then there's doods like Matthew in top tier for some reason. but I guess all your units are like, the axebros, the archers, and Eliwood are your only units until Rath so they're likely get overlevelled and be pretty ok, since all those units except maybe Dorcas are pretty good once they promote. Echoing what other people have been saying though, for a first LP, you seem to be pretty comfortable doing it!
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