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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. i think the gap between mounted units and unmounted will always be large; people are always going to find a way to make better use of mounts and fliers regardless of restrictions.
  2. I don't really like giving advice on character useage on first playthroughs since i think its more fun trying out characters without having an opinion on them beforehand, but I will respond to a few of your queries. Lugh's probably the best offensive magic user you would have had for a very long time, you get a druid later on in the game that's pretty good. Otherwise the options are pretty slim. Dorothy is no big loss, you get lots of bow users in the midgame chapters Chad doesn't promote, so once he hits level 20, that's as far as he's getting. So don't rely on him for combat too much!
  3. jedi pick your last unit otherwise i'll just let SB pick it, its been 2 days PREMONITION - 2/2 TURNS it happened. PROLOGUE - 3/5 TURNS that also happened. CHAPTER 1 - 3/8 TURNS still the standard fare. Fred handled one side, Chrom and Robin the other. CHAPTER 2 - 3/11 TURNS Chrom and Frederick handeled most of the map, Stahl and Robin nabbed the stragglers. CHAPTER 3 - 3/14 TURNS KELLAM MVP Fred paired with him on turn 1 after he was recruited, and immediately separated one space closer to the door. The door key archer suicided on Robin on the enemy phase. Stahl opened the door after recieving the key, allowing Fred (who gained Chrom on turn 2) to run through, and Javelin the boss on turn 3, one Chrom dual strike was needed in 4 attacks, and the chance was pretty good since they had a C support. CHAPTER POTHEAD - got 2.5 levels on him, just from thieves more or less CHAPTER 4 - 2/16 TURNS Fred doubled Lucina rofl DA POT got two kills on the bandits closest to the start. CHAPTER 5 - 4/20 TURNS having no flier here sucks ;( not enough 1-2 range either. I think i'm on chapter 6 now? I forget. I'll post stats after the next paralogue. Stahl has gained one more point of res than he has of strength and speed combined though, he's actually terrible. PARALOGUE 2 - did this before chapter 6 unfourtunately, I wanted Panne to get exp but my team wasn't good enough to 3 turn Chapter 6 without the exp here. CHAPTER 6 - 3/23 TURNS Fred went for Validar with Chrom, while Ricken/Robin more or less solo'd the right side, and everyone else took the middle. STATS FINALLY: UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CHROM LORD 07.86 26 11 02 13 10 09 09 03 C SWORD ROBIN TACTICIAN 14.65 29 12 14 13 17 09 11 06 C TOME E SWORD FREDERICK GREAT KNIGHT ??/06.68 35 15 03 14 15 07 18 05 A LANCE B AXE D SWORD STAHL CAVALIER 09.73 29 10 01 10 07 09 12 04 C SWORD C LANCE KELLAM KNIGHT 07.05 23 12 00 07 06 04 15 02 D LANCE DONNEL VILLAGER 09.36 24 11 04 09 09 19 08 04 C LANCE RICKEN MAGE 08.96 24 07 12 08 08 13 09 06 C TOME PANNE TAGUEL 06.80 28 11 01 14 15 12 08 03 STONES CHAPTER 7 - 3/26 TURNS Rushed the boss, that's it really. CHAPTER 8 - 5/31 TURNS Panne!Frederick reached the second seal village on turn 5, while Ricken!Robin killed the boss. Nowi and Gregor (both of which I have!) got the master seal. Panne will reclass to wyvern for the Paralogue. CHAPTER 9 - 3/34 TURNS Panne flew to the boss, others cleaned up. CHAPTER 10 - 3/37 TURNS Need a promoted flier unfoutunately :( STATS: UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CHROM LORD 10.38 26 14 03 15 12 11 10 03 B SWORD ROBIN TACTICIAN 18.81 33 14 14 15 20 12 11 09 B TOME E SWORD FREDERICK GREAT KNIGHT ??/08.10 38 16 03 14 17 07 20 05 A LANCE A AXE D SWORD STAHL CAVALIER 12.98 32 13 01 12 09 09 14 05 B SWORD C LANCE KELLAM KNIGHT 07.70 23 12 00 07 06 04 15 02 D LANCE DONNEL VILLAGER 10.16 25 12 04 10 09 20 09 04 C LANCE RICKEN MAGE 16.22 32 11 17 11 13 19 11 09 B TOME PANNE WYVERN RIDER 12/07.21 41 22 04 20 18 16 18 03 D AXE NOWI MANAKETE 10.61 26 17 09 07 10 11 17 14 STONES GREGOR MERCENARY 10.48 30 12 00 13 11 08 10 02 C SWORDS CHAPTER 11 - 2/39 TURNS Rescued Panne ahead, and she killed Gangrel on turn 1 with a Frederick dual strike. She was too low to do more on turn 2, so Frederick cleaned up (killing the non aggro thief) while Stahl handled stragglers on the left, and everyone else handled the right. CHAPTER 12 - 2/41 TURNS Dicken rescued a freshly promoted Robin to handle the left side, while Panne and Fred went for the boss. Nowi tanked in the middle and Stahl killed a couple knights. CHAPTER 13 - 1/42 TURNS yeah did some paralogues that I hadn't done earlier + morgans. STATS: UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CHROM LORD 15.59 31 15 04 18 13 16 13 05 B SWORD ROBIN GRANDMASTER 20/04.62 41 18 17 20 24 14 15 13 B TOME E SWORD FREDERICK GREAT KNIGHT ??/12.61 42 19 03 16 19 10 22 05 A LANCE A AXE D SWORD STAHL PALADIN 18/01.07 44 19 02 17 16 12 20 12 B SWORD B LANCE KELLAM KNIGHT 11.05 27 14 00 09 07 07 17 03 C LANCE DONNEL VILLAGER 12.10 27 13 06 11 10 22 10 05 C LANCE RICKEN SAGE 18/05.48 40 12 22 14 19 22 14 14 B TOME D STAFF PANNE GRIFFON RIDER 12/16/01.24 53 30 05 29 28 18 22 08 C AXE NOWI MANAKETE 16.45 35 22 14 10 11 14 19 18 STONES GREGOR MERCENARY 14.11 34 14 00 15 13 08 13 03 C SWORDS OLIVIA DANCER 07.93 34 07 04 11 13 16 07 03 D SWORDS LUCINA DARK FLIER 10/10/01.00 43 17 12 28 26 21 15 21 E LANCES E TOME
  4. In Chapter 14 Eirika route, when Caellach kills Ismaire, Lyon is still supressing the Demon King (to an extent) as he objects to killing her, and Chapter 14 Eirika definately happens later than Chapter 14 Ephraim when he gets Grado's weapons (since Grado is a fair distance away from Jehenna and you'd have to give Ephraim time to arrive there, and even on Ephraim's route, Eirika and co are already present from turn 1) So I think it makes sense.
  5. DA POT since i have no early dudes and he might get exp
  6. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/179cPp77kfDxPEdvDn0JvPKL-nCaAIiboY7R-6GSzlak/edit?pli=1#gid=0 everything's here.
  7. The +5 strength boost is only effectively for the last chapter, where Fee kinda sucks anyway regardless of stats. Noish!Fee probably caps strength anyway though.
  8. its pretty hilarious if you have DEAR on Jenny since most of the enemies are monsters, so she just instakills over half the map also yeah the chapter 4 map theme is rad. I actually really like all the overworld themes in this game.
  9. It also bugged me that dudes like Fin and Brighton's class names were "Lance Knight" and "Axe Knight" and couldn't use the respective weapons unmounted. That being said I wasn't a huge fan of the feature in the first place, I suppose it did make unmounted units a bit better than their counterparts indoors, so it has its merits there I guess. It also mass assimilated units into a bunch of 5-7 move foot units that all did pretty much the same thing though, which I found really lame.
  10. what exactly did beamcrash do in his videos? I was always confused how he never burnt RN's and still hit, crit and dodged everything with perfect levels.
  11. noish is undoubtably the best remaining option honestly though Levin!Fee still has fine combat, but it's still probably not what you're looking for. I don't think there are any actual bad pairiings for Fury though.
  12. wow, didn't expect this to be full when I got home! terrador randomed the list for me SB you're up first
  13. After doing Terrador's no avatar draft I had a good time so I thought i'd try my luck at hosting another one. Hopefully people are interested, this ones just a normal one though. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. Chrom, Avatar, Frederick, Olivia and Lucina are free for all to use. 3. The game will be played on Hard Mode Classic. 4. The last round of drafting is reversed. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may: pair up with undrafted units and trade with undrafted/drafted units (but must not be in range of a drafted unit when battling) 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to: pairing up with drafted units, meatshielding, healing and supporting with drafted units. 3. NPC units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Paralogues are optional and are free up to 10 turns. 5. Challenge battles are banned. You may have undrafted units clear a challenge battle to shop, though any items obtained must be discarded/cannot be used or sold. 6. Map shopping is allowed, excluding items sold from Anna Merchant shops. 7. Mothers are drafted with their children, but are drafted at the same time as the rest of the units. 8. Use of items obtained from event tiles, the barracks and renown items are banned. 9. Use of DLC and Spotpass (including Free Content) is strictly prohibited. 10. Forging is allowed. Extra: 1. A unit that activates Galeforce may not move or perform any action. 2. The Rescue staff can only be used once per turn. 3. Avatar may only be an unmounted class. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units performing any disallowed action is worth a penalty of 4 turns, 2. Undrafted units pairing up with drafted units is worth a penalty of 20 turns instead. Exceptions: 1. Ricken and Maribelle are free to be attacked without countering in Ch.5. 2. Nowi and Gregor are free for Ch.8. Teams: SB - Sully+Kjelle, Anna, Morgan, Lissa+Owain, Vaike, Basilio Jedi - Sumia+Cynthia, Lon'qu, Cherche+Gerome, Libra, Tharja+Noire, Say'ri MJThom_2009 - Cordelia+Severa, Miriel+Laurent, Gaius, Virion, Maribelle+Brady, Henry, Tiki Horace - Panne+Yarne, Stahl, Nowi+Nah, Ricken, Kellam, Gregor, Donnel units remaining)
  14. this this this but I guess I should post something relevant so I'll echo what most people say and suggest FE8/FE9, considering you've already played FE7.
  15. I'm gonna actually probably go back and do my unfinished FE13 drafts, I had a lot of fun with this one!
  16. awww bummer I literally just took down the videos for the run you see to be referencing while tidying up my channel this morning - it's unfourtunate that I didn't check SF first otherwise I would have left it up. Feel free to use similar strats to what I did, I'm not gonna care! A good majority of them i've had help with regardless. Also, maybe try spacing out your logs a bit more, makes them easier to read.
  17. chapter 6 chapter 6 chapter 6 ngl i pretty much know what gonna happen with the gameplay by now I just like the commentary, keep it up! I still can't imagine ever doing a LTC of FE6 with growths, i'd be a massive pain, and is pretty unexplored in general. Something i'd never dare to touch anyway. Still be pretty interesting to see though, because your 0% runs have become really really good (FE6 in particular since you've redid it so many times) just to see how many turns difference there would be.
  18. fuck you too but really I enjoy talking to quite a few people onsite, and is probably the reason i've stayed around too, including but not limited to Refa, Jedi, IceSage, Darros, SB, Doofina, Rein, and I'm loathe to admit it, Shin. Like Raven (the twat) I too miss Banzai, he was honestly really cool to talk to out of topics. AND EUKLYD HE'S RAD HE JUST REMINDED ME
  19. febro won 2-1 died to a lucario fsmash at 40% with a lead in game 3 :( gg's tho
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